Chapter 19: Graduation Pt. 1
Three Months Later
For the first time in years, my life is quiet. After Hercules was sentenced to Tartarus and some of his most powerful allies were killed, the Rebellion fell apart. Life's finally going good for me.
Hope and I are about to go on our first date(Zeus thought it would be funny to have me clean up the mess the Rebellion caused), and we're going to go to New Rome University together. I forgot to mention: tomorrow's Graduation!
Knock Knock
I was standing outside of Hope's door, ready to go on our date. She immediately opened it and stepped out. She was wearing her usual clothes, but for some reason she looked even more beautiful. I was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and a jacket.
I vapor traveled us to the Mystic Grill, a restaurant in Mystic Falls. Hope ordered a burger and a milkshake. It was a Peanut-Butter-Blast, with whipped cream on the bottom. I got a burger too, with a chocolate milkshake.
After we were done eating, Hope and I walked around Mystic Falls.
She said, "My relatives are gonna come for Graduation tomorrow."
I asked, "Anyone I should try not to piss off?"
Hope laughed, "Yeah, all of them. Especially my Uncle Kol. He's a little overprotective. They all are, but mainly him. Except for my Aunts Freya and Rebekah, they'll try to kill you on the spot."
By now, it was dark. Hope and I were about to go back to the Salvatore School when we noticed that we were the only ones outside. Which was weird considering that the street was pretty busy five minutes ago.
Hope said, "I could've sworn there were people here."
Suddenly, a group of people emerged from an alleyway and walked right towards us. Once they were twenty feet away from us they stopped. Their faces were covered by the shadows.
Matt Sloan stepped out of the shadows and said, "We asked you nicely last time, Hope. All we wanted was the secret to staying out in the sun. Now, we won't be so nice."
I protectively stepped in front of Hope and warned, "Forget about her, Sloan. Do you not remember what happened last summer?"
He growled at the reminder, "Last time, we were expecting her to be alone. And she was, but then you came. We weren't expecting a fight."
I uncapped Riptide and retorted, "Neither was I."
One of Matt's vampires charged at me. He was fast, but I was faster.
I side stepped and slashed him in the chest. He fell to the ground and turned into gold dust.
Matt was shocked. He gaped, "What the hell?! 'The fuck is that sword made out of?"
Another vampire attacked me, but before she could hit me, she flew into a tree. On impact, she was knocked out.
I looked back and saw Hope with her hands up. "Thanks."
She shrugged, "No problem."
A few more came at us, but we easily took care of them.
Eventually, it was just us and Matt. He was horrified at the piles of dust on the street. He asked me, "Who are you?"
I replied, "The god of Time."
Matt tried to punch me, but I dodged out of the way.
In one swift motion, I stabbed him in the chest.
As he turned to gold dust I joked, "You know, I was starting to think this date was a little too quiet."
Hope held in a laugh and said, "It's getting late, and we have a big day tomorrow."
I shut my alarm off and looked at the time, 7:00. The ceremony started at 10, but I had to be there at 9:15 for pictures.
I got out of bed and took a shower. Once I had my navy blue suit on, with a sea green tie, I did my hair. I know what you're thinking, how can a guy with untamable hair do his hair? After I got Aphrodite's blessing, my hair became a little easier to style. But it does take about 30-35 minutes to do though. So I only do it for special events where I have to dress in formal clothing.
By now, it was about 8:30.
I made my way down to breakfast and sat down next to Neeks and Hope's friends. Since the Salvatore School is pretty small compared to other high schools, there were only about fifty seniors total.
I finished eating at 9:00 and went outside to the football field where the ceremony's gonna be held.
When I got there, people were starting to arrive. Hope was talking to a group of people, who I'm assuming are the Mikaelsons. She was wearing simple black dress and some jewelry.
I walked over to them and Hope introduced us to each other. She said, "Percy, this is my family."
For some reason, I began to get butterflies in my stomach. I thought to myself, "You led three different wars and faded Kronos. This should be a piece of blue cake."
I stuck my hand out, "Nice to meet you. I'm her boyfriend, Percy Jackson."
A few of them started to look at me skeptically, but one stepped forward.
He had brown hair, and a goatee. He shook my hand and said, "Kol. K-O-L. I'm her uncle."
I replied, "Nice to meet you."
He looked up a little and glared, "If you hurt her, I'm gonna rip your heart out and make you eat it as you're dying."
By now, he was squeezing my hand. If he was surprised that I wasn't in any pain, he didn't show it. He let go and smiled, "Nice to meet you, mate."
"I'm Rebekah, Hope's aunt," another said. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.
Her other aunt introduced herself, "I'm Hope's Aunt Freya."
She looked similar to Rebekah but she was a little older and had green eyes.
The last one to speak was Hope's adoptive older brother, Marcel Gerard. He said, "If you hurt her, Kol won't be the only one you should be running from."
I nodded.
After a few moments of silence, Rebekah asked, "What Supernatural being are you?"
"I'm not a Supernatural."
Kol looked at Hope and scolded, "You're dating a human? Aren't humans not allowed to be students here?"
Before she could respond, I cut in, "I'm not a human. In fact, I'm the complete opposite. I'm a god."
Kol burst out laughing, "Good one, mate!"
The rest of Hope's family were nodding at his remark.
When I didn't laugh with him, he stopped. He said, "If you're a god, I'm not immortal."
"Well..." I trailed off.
Before Kol could say anything else, Hope said, "Percy, the ceremony's about to start. We have to go."
I followed Hope to where the seniors would be sitting. Hope sat down in the chair to the right of me, and Landon to my left. Next to him was Raf.
Looking at the podium, I wished my mom and Estelle were here. However, I quickly dismissed the thought because I made the right choice. Estelle doesn't need to know about the gods and Olympus. She shouldn't know. I want to keep it that way.
Alaric walked up to the podium and greeted, "Welcome everyone, to the graduation of the Class of 2020. Most schools would just have me greet you before turning it over to the student council president to give their speech. But the Salvatore School isn't most schools. Our students aren't most students. So we'll get right into it. Starting with the vampires, Milton Greasley. Kaleb Hawkins."
I zoned out for a bit until he got to the werewolves, "Rafael Waithe. Je-"
Something behind the stage exploded. I got out of my seat and ran onto it to make sure no one was seriously hurt.
I immediately ran to Alaric, since he's only human here. He was covered in dirt and he had some cuts throughout his body and face. The back of his suit was torn to shreds, but other than that he was fine.
Lizzie and Josie ran up to me and they screamed, "DAD!"
Alaric coughed, "I'm fine. Is anyone hurt?"
I looked around before shaking my head, "Not that I can tell."
Lizzie shrieked, "Percy, look!"
I got up and stood next to Lizzie. Looking in the same direction she was, I paled, slightly, "Shit."
An army of monsters were running straight towards us.
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