Endangered Health Part 3
Warning: Mpreg and degrading terms. Annabitch.
Percy's heat had lasted about two weeks, shorter than they had expected but definitely longer than the average heat.
Considering the fact that Percy had never had a heat despite presenting five years ago, his heat lasting a week longer than it should have wasn't exactly shocking.
His heat had however brought out new developments.
Each one of them had gained a bite mark on both shoulders, something they were all trying to keep hidden for now.
It wasn't planned, it had just happened.
Each of them had gone into it preparing to hide their true feelings, not expecting anything to come out of it.
None of them had expected to seal a mate bond.
The first week after Percy's heat was check up after check up.
And then, followed by more check ups.
They were pretty sure Hermes and Apollo had figured it out already, both sending occasional smirks their way.
Percy had been woken up by the urge to puke, his stomach aching slightly as his head pounded.
He groaned, assuming his sickness was back and that despite getting his first heat, his infertility would never be healed.
He cleaned himself up, brushing his teeth and getting changed before heading to breakfast, discreetly looking around for either of his mates.
He spotted first, Will, and then Leo, both sitting and laughing with their siblings, Leo looking quite dishevelled with his very obvious bedhead.
Percy giggled quietly despite the way it made his head pound, knowing how much of a morning person Leo wasn't.
Leo absolutely hated mornings, a stark contrast to Will who thought getting up at five in the morning was the best thing ever.
Percy didn't mind. He did tend to join Leo with his opinions quite often however.
Mornings were just so stupid.
Percy looked down at his plate, happy at the sight of the blue pancakes it had conjured.
Percy picked up his fork, ready to take a bite when he just couldn't.
The thought made his stomach coil and his throat tighten.
The smell of the pancakes hit his nose, something that usually made him swoon.
It didn't this time.
It set him off running with a hand on his stomach, straight to the disgusting public bathrooms because they were closer than his cabin.
He pushed open the door to one of the few cubicles in there, dropping to his knees as he held his head over the toilet, throwing up for the second time in under an hour.
He heard the door to the bathroom open, two sets of footsteps making their way to his cubicle, his heart jumping in his chest as the scent of his mates reached his nose.
He felt a hand on his back rubbing soothing circles, a set of hands massaging his shoulders.
Gods, what did he do to deserve such good mates?
When he was finished, Percy stood up, his hand never leaving his stomach.
He walked over to the sinks, washing his hands quickly before washing his mouth, feeling gross.
Once his hands were dried, he turned around and grabbed ahold of his nearest mate, not really caring who it was.
The smell of cinnamon reached his nose, the citrusy scent of oranges accompanying it.
He buried his head in Leo's neck, his arms wrapped around him tightly.
Percy whimpered, feeling the ache in his stomach increase.
He felt arms wrap around him from behind, soothing hands rubbing along his stomach.
The scent of lavender and lemon filled the air, giving it an almost therapeutic touch.
Percy felt comforted, the two smells having coexisted well together for months now.
He felt slightly ashamed to admit he now had a weird obsession with oranges and lemons, buying way to many cinammon and lavender scented candles.
Gods, he was such a creep.
They stayed like that for a while, Will's healing touch working wonders. No matter how many times Will told Percy that his touch wasn't 'healing', Percy still refused to believe him.
They pulled away eventually, all with small smiles on their faces.
"Come on, we've got another meeting with dad again."
Percy nodded, laughing quietly as Leo groaned exaggeratedly, despite them all knowing how much he loved their frequent meetings with Hermes and Apollo.
They made their way to Thalia's tree hand-in-hand, grinning widely at the sight of one of their two favourite gods.
Hermes smiled at them, holding out his arms for them to grab as he flashed away, straight into Apollo's office.
Apollo didn't even look up from where he was sorting some files, presumably Percy's.
They all took their usual seats, Percy's hand never leaving his stomach.
Looking up, Apollo caught sight of Percy's hand on his stomach, frowning thoughtfully.
"Is your sickness back?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, it seems to be."
Apollo's eyebrows furrowed, gesturing for Percy to follow him into the small bathroom connected to his office.
With a hum did Apollo start searching the bathroom's small cabinets, making a small 'aha' noise as he found what he'd been looking for.
Percy's mouth dropped open as Apollo turned around, a mortal pregnancy test gripped tightly in his hands.
But the way he said it came out as more of a question, tears building in his eyes.
"It might not. It is a possibility however."
Percy nodded shakily, reaching out a shaky hand to grab the test, watching as Apollo left the room, closing the door behind him.
Percy took a deep breath, bracing himself.
I can do this, he thought.
As soon as the three minutes were up, Percy looked down, his breath hitching slightly at the obnoxious positive staring up at him.
He heard a knock at the door, Apollo's voice filtering through.
"Come in."
His voice broke half way through, emotion laced clear in his voice.
Apollo entered, shielding the bathroom from outside view.
Percy had a few tears running down his face, looking up at Apollo with hope shining in his eyes.
Apollo gulped, placing his hands on either side of Percy's stomach, both looking down to watch as his hands glowed gold.
After about a minute, Apollo removed his hands, looking up at Percy and nodding.
Percy gasped, his hand coming up to cover his mouth as he cried, unable to stop the happy tears at such news.
Apollo smiled, feeling happy for Percy. He slowly wrapped his arms around Percy, allowing the younger omega to cry into his shoulder.
Once Percy had finished crying, he wiped his face, preparing to head out to the others and tell them the news.
Apollo opened the door, heading out into his office as Percy followed behind, slightly timid.
Apollo took a seat at his desk, turning to face Percy.
Percy gulped as all eyes were on him, pushing through his discomfort. He was too happy right now.
"I'm pregnant."
He'd barely finished speaking before he felt two pairs of arms wrap around him tightly, only to move away a second later, seeming scared.
"We didn't hurt you did we? Gods, we just came crashing into you like maniacs, what if-"
"Will. Will, relax, please. You didn't hurt me."
Will breathed a sigh of relief, bringing a hand up to his chest.
Percy smiled, bringing both of them back in for another hug, feeling on top of the world.
Apollo and Hermes watched from the side, grins on their faces.
Hermes couldn't help but hold out his hand, pleased when Apollo took it, tangling their fingers together.
As soon as they broke apart, Apollo reached into his desk drawer, pulling out several sheets of paper, deciding to get the equipment out after.
"If you don't mind Percy, I'd like to do a few more tests before you guys leave."
All tests had been positive news, the only 'negative' one was the fact that he couldn't impregnate anyone and it didn't seem like he'd ever be able to.
Leo and Will assured him it didn't matter, both agreeing that they could still make their relationship work without that aspect and that Percy wasn't ruining anything.
They spent the whole night in the Poseidon cabin, talking in hushed voices, giggling at silly jokes the whole time.
They had all agreed that they'd all get the chance to be pregnant, eventually, not wanting to force anyone to abandon one of their most prominent instincts.
It went unsaid, but what they really meant was that none of them wanted to become like Annabeth.
By the time the sun had come up, they were all exhausted, their adrenaline wearing off.
They all got ready for the day. They all kept clothes in each others cabins, sharing whatever they wanted.
They made their way to breakfast in a giddy silence, Percy just as excited as the others despite having already thrown up this morning.
They all took seats at the Poseidon table, Percy deciding to just have a bowl of cereal after the way he reacted to the pancakes yesterday.
He smiled, his plate 'somehow' knowing to make his cereal blue.
They all ate, making small talk here and there, oblivious to the knowing smiles they received from the Apollo and Hepheastus cabins. Several Hermes kids kept looking their way too, some trying to hide the smirks on their faces.
"Percy Jackson!"
The whole Pavilion went silent, all turning to watch Annabeth Chase saunter towards the Poseidon cabin, an 'upset' look on her face.
She stopped right in front of Percy, her face twitching slightly as she tried to hide a smirk.
"How could you?!"
Percy turned to look at his mates, confused, only to find them just as confused as him.
"Is that what you do to your girlfriend of three years? Get her pregnant, dump her and then 'become gay'?"
Percy's eyebrows were furrowed, trying to figure out how he could have possibly gotten her pregnant, thinking back to what Apollo had said yesterday.
"I can't-"
He found himself unable to finish, his back colliding painfully with the ground.
He looked up, Annabeth about to take another step before she was stopped, Connor Stoll standing in her way.
"Don't. You. Dare."
She went to reply, looking smug, until suddenly the beta son of Hermes was flanked by his alpha brother, the entirety of the Apollo and Hepheastus cabin as well as several Hermes kids.
By the looks of it, more of Hermes' kids were making their way over, some of the newer ones looking confused but following anyway.
A hand made its way into Percy's field of vision. Percy took it, allowing the person to hoist him up.
Annabeth huffed, knowing she was outnumbered.
She turned to walk away, looking back at Percy one more time before leaving.
"You don't know what you've started. You and your little sluts think you're so high and mighty. Let's see how high and mighty you are when I'm done with you. Trust me, I'll have more people on my side than you think."
Percy gulped, feeling two pairs of arms wrap around him from either side, the familiar scents of his mates helping calm him.
He jolted slightly as more pairs of arms joined the hug, seeming as if the whole camp was there.
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