Alone At Night Part 2
Warning: Slight self-loathing.
Part two request from nicosfavoritesister
Will was back.
Not only was he back, apparently their apartment was having work done so Will was now staying with Percy too.
Percy was sick.
He wanted to say he was sick of them but he really wasn't. They were a cute couple and both deserved the happiness they gave each other.
No, Percy was actually sick.
Stupid cold apartment.
It didn't help that Percy had spent the night outside.
He couldn't ask Will for help either. The guy just got back from a quest and wanted to spend time with his boyfriend.
Besides, he knew how much Nico had missed Will and he couldn't do that to the both of them.
His apartment was still cold and even though they had the added body heat, Percy let them keep his blanket, pillows and hoodies.
Somehow, he'd found himself out in the cold again.
Percy sneezed, his nose as red as his cheeks.
He felt like rudolph if he was being honest.
He briefly wondered if his nose could light the way to some warmth before stopping that thought, a silly smile on his face.
The smile dropped, realisation setting in.
You're not my type.
Of course he wasn't, Nico was gorgeous and perfect and Percy always looked like he'd been dragged straight off the streets.
You're not my type.
Of course he wasn't, one person can only handle so much stupid.
You're not my type.
Of course he wasn't. Will was. And Will was perfect too.
You're not my type.
Percy sniffled, only just realising he had tears streaming down his face. His face truly felt frozen now, the cold wind blowing against his tears.
Percy shuddered, his whole body shivering. He could see the goosebumps clearly on his arms.
Shit, was it just him or did his arms look a little purple?
You know what, screw Nico.
Percy just wanted his mom.
She'd wrap him up tight in a blanket and sit him by the fire.
She'd bake him a batch of blue cookies and a hot chocolate.
She'd sit and cuddle with him until he felt better.
Percy sniffled again.
He wanted his mom.
Another shiver went through his body, gasping as his whole body shook.
Come on, he was the Savior of Olympus, he could handle a little cold.
He was probably just overreacting anyway. It probably wasn't even that cold.
Nope. It definitely was that cold.
Percy's hands felt numb. Looking down he found that they were bright red.
His feet felt numb too. That wasn't a surprise really.
His sneakers had several holes on the bottom and one of them had a slight rip at the toe.
Gods, he needed new ones.
Hopefully he'd get these ones to last longer.
Percy gasped as the wind blew, seemingly attacking him.
He furrowed his eyebrows, sure he heard the wind whisper.
There it was again.
It was definitely whispering.
It sounded familiar.
It sounded like a woman's voice.
That thought sent him back into his memories, his mothers soothing voice the only thing on his mind.
The whisper was low, drawn out. It was right by his ear, sending shudder after shudder down his spine.
He turned in that direction quickly, spotting nothing.
The voice was different this time, male.
It too sounded familiar.
Percy gasped, recognising the voices only now that more accompanied them.
They were-
Percy shot up, the blanket thrown over him falling to his waist.
He was shaking, body ice cold as tears streamed down his face.
He still had goosebumps all over his body, his toes frozen, fingers numb.
He sobbed, realising the voices were a dream.
Just a dream.
Percy felt arms wrap around him, conveying nothing but warmth.
He gasped, his toes curling as he moved closer to the heat.
He buried his head in the persons chest, not yet getting a good look at their face.
He sobbed, he let out all of his tears.
Over Nico.
Over the voices.
Over all of the dead demigods.
Over wanting his mom.
Over 'Solangelo'.
Once he'd finally stopped crying, he removed his head from the person's chest, gasping when he caught a look of blonde locks and sky blue eyes.
Apollo smiled, placing his hands on either side of Percy's face, warming his cheeks.
He placed a peck to the tip of Percy's nose, warming that as well.
They stayed like that for a moment, Apollo's hands on Percy's cheeks as they stared into each others eyes, sky blue on sea green.
Just as Percy went to speak, he felt lips on his, silencing him immediately.
The lips were soft and warm, heating up his insides.
A shudder racked his spine, the final one of the night.
They pulled apart, Percy's face red as he caught Apollo's smirk, wondering what he was doing there.
At Percy's confused glance, Apollo's smirk turned into a smile.
"Well someone had to bring you inside. Keep you warm. Artemis told me she caught sight of you outside and I felt it only fair to be the one to bring you inside."
Percy ignored the slight pang in his chest at the realisation that that meant Nico and Will hadn't.
Hadn't cared, hadn't wanted to.
They just hadn't.
But then he realised he couldn't expect them to take care of him just because he was stupid and stayed outside in the cold when he was sick.
He was just thankful Apollo had decided to take it upon himself to keep him warm.
This went in a bit of a different direction than I was hoping for but I think it works lol.
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