9. Jackson!
He didn't understand. What was so cool about the guy? Shore, he's nice. And not bad looking. And super friendly, but other than that what made this guy so amazing? These were the thoughts running through Harry Potter's brain.
His two best friends spent as much time with Percy as they did with him. Heck, even Malfoy liked Percy. Well, he did say you could be his friend, a very unhelpful voice said. Harry promptly told the voice to shut up.
Why was he so jealous anyways? He still had friends. People still enjoyed spending time with him.
But Harry knew why. He couldn't accept that, Percy Jackson, a wizard that no one knew before this, could be as popular as the boy who lived.
It wasn't like Harry to be so cocky and arrogant, but he couldn't help it. Whenever he saw Percy with all of his friends he became angry.
There was something off about Percy. Only he noticed it. Or maybe it was him wanting there to be something wrong with Percy. Who knows? Well he did, but refused to admit it.
Harry's thoughts continued this way.
The author chose to switch characters, if only to further the plot, so let's go see what Percy Jackson was up to.
As luck would have it, the Hufflepuff was lost in thought. He had been trying to do some homework, but the letters floating around hurt his head and so he was taking a break.
His mind wandered to earlier that day.
*Flashback Music Plays And Flashback Begins*
It was lunch time and the Great Hall was filled with noise. Percy said goodbye to Draco and made his way to the Hufflepuff table.
This was all normal of course. What wasn't normal was the Gryffindor staring at him.
Harry was staring, no glaring at Percy. The taller boy was confused. Had he done something to offend Harry? Isn't he the one who usually offends people? Percy's inner voice said. All Percy could do was agree. Almost Everytime he had talked to the other boy, Potter let out an insult of some sort. First Draco, and then Hermione.
Acknowledging this only made Percy more confused. The wizard had only been nice. Well except for the chocolate, but it was funny. Surely Harry thought so too.
Percy accidentally made eye contact and Harry scowled. The rest of the meal, he pretended not to notice.
*The Music Plays Again, Ending The Flashback*
Alyx, the Hufflepuff from chapter seven, walked over to him. "Hey Perce", The girl said, knocking Percy out if his thoughts.
"Wha- oh, hey Alyx", The first year replied slowly.
"Are you okay?", She asked, seeing how disgruntled he looked.
"Just thinking. Today's been weird"
"Really? How so?", The third-year asked.
Percy began to explain everything that happened, a bit louder than needed. A crowd had soon formed around them. Every Hufflepuff hung on to his words. They were as confused as Percy was.
"Well, why don't you ask him what's wrong?", One of his housemates suggested.
"He's a Gryffindor", One replied to that.
Alyx looked at the younger student who said this, "We do bit stereotype here. Perce, ask him. Neither of you will have closure until you do"
The boy nodded, "Thanks, Alyx".
"Anytime. Now all of you go back to your homework", She said turning towards the crowd.
*TOMorrow In The Library*
Hermione dragged Harry and Ron to the library. They were sure to fail if she hadn't. That's when everything happened.
The trio sat at one end of the table, on the other end was, you guessed it, Draco and Percy.
Ron and Hermione waved, while Harry scowled. The two friends waved back. Percy said something to Draco, and came to sit with the three lions.
After a bit of small talk, he turned toward Harry. "Have I done something to you?"
"What?", The Boy Who Lived asked, a but shocked, but he knew what Percy was talking about.
"I said have I done something to you? Yesterday you were glaring at me. At. Every. Meal. And just a second ago, you scowled", The Hufflepuff said quickly, but calmly.
Hermione and Ron stared at Harry surprised. Harry simply said, "No. You haven't done anything to me"
"Then what's with the hate?"
"I just don't like you"
"You don't like me, but you don't have a reason not too?", Percy was flabbergasted to say the least.
"Yeah, I guess"
"That's ridiculous", The demigod said, his voice rising.
"It's really not. I don't trust you. You seem off to me", Harry said.
At this point Draco had walked over.
Percy turned towards his three friends, "Do I seem off to anyone else?"
The three shook their heads. None of them could understand what was going on.
"See! I'm perfectly on(Groff, that sounds weird) . I'm sorry if I don't worship the ground you walk on, Potter", Percy spat.
"I don't want anyone to worship me", Harry argued, "I just don't like you. It had nothing to do with me personally".
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. You could see the anger in Percy's eyes. The usually calm sea green, became dark. One could say stormy.
Smirk plastered on his face, He said in a low voice, "Well, Potter, it is personal now. If you believe that it's okay to judge people without knowing them, you have another thing coming. That's not how life works. You can't judge a book by it's cover. You have to read it's words. And you? You didn't even read the first chapter! I have made an effort to do just that. And I'm dyslexic! Take your stupid glasses and use them to see what in front of you! Because Harry Potter, the boy who lived, you just made an enemy"
To say everyone in there was shocked, would be an understatement. All mouths we're wide open, jaws slack, eyes basically out of their sockets. That was until all of the Slytherins in the library began to clap, a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw joining in.
Of course, the five of them ended up with detention, but Percy and Draco took it as a win.
Word Count: 1034
I don't know what just happened, but it did. One more chapter to go and the second book.
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