Chapter 12: The Final Stand Pt. 1
2 Weeks Later
Percy POV:
It's now been a full two weeks since we learned that Lycaon is behind the killings. Since then, he hasn't made any noise. He's been a ghost. But that'll soon change because Hope and I are currently heading to Lafayette Cemetery, where Vincent is waiting with information on where Lycaon is.
When we arrived, we immediately heading toward Vincent, who was waiting for us at the same table he was at when he told us that Lycaon was the killer. Hope asked, "Where is he?"
Vincent explained, "The Hunters of Artemis have learned that Lycaon's base of operations is in Yellowstone."
"As in the park?" I asked.
Vincent nodded. "The demigods are currently prepping for an assault on their base at Camp Half-Blood. The Supernaturals are also ready to go. We'll head out as soon as Chiron tells us that the demigods are ready."
Hope then asked, "Wait, how are we getting there? Last I checked, Yellowstone was across the country."
"Yeah," I chimed in, "I can't vapor travel an entire army to City Hall, let alone across the country."
Vincent replied, "There's no need. We've been working on a spell that can transport large groups of people instantaneously."
Hope said, "That'll take a lot out of the witches. Can they handle it?"
Vincent nodded, "Half our witches will perform the spell to get you there, and the other half will go with you to bring you back. With the demigods there, I don't think you'll miss us in battle."
Before any of us could say anything else, a witch came to us and said, "The demigods are ready."
Vincent led us to a warehouse that was right across the street from Lafayette Cemetery. Inside were around two hundred supernaturals who were ready for a fight. They were inside a magic seal, probably so only what was inside the seal would be transported.
Vincent, Hope, and I stepped inside before Vincent ordered the witches to start the spell.
Suddenly, I felt my insides being ripped apart and my body being squished together. It felt surprisingly similar to apparating.
When we arrived, everyone, except me and Hope, puked. Luckily, Vincent said a quick spell that got rid of it, so it didn't smell the entire time we were here.
I pulled my armor-bead off my necklace and was instantly wearing my armor. A few seconds later, the demigods arrived. They were led by the Seven and Nico.
Hope and I made our way over to them and I asked, "What's the plan,"
Frank responded, "We're gonna attack them head-on and draw out their forces. From what Artemis said, there's a lot of wolves."
"Speaking of," I asked, "where are they?"
Jason explained, "They'll be here soon. A new camper just joined the Hunt so they're getting her situated."
I nodded, accepting his answer. Frank continued, "While we draw out their forces, you, Hope, and Jason'll go around and sneak into the base. Once your inside, find Lycaon and end him."
I nodded again.
Suddenly, a wolf's howl caught everyone's attention. I looked up and saw fifty or so wolves coming right at us. Frank made his way to the front of our... army, raised his fist, and yelled, "For Olympus!"
With that, he turned into a dragon and flew into the sky. I commented, "Show off."
Jason and Hope chuckled at my remark.
While the battle raged on, Jason, Hope, and I snuck into the forest and headed toward the base.
Surprisingly, the base didn't have any walls keeping people from getting in. We could just walk right into the clearing where the wolves had set up camp. Jason commented, "You would think that Lycaon would at least know to build a wall around his base."
As I stepped into the base, and out of the forest, I felt something pushing me back. I couldn't get into the base. The force that was pushing me back felt like what my mom described the camp barrier to feel like.
Hope, on the other hand, just stepped out of the forest. She looked at me and Jason and said, "Hurry up. We're exposed out here."
I replied, "We can't get through. I think Lycaon put a barrier around the base so only werewolves can get through."
Hope then realized, "If it's like the camp barrier, I should be able to give you permission to enter."
Hope clapped her hands together and said, "I, Hope Mikaelson, give Jason Grace and Perseus Jackson permission to enter the base."
The sound of thunder could faintly be heard in the distance.
Suddenly, I felt the barrier stop pushing me back, and Jason who was putting his body into the barrier fell onto the ground. I laughed a little as I stepped into the base.
We then made our way further inside the base, toward the tents. The base was pretty simple. It had a few tents and a few firepits. The tents were massive though, probably fitting 4-5 wolves in each.
In the distance was a larger structure. It was a building, a little smaller than the Big House at Camp Half-Blood. I pointed to it and said, "That's probably where Lycaon is. There's no way he's sleeping in a tent."
Jason and Hope nodded, agreeing with me. I said, "If we can, kill any wolves we find. But remember, we have to stay quiet if we want to get to Lycaon."
They nodded again before we started to sneak deeper into the base.
We covered about fifty feet when I heard something walking. I signaled Jason and Hope to stop and peeked my head out from the tent we were hiding behind.
I saw a lone wolf, probably on guard duty. I mind messaged Hope and Jason and said, "There's one wolf. He's alone."
Jason messaged back, "I'll take care of him. You two wait here."
I replied, "Okay."
Since she couldn't message us back, Hope just nodded.
Jason snuck past me and toward the wolf, whose back was turned. When he got close enough, Jason pulled out a small silver knife and stabbed it from behind. While it dissolved into gold dust, Jason put the knife back in his pocket at came back to us.
Jason then whispered out loud, "There aren't any other wolves near us. We'll be able to get to Lycaon without any trouble."
Hope and I nodded.
We made our way toward the large building in the center of the base. I got to admit, Lycaon is actually a pretty good strategist. The barrier around the base was a pretty smart idea.
When we were about fifteen or so feet from the building, I saw four wolves patrolling the entrance.
I mind messaged Hope and Jason, "I take the two on the left."
Jason replied in my head, "I'll take the ones on the right."
Jason and I went to opposite sides of the building. We couldn't attack them head-on, and we couldn't get behind them, so from the side was our best option.
I turned into my water form and then turned myself into a puddle. I crept closer and closer to the wolves until I was close enough.
I put my water form back into my human shape and wrapped my hands around the wolves' noses. After a few seconds, they were passed out.
I noticed that Jason flashed behind the two wolves he was targeting and then stabbed them from the side with his small knife.
Once we made sure that there weren't any more wolves, I motioned for Hope to come over.
She said, "In a few minutes, it'll all be over. We'll get back to focusing on the baby and our wedding."
I nodded, "That would be nice."
Jason put his hand on the door and asked, "Ready?"
"Ready." Hope and I said simultaneously.
I uncapped Riptide and Jason opened the door.
Jason, Hope, and I searched the house. We didn't find Lycaon on the ground or the top floor.
As I opened the door to the basement, I said, "He has to be down there, so be ready."
I went down the steps first, followed by Jason, and then Hope. When I reached the basement, I looked around but didn't see Lycaon. He wasn't here. I threw my hands into the air, "Dammit."
Jason put his sword away and asked, "If he's not here, where would he be?"
Hope answered, "I think I know. Look at this."
Hope pointed to a map that was on a corkboard. The map was a map of New Orleans and its surrounding area.
Hope gasped, "Oh no."
On the map was the Bayou, circled in red. Realization hit me.
"Lycaon's going after the Bayou, and he wants to wipe out all of the supernaturals in the city. That's where he'll be." Hope said.
Jason replied, "We need to get back to the army and get the to the Bayou. Now."
I nodded. I grabbed Hope's hand and vapor traveled us to the army.
When we arrived, the battle was over. Our army had won. I looked around for Frank and found him talking to Vincent.
I ran over to them and when he saw me, Vincent celebrated, "Thank the gods it's over."
I shook my head, "It's not. Lycaon isn't here. He's planning to strike the Bayou. We need to go there right now."
Frank and Vincent nodded.
Vincent then said, "It's gonna take us a few minutes to get everyone ready to teleport again. If you wanna go ahead, you're more than welcome to."
I nodded. I looked at Hope and asked, "Are you ready to go now?"
Hope nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be."
I took her hand and vapor traveled us to the Bayou.
In a split second, the sound of celebrations turned into cries of pain and suffering. Explosions were happening all around us. We saw wolves clashing, buildings on fire, and bodies of werewolves in human and wolf form lying on the ground.
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