Chapter 1- Well I Didn't Expect That
*Authors Note*
I hope you guys like this. This is only the second story I've started writing, my first on Wattpad. Constructive criticism is welcome. I want to know what I could change to make my writing better.
This story is set 2 months after the war with Gaea, 5 months before Magnus Chase, and 4 months before Trials of Apollo.
Spoiler alert: Do not read this unless you have read Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Heroes Of Olympus, Magnus Chase, and Trials of Apollo.
- Aster K.
Percy POV:
Percy was in his cabin, sleeping. For once in his life, he was having a good dream about one of his and Annabeth's dates. He didn't have those often after the war with Gaea.
They were on the beach and were sitting next to each other on the warm, white sand. The waves were crashing rhythmically against the shore, barely reaching their ankles. They were laughing and talking about their weeks, enjoying each other's presence before Annabeth had to leave again.
You see, Annabeth worked as an architect on Mount Olympus, which currently resided above the Empire State Building. For the last couple of months, she was extremely busy working on some temples and shrines, and she had to stay there for weeks on end. Percy had finally gotten to see her after her longest stay yet.
But then came the Stoll brothers.
They knocked on his cabin door. When they realized it was locked, they picked it open and waltzed right in. They didn't seem to understand the need for privacy.
They were holding a big bucket of ice. Travis went to the left of his bed and Connor went to the right. They pulled it over him and dumped it on him and screamed in unison, "PERCCCCCCCCCYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!".
He jumped out of bed wearing plaid pajama pants and a plain black t-shirt, Anaklusmos in hand, and looked over to them with a murderous gleam in his eyes, but he remained entirely dry. "I swear on the River Styx if you EVER do that while I'm having a good dream EVER AGAIN-"
"OK, OK we got it." They had a glint of pure mischief in their eyes. "We just needed to say- Chiron called you to the Big House for something he needed to discuss with you. Nico and Annabeth are also there."
Percy immediately straightened when he heard Chiron wanted to talk to them. "Did he mention why?"
"No, he just said to call you. We tried to listen in, but Chiron must've enchanted the walls in the meeting room. They were entirely soundproof."
"Oh," Percy said. He started to pull some clothes out of the drawer next to his bed. "You guys can leave now. Wait- didn't I lock the door before I went to bed?"
And with that, the Stoll brothers ran off, hoping Percy wouldn't follow them and skewer them for breaking in. Percy just sighed and closed the door. He got dressed quickly and ran over to the Big House. Gods, he hoped it was nothing serious. Hopefully, it was just a new camper or a new activity for camp.
Boy was he wrong.
Annabeth POV:
Annabeth was sitting in the meeting room of the Big House, slightly nervous at what Chiron needed to say. He was pacing back and forth across the room in centaur form, deep in thought. Nico was also there, wondering why Chiron needed her and Percy and Nico. It was rare for them to ever be called to the Big House at the same time unless all the cabin leaders were at a meeting together. The only person missing was Percy. Time seemed to slow down while the Stolls went to get him.
She was tapping her hand against her leg, trying not to worry. Her hand instinctively went over to her necklace as she traced her fingers along her father's college ring. She tended to do that when she was nervous. Annabeth tried to think of a reasonable answer to why Chiron had called them here, but her mind was flooded with the worst possible situations; did a camper go missing? Was it another prophecy? Gods, she hoped it wasn't. But by the look on Chiron's face, she could tell it was serious. He had been thinking through it for a very long time.
Annabeth looked over to Nico to try and see what he was thinking. He was wearing a black skull t-shirt, black baggy jeans, black high tops, and an aviator jacket. His black hair looked unkempt, and it looked like he hadn't gotten a haircut in years. He was extremely thin and pale, and his black eyes still looked slightly broken. He hadn't entirely recovered from his time in Tartarus. I mean, neither had Annabeth or Percy, but he had gone alone, and he was a child of Hades, so it was a lot worse for him than for them. He was twisting the black skull ring on his finger, which he did when he was agitated. He seemed to be thinking the same things as her judging by his grim expression.
Just then Percy rushed in, wearing a thin blue hoodie, black geans, and black converse high tops. His sea-green eyes looked stormy and sad, his wind-swept black hair looked as though he never brushed it and his expression was full of worry. When he saw Chiron, it did nothing to boost his mood. He sat down next to Annabeth around the pool table. They had their meetings in the game room.
"Now that you're all here," Chiron said, "We can discuss why I called you. I want you three to go on a quest."
Everyone was shocked. No one was expecting a quest so soon after the war with Gaea. Annabeth was scared of going on another quest, and she wondered what it was about to make it so serious. Was there another prophecy? Oh gods, they barely had time to recover from the last one. Everyone was just starting to be happy again and they were just adjusting to the loss of Leo.
Percy started to say, "Chiron, I don't do quests anymore. I have a little sister coming, and I want to be there for her. She's gonna be here in 7 months, I really need to survive until then."
"Yes Percy I know, but you are the only one I trust with such a mission. It isn't too dangerous. All you need to do is learn about a school and the people there, maybe introduce them to demigods," Chiron responded.
Annabeth's mind was racing. She was extremely confused, and everyone else around her was too. Nico had gotten up and started pacing the room. Percy just stared blankly at Chiron. This still didn't rule out the possibility of a prophecy. She called out, "What is this school? Why would we tell them about demigods? Why is it so important that you called us? Is there another prophecy?"
Chiron sighed and said, "To answer your first question, the school is for witches and wizards. The school is called Hogwarts."
I stared at Chiron blankly, more confused than I have ever been in my life. Nico spoke first, trying to contain his anger, "Chiron, how long have you known this for without telling us?!?"
The old centaur bowed his head. Percy broke out of his shock and said, "THERE ARE MORE GROUPS WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT?!?"
There was a short silence, and Chiron said, "There isn't another prophecy, their prophecy was already finished around the same time as the prophecy of seven. They missed their last years, and are going back to finish their schooling and take their finals. I will give you pamphlets that explain the basics of this world, everything you need to know. You will be leaving to buy school supplies today, and will be staying at a hotel for a week before leaving for school."
This left Annabeth's mind racing. First the Romans, and now wizards? Who else did we not know about? (Just one or two different types of mythology lol) Annabeth looked over at Percy and saw that he was thoroughly confused. Percy spoke again, "Where exactly is this school??" Annabeth could see that he was deep in thought but couldn't come up with any solutions.
Chiron sighed again and said, "In Britain. Apollo will take you there and help answer any questions you might have. He will tell you your cover story and what to do when you get there."
Nico POV:
Nico had been having a great morning before he was called to the big house. He had woken up with Will by his side (he had been staying at the Hades cabin for the past month, doctor's orders) and got up bright and early for swordplay practice. Nico didn't bother to wake Will up. He looked so peaceful and happy while he was asleep.
Nico preferred to practice alone, and people generally started to practice after breakfast was over. He didn't like how the campers looked at him with fear in their eyes as he sliced off the head of another opponent. He had just finished chopping up his fiftieth straw dummy when one of the newer campers walked up to him.
Nico didn't notice him until he had been standing there for a few minutes. He coughed into his hand to get his attention. Nico instinctively swung his sword in the young demigod's direction, the black blade barely a centimeter away from his throat. His eyes flooded with fear and he looked about ready to piss himself. Nico noticed who it was, moved his sword, and mumbled, "Sorry."
It was Alex Brown, a child of Aphrodite. He had been at camp for about a year. Nico hadn't paid much attention to him. he was always on the sidelines, not too impressive, but not really lacking either. He liked to gossip with the other Aphrodite boys. "It's fine. Sorry to bother you," he replied in a shaky tone, and took a step away from him, eyeing Nico's stygian iron sword.
Nico sighed. He noticed the fear, but he wasn't really shocked it was there. People generally didn't trust Hades and his children, and people trusted him less than others because he had known about both the Greeks and Romans long before everyone else. "What did you need?" Nico asked.
"Chiron needs you at the big house, he said it was important. Annabeth and Percy are also gonna be there. He told me to call you," he squeaked. You could practically taste the fear in his tone now. He probably didn't want to be alone with him for so long.
"Did he mention what it was about?" Nico asked. He wondered why Chiron would want to talk to him, and why it was so important. He didn't want to fight more monsters, and he really didn't want to be involved in another prophecy, but Chiron had said it was serious, and those were the only things he could think.
"No, he just told me to call you," he replied. His voice was deep and silky, and he was growing more and more scared by the minute.
Nico muttered in reply, "Thanks, bye," and ran over to the 3 stories baby blue house on the top of Half-Blood Hill.
When he got there, Annabeth was already sitting by the pool table. Her curly, honey-blonde hair was tied into a high ponytail that reached her mid-back. She was wearing a grey Nike sweatshirt, black yoga pants, and bulky white sneakers. Her grey eyes looked stormy and deep in thought.
Chiron was wearing a white button-down with a red tie, a grey sweater, and a long tan overcoat. His white fur was dull but well kept. He looked about 40 years older than usual and was pacing around the room, his wheelchair pushed into the corner. When he was in the mortal world, he usually compressed his lower horse half into a magic wheelchair and pretended to be a paralyzed teacher named Mr. Brunner.
Nico sat down next to the pool table on one of the white plastic chairs. Annabeth sat down after him and he asked, "Why did you call us Chiron?"
"I'll explain when Percy is here," He sounded tired as if he had stayed up last night deep in thought.
They sat there in silence for about 5 minutes, the rhythmic sound of Chiron's hooves on the floor going to the same pace as the old grandfather clock that was standing behind him.
When Percy had gotten there, Chiron had told them about the witches and wizards. I mean, he was shocked but slightly less than the other two. He was more angry than anything because it was clear on Chiron's face that he had known about this world for a while now. I guess he had gotten used to this kind of news. When he had told them they were going to that school, he was curious about it, and he wondered if this would explain the odd behavior of some of the ghosts he had met.
Chiron had given them a pamphlet with the basic rundown of the school and the history of the wizards and gave each of them 2 books. One was titled "The History Of Magic" and the other was titled "Recent Magical Events". They were translated into Greek so that they could read them easier. You see, most demigods are ADHD and Dyslexic, which just means their brains are hardwired to read Greek and Latin, and they have built-in battle reflexes.
They were also given enchanted backpacks that would never run out of storage, and you could put anything in there, as long as you could carry the weight of it. They were told to pack everything they would need, as well as extra weapons for when they eventually (maybe) told them about the demigods. It was enough equipment for a practice class, but not enough for everyone in the school to have one. While they were being driven to the docs, they read their pamphlets, but they answered half as many questions as they made.
The plan to get to the wizard omg world went like this: Argus would drive them to the docks on the west of Long Island, and Percy would take them across the Atlantic sea to approximately the middle of Britain, where Apollo would come pick them up in the sun chariot.
He would drive them to Diagon Alley (they had read about it in the pamphlet), show them how to get in, and they would take it from there. Nico was sad, knowing he would have to leave Will, but he would never say that out loud. From now on, he would be a student at Hogwarts, again pretending like he didn't know anything about the other worlds hidden from them.
I have edited the chapter, in case anyone is wondering why it is slightly different.
Sorry about not updating the story for so long, I have been super busy with school work. I'll probably write the next chapter when school is over, which will be in 2 weeks.
- Aster K.
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