Chapter 13: The Final Stand Pt. 2
"Oh my god," Hope said, gasping at the sight in front of us.
I nodded, agreeing that this was a horrible sight. If I hadn't been through three wars, I would've probably hurled right about now.
"Don't worry," I said, "We're here now, and the army will be here soon. "
Hope nodded, "What are we going to do?"
I thought about it for a second before answering, "I remember seeing a lot of little kids here when we came with Vincent. Get them to the Boathouse, or another safe place if you can find one. Once you're done with that, meet up with me and we'll look for Lycaon."
Hope asked, "What'll you do while I'm gone?"
I replied, "I'm gonna kill some wolves."
"Wait," Hope said, "How are you gonna tell the difference between Lycaon's wolves and the wolves part of the Alliance?"
"Lycaon's wolves will try to kill me," I explained.
Hope shrugged, "Makes sense."
Hope and I then split up. I made my way over to a group of wolves that were fighting each other.
I called out, "Hey! Over here!"
All the wolves stopped fighting each other and looked at me. Three of the five wolves started to growl before they ran right at me.
When they got close enough, one of the wolves jumped off the ground, probably to tackle me.
I threw a fireball at the wolf in the air, throwing it backward and onto the ground. The other two wolves came straight at me, but I uncapped Riptide and used my blessing from Hephaestus to light the blade on fire.
I slashed at the two wolves, causing them to catch fire before they turned to dust.
Suddenly, I heard a roar. I turned around to see a dragon in the air; the army was here.
I saw the army of demigods and supernaturals running across the Bayou, fighting every one of Lycaon's wolves they could.
I killed a few more wolves when Hope returned. She said, "Everyone's safe. How's it going over here?"
I replied, "The army just arrived, so we're good for now. That being said, we have to find Lycaon. No supernatural or demigod is safe until he's found and captured."
Hope nodded, "But first, we need to clear out some of these wolves. It'll be hard to find Lycaon with a bunch of his wolves around."
I nodded back, agreeing. A couple of wolves were starting to towards us, so I raised Riptide and asked, "Together?"
"Together," Hope responded.
I lit Riptide's blade on fire as one wolf jumped towards me, trying to tackle me to the ground. I pushed my sword out, impaling the wolf before it could even touch me.
I looked behind me to see Hope fighting a couple of wolves with a silver dagger that Thalia gave her a few days ago.
A wolf tried to bite at her arm, but Hope dodged to the side and stabbed it in the gut. I smirked. The training I gave her has really paid off.
Hope looked at me, "What?"
I shrugged, "Nothing. Just admiring my work. I guess I'm just a great teacher."
Hope rolled her eyes, "You're not the next Chiron, so don't think about it too much."
I would have retorted, but a felt a wolf behind me. I turned around just in time as a wolf was about to jump on top of me.
I sidestepped and when the wolf landed, I kicked it toward Hope. I called out, "Here!"
Hope stabbed it with her dagger, turning it to gold dust.
While she was killing that wolf, I saw a wolf coming at her from her blind spot. I quickly threw a fireball at it, also turning it to dust.
Hope turned around to see the wolf turning to dust and said, "Thanks."
Together, Hope and I killed a few more wolves, before there were no more wolves at part of the Bayou that we were at.
Suddenly, I felt a cold chill in my spine, as if we were being watched. I turned to see a pair of glowing red eyes looking at us from the trees. Lycaon.
He jumped out from the trees with such speed that a barely had time to raise Riptide. Lycaon tackled me to the ground, and growled at me, "You can't stop me. You're just a minor god."
I tried to kick him off me, but Lycaon was significantly stronger than normal werewolves. And I couldn't change into my water form because I couldn't fully concentrate on switching. If I did, Lycaon would bite my face off before I would even get a chance to switch.
Thankfully, Hope used her dagger to slash Lycaon across his gut. Lycaon howled in pain. While he was distracted, I kicked him off and got back up.
I looked at Hope and said, "Nice job!"
Lycaon quickly got back up and growled, "That was a huge mistake, little girl."
Hope and I raised our weapons right before we both started to attack him.
I slashed at Lycaon from the side, but he dodged and grabbed Hope's arm while she was trying to stab him.
Lycaon then twisted Hope's arm behind herself and made her drop her dagger before kicking her to the ground.
Seeing Hope being thrown to the ground enraged me so much. I raised Riptide and started slashing at Lycaon
Lycaon dodged my first two strikes before he punched me in the ribs.
Not letting the pain get to me, I continued to slash and stab.
I slowly became frustrated at the fact that I couldn't land a blow. I felt my irises start to glow gold as I slowed down time, hoping it would give me the advantage I needed. But Lycaon's reflexes were too fast.
Deciding that there was no point in focusing on controlling time, I let go of my hold over it, my eyes turning back to their normal sea green.
I thought that maybe the sudden speed-up of time would mess with Lycaon, but it also didn't affect him.
My strikes continued to just hit the air for the next few minutes until I started to tire. Seeing an opportunity, Lycaon suddenly grabbed my arm and twisted it. Riptide fell on the ground and I was unarmed. Now that I was defenseless and stunned, Lycaon tackled me to the ground. He laughed, sadistically, "Even the Great Percy Jackson couldn't stop me. If you can't stop me, who can?"
Lycaon opened his mouth, giving me a look at all of his large teeth, each designed to tear apart flesh. Lycaon's head then came down as he went for the killing blow.
Suddenly, he howled out in pain. My eyes traveled down to his gut where a silver dagger was sticking out. My eyes watched as the life left his eyes and the dagger was pulled out.
Lycaon dropped dead next to me. Standing in front of me was Hope, holding her silver dagger, which was now covered in blood. Her eyes were now glowing yellow like they do when she's in her wolf form, or turning. However, her eyes were glowing with more intensity than they normally do, as if her werewolf abilities were getting stronger.
I looked at her and said, "Thanks."
Hope nodded and she put her hand out, "You okay?"
I grabbed her hand and nodded, as she pulled me up to my feet. Hope then said, "I'm glad it's over now."
"Me too," I replied. Hope and I then watched as Lycaon's body dissolved into gold dust.
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