Perleo (Angst)
Percy was done. Done with it all.
They'd been hanging out with the rest of the seven and a select few others when the topic was brought up.
Jason had proposed to Piper only days prior and it was still all anyone was talking about.
Everyone was either busy aweing or marveling at Piper's ring when Piper turned around and asked everyone when they thought they were going to propose, or something like that anyway. Percy wasn't sure, he'd been too busy trying to make sure his thoughts didn't stray back to all those times.
"I dunno, probably whenever Percy can be bothered to actually do it. Like just keep me waiting why don't you."
It was obviously meant as a joke but it still hurt Percy.
Everyone turned to Percy, jokingly shouting things like 'hurry up' and 'get a move on already'.
Percy was done. They were done.
Instead of saying anything, Percy smiled at everyone and made up an excuse on why he had to leave already. He didn't even know what he said, if it was believable and whether they bought it or not. He didn't care to be honest.
When he got back to his cabin, Percy locked the door and went and sat on his bed, pulling out the black velvet box from within his pocket.
Percy felt the tears roll down his face as he opened the box to see a silver ring.
It was nowhere near as pretty as the one Jason got Piper, he knew that. It was slightly rough around the edges and he had planned on getting Jake - who already knew about his situation with his brother - to help him smooth it out some more. He didn't want Leo to get hurt from something he made. He didn't want Leo to get hurt at all.
Jake had been the first person he went to when he knew he wanted to propose, way before the thought had even crossed Jason's mind.
Percy knew he wanted the ring to be special and since it was for a child of Hepheastus, he thought he'd appreciate it if he made his own ring. He wanted to make Leo proud.
Jake had been accepting before Percy could even get it all out properly. He even promised to help and Percy was embarrassed to admit that he hadn't stopped squealing for at least ten minutes, something that had amused Jake greatly.
By the time the ring was finished, Jake had already helped Percy come up with several different ways to propose as well as supervise him whilst he made the ring, giving out pointers here and there.
When they had finally decided on a good enough one, Jason had come to Percy explaining how he might propose to Piper, he didn't know when but he said the thought of growing old with her made his insides warm.
Percy decided to help Jason, be there for him like Jake was for Percy. He helped him look for rings and think up ideas, all whilst trying to propose to Leo.
Except something always went wrong. Either Leo had a project to finish or one of them had classes. There was even times when one of them was stuck doting on the other because they had forgot about their health again. It was a mess really.
As soon as Jason had a ring picked out and a location to propose at, Percy had decided he would step back. Let Jason take the spotlight and propose to his girlfriend. It would give Percy more time to come up with better ideas anyway.
He'd planned on giving Jason and Piper a few days to settle. He knew it was rude and he wasn't exactly being the best friend by doing so but he really couldn't control his nerves and just wanted to get it over and done with by now.
Percy tried to stifle a sob as he heard a knock at the door.
"Perce? Percy open the door please. It's just me."
Percy couldn't help the small smile that rose to his face. Jake had done so much to help him and had really helped him calm his nerves. He was usually able to stop shaking relatively quickly whenever he thought of proposing and it was all thanks to Jake.
Closing the box, Percy made his way to the door on silent feet, unlocking the door and stepping back to allow Jake to come in.
As soon as the door was closed behind him, Jake pulled Percy into a tight hug, not liking the look on his friend's face.
Percy couldn't help it. He broke down sobbing in Jake's arms, letting out all the tears he'd kept hidden for so long now.
Jake could feel his heart break for the poor boy in his arms. He knew how insecure Percy could get, something he tried not to show because he thought Leo's insecurities were more important.
Percy had been trying so hard these past months to not let his anxiety get in the way and that's exactly what has happened.
Smiling gently, Jake picked up Percy and carried him to the bed, placing the still crying boy down on his lap. He understood what Percy needed most at times like these. It had happened often enough since the two became friends, no matter how much Percy tried to hide them.
Percy couldn't do much more than snuggle his head into Jake's chest, happy for the human contact. Jake was the only one he felt like he could truly be himself around and not fear getting judged.
Leo made his way to the Poseidon cabin, looking out for Percy on his way there. He was confused, why had Percy just left. Was it about what he said earlier? He knew he was only joking right? Sure, it would be nice if Percy actually did propose but Leo wasn't going to force him.
Finally arriving at his boyfriend's cabin, Leo could hear small sniffles coming from the inside.
Worried, Leo quickly pushed open the door and rushed inside, stopping when he saw the sight before him.
Jake was sat on Percy's bed with a crying Percy sat on his lap, sobbing into his chest. Jake was running his hand through Percy's hair, whispering into his ear to try and calm him down.
"Percy? What are you guys doing?"
Percy jumped at the sound of his boyfriend's voice, getting off of Jake's lap as quick as he could and looking at the ground.
Percy wiped away the tears on his face, trying to will them to stop but they wouldn't listen.
"Look, is this about earlier? You know I was only joking. You don't need to propose to me, there is no need for you to feel pressured or anything like that."
Percy was done. They were done.
But he loved Leo too much to let go.
With that, Percy fell to the floor on his knees and started sobbing, heartwrenching sobs that left both sons of Hepheastus speechless.
Leo didn't want him to propose. Percy knew it. Knew he was going to say no.
Silently, Jake got up off of the bed and placed a finger to his lips, indicating for Leo to be quiet. Leo listened, watching Jake walk over to Percy and pull something out of his pocket.
It was a box by the looks of it, one of those velvet ones usually used for rings.
Wait, rings?
Slowly, Jake grabbed one of Percy's hands and placed the box in his palm, opening it and turning it towards Leo so he could see the ring.
Seeing as Percy tried to just drop the box and go back to covering his face, Jake sat behind him and held his hand in place, wiping away the tears whilst he was at it.
Leo gasped at the beautiful silver ring in Percy's hand. Percy had gone back to staring at the ground, not wanting to see the look of disgust he expected to see on Leo's face.
Leo could feel his eyes well up as he made his way over to the two boys on the floor and knelt in front of his crying boyfriend.
Smiling, Leo took Percy's face in his hands and wiped away the remaining tears still streaming down his cheeks.
Once he was satisfied, Leo leaned forward to place a peck on Percy's lips, smiling when Percy looked up at him with unsure eyes.
Percy's body felt warm, he felt like nothing else mattered anymore. The gorgeous boy in front of him had agreed to marry him, why should anything else matter.
Leo gently took the ring out of the box and placed it on his finger, holding out his hand so Percy could see it.
Jake smiled at Leo over Percy's shoulder and decided Percy needed a bit more appreciation than that.
"He made it himself you know." He said, tilting his head toward the ring that now sat on Leo's ring finger, a beautiful contrast to his caramel coloured skin.
Leo gasped again at the new information, if he was being honest he just assumed Percy bought it.
Leo felt a sense of pride wash over him at the fact that his boyfriend made the ring on his finger. It must have took him ages to make, with all the different things he had to learn, it wouldn't have been easy for a child of Poseidon. The ring was beautiful, apart from some slightly rougher areas, it was a perfectly fine ring. Besides, Leo could smooth it out if he really needed to and be done in five minutes and no one would be able to criticise the absolutely gorgeous ring his boyfriend made.
Seeing as Percy was still looking down at the ground, Leo leaned forward and placed several kisses all over Percy's face, saying nothing but praises to the beautiful boy in front of him. He understood that Percy need this. Needed someone to calm his insecurities and soothe his nerves.
Leo grinned as he saw the small smile appear on Percy's face and heard the little giggle that he tried and failed to hide.
With one last kiss on Percy's lips did Leo stand up, taking Percy with him and lying down on the bed.
Jake smiled from his spot on the floor as he watched the two cuddle up together on Percy's bed. Silently, as not to disturb the two, Jake made his way out of the cabin, shutting the door behind him.
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