Jercy (Fluff)
Warning: Swearing. Slight self-loathing thoughts. Sexual references.
Percy huffed, turning to walk away from the little group he was stood in.
Fuck them.
He didn't like Jason.
He made his way back to his cabin, refusing to think of Jason.
Of his perfect hair.
His blue eyes.
The little scar on his lip.
His really fucking strong arms.
His abs.
And they thought he liked Jason.
He didn't like Jason.
He loved him.
It wasn't even the fact that he was straight that was the problem - he wasn't - it was the small similarities he had with Luke that couldn't be healthy for Percy.
Don't get him wrong, if for some reason Jason liked him back and asked him out, he'd say yes. It was just that surely being constantly reminded of something he wished to forget couldn't be healthy.
He shook his head, clearing his mind as he made his way into his cabin, flopping straight down onto his bed.
He closed his eyes, letting his mind wonder.
He thought of Jason.
Of his perfect hair.
His blue eyes.
The little scar on his lip.
His really fucking strong arms.
His abs.
How was it fair that Jason got to be so much bigger than him? Got to look like he could pick him up and throw hi-
Percy felt his breath hitch, his eyes shooting open as the door to his cabin opened, Jason standing in the doorway.
"I'm not going to lie, I hoped I'd find you moaning my name as you jerked off."
Percy sputtered, his face flushing a deep shade of red.
Jason smirked, walking over to where Percy lay.
"When I saw you heading back to your cabin I hoped you were going to take care of a little problem you might have."
Percy gulped, his face somehow darkening at the emphasis on little.
Percy was so happy he had decided against masturbating.
Fuck, how would Jason have reacted if he found him knuckle deep in his own ass?
"W-why would it be to y-you?"
Percy cursed himself for stuttering, feeling stupid for messing up infront of Jason.
Jason smiled, leaning over to whisper in Percy's ear with his hands on either side of his head.
Percy shivered as Jason's breath ghosted over his ear.
"You're not the only one with a little crush."
And then he was gone.
Percy skipped dinner, opting to just lay in bed doing nothing the whole time.
Was Jason being serious?
Did he...?
On Percy?
Surely not.
Percy groaned at the realisation that Jason obviously knew about his crush on him.
Percy eventually fell asleep, his thoughts still whirring.
Percy didn't feel like getting out of bed in the morning, sick of everyone making fun of him just because he liked Jason.
Percy sniffled, turning to bury his head in his pillow.
It hurt that people were teasing him over his crush, his relationship with his last crush having not ended well.
He remembers walking into the woods with Luke, sitting down by the lake as they talked.
He'd finally worked up the courage to tell Luke about his crush on him only to have Luke laugh in his face and set a pit scorpion on him before leaving.
There was a few tears rolling down Percy's face now.
Was he that repulsive?
He remembered how he'd somewhat succeeded in locking that memory away until Nico confessed.
Nico had been so much stronger than him. Is so much stronger than him.
Nico was his own person, did what he wanted even around Percy.
Percy was like a lost puppy, following Luke around as he blushed and stuttered.
A selfish part of him hoped Jason would come and find him. Hoped Jason would hold him as he cried, running a soothing hand through his hair as he muttered praise.
Gods, no wonder Luke never liked him and Nico had lost interest.
He was so clingy and selfish.
Everyone deserved better than him.
Percy didn't hear the sound of a door opening, or feel the way his mattress dipped behind him, too lost in his own thoughts.
Two arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him up and onto the person's lap, their hand finding its way into his hair.
"You missed dinner. And breakfast."
Percy nodded, burying his head in Jason's chest as he sat sideways on Jason's lap, resting most of his body weight on him.
"What did we say about skipping meals Perce? You can't keep doing this. We both know that after you miss one, you can start to spiral. You may think it's okay to miss a meal or two here and there but it's not Perce. Look at you, you can't afford to keep skipping meals."
Percy just shook his head, not saying anything.
"Are we gonna have to bring the chart back?"
Percy paused, thinking.
He liked his chart, whenever he finished a meal he got a star. If he ate every meal for a week, then they always let him pick a treat.
It had been Annabeth's idea originally, she said he'd just need a little convincing so they settled on a chart.
Everyone knew about it, they also knew that if they spotted Percy even trying to skip a meal that they were to report it to one of the seven.
Percy giggled as he remembered when they tried giving Nico a chart too. That had been funny.
Nico didn't like his chart.
"Is that a yes, do we need to bring back the chart?"
Percy bit his lip. He knew he'd already missed two meals and that he could benefit from his chart but surely he was being selfish?
He didn't need his chart. He supposed it should be easy enough to get back into eating meals.
"Yes? I-I know it's only been two but I don't trust myself to keep it at two."
Jason smiled, feeling proud.
"Thank you for admitting it. I'll talk to Annabeth later so we can let everyone know it's back."
They sat in silence for a moment, allowing the calm atmosphere to wash over them.
Percy looked up, the few tears gone now, the only signs they were there to begin with were the small blotches of red across his cheeks.
"I love you Perce. I really do. I wanna help you. I wanna be at your side as I do. I know you like me too. Gods, the whole camp knows. I wouldn't be surprised if the gods knew too."
Percy blushed, hating how obvious he was.
"Percy, would you like to go out with me?"
Percy nodded, unable to stop the massive grin that spread across his face.
Percy was excited. He'd completed this week's chart and he already had his treat in mind.
He was on his way back to his cabin, smiling at everyone he passed, drinking up the praise and pats on the back he received.
When he got to his cabin, Jason was already there. Once the door was open, he followed Percy into the cabin, both of them taking a seat on Percy's bed.
Jason had a pretty good idea of what Percy wanted his treat to be if the grin on his face was anything to go by.
Percy was buzzing, he knew what he wanted and was pretty sure he was going to get it too.
"Can we- can we just spend all night cuddling? Do you think you could spend the night?"
Percy got scared. He bottled it. He'd thought he was ready, was so excited. He definitely wanted Jason to be his first, he knew that. He just didn't think he was ready right now.
Jason nodded, understanding Percy's decision.
"Right, you get ready for bed and I'll go get some of my stuff."
Percy waited until Jason left to let out the shaky breath he'd been holding in, placing his head in his hands.
Gods, he was pathetic.
With a sniffle did Percy get up, walking over to his closet to pick out some pyjamas.
He smiled slightly when he saw his Nemo pair, one of the first things he received as a treat.
By the time Jason got back, Percy was already in bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Jason quickly slipped into the bathroom to get changed, dropping his bag by the wall when he came out.
He walked over to the bed unnoticed by Percy, quietly slipping into bed and cuddling close to him.
Percy jumped, having not realised Jason was there.
He smiled at Jason before turning over onto his side, allowing Jason to wrap his arms around his waist.
Due to his back being turned to Jason, Percy missed the fond look Jason sent him, leaning down to press a kiss to Percy's head.
If you hadn't guessed, this was supposed to be a smut but that didn't end up happening for some reason.
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