(This recap is different from what actually happened in the last chapter of my other book so that I can open new possibilities and make this more interesting)
I had just finished explaining to Grover about Camp Half Blood, and the adventure I had gone on to find out who my real godly parent was, since I had been claimed by three - Athena, Apollo, and Poseidon - but with no luck.
I explained how on the quest we had lost Will and Nico, and Nico's resurrection without a memory (Grover then promised me they were both alive and well).
Finally, I explained Thalia and I 'flying' off a cliff, and waking up on the bus.
We were eating lunch at the archery range, at our own table in the large dining hall they had outside. It almost reminded me of the one at Camp Half Blood, except for the fact that it wasn't Greek-themed and there was no fire put to put the offerings into.
Grover shook his head and looked down at the table, then stood and started walking away. I knew he wanted me to follow him, and I was quick to oblige.
We stopped in front of the archery range, and Grover looked at me dead in the eyes, sending a chill up my spine.
"You know we need to get to Camp now, right? If what you're saying is true - that you were claimed by three gods in whatever the heck that false reality actually was - then that means--"
"There will be a lot more mythical monsters. I know, Grover. I just really hope you know the way to Camp from here." I looked at him desperately. The fact that I knew I was a demigod meant that the monsters could track my scent, seeing as I was claimed by multiple gods meant my scent was stronger and the monsters would come and kill me faster.
"I always know the way to Camp," Grover started shimmying out of his pants and I looked around to make sure no one was near enough to see his furry legs (though I'm sure he wouldn't be taking his pants off if there were). "But it's not close. We need transportation. Walking would take to long, and I don't have any weapons on me."
I thought for a moment and a moment only before I had the answer. "Do you have any idea how to hot-wire a bus?"
Grover informed me that we were half way to Camp, and so far we hadn't had any encounters.
I kinda felt bad now, because judging by the time the students on the archery trip would be leaving for school any moment, and they'd realize they didn't have a ride - or two of their students. Knowing my reputation, even if I was there with the bus-less group of kids, I'd be blamed for making a motorized hunk of metal disappear.
It was around four o'clock now, and night would come in three to four hours, so the sooner we got to CHB, the better.
I was at the wheel of the bus, Grover directing me on where to go. Though the path was mostly straight, since we were somewhere in the middle of farmland and soon we'd be near the city and at Camp.
"Make a right, Tera, at the end of this cornfield." Grover directed from the first seat behind the stairs in the school bus, which was to my right so I could see him.
I nodded, and followed his directions.
"Grover," I said. "Do you have any clue what that other reality" - that's what we had named it - "was? It wasn't a dream, it felt too real. But of course it couldn't be real, because then you wouldn't just be figuring out that I knew I was a demigod. I don't--"
"Shh." Grover put a finger to his lips. I furrowed my brows.
"Grover, I'm serious, I want to know. Why are you shushing--"
"SHH!" He said more urgent this time. Pissed, now, I turned back and faced the road.
And then I realized why he had been shushing me.
It was the stomping, like something big was running, and since the sound was getting louder, the big thing was getting closer.
"Monster." Grover's word was already in my mind before he said it, and I saw the horns start to raise above the hill. Then, the angry snarling face of the Minotaur that seemed to be saying: I will rip you in half and eat your eyeballs last so you can watch yourself being devoured! And finally, the large body of the beast that could easily carry through with the plan.
"What do we do?" I asked Grover, at a loss of an idea. Daughter of Athena, shouldn't I have a strategy? But I didn't, and dwelling on the fact that I didn't wasn't going to make and idea pop into my head.
The beast was running towards us, only 50 feet away, and I stopped the bus.
"We need to find something that we could use to kill it!" Grover said, but didn't take his eyes away from the beast. It was like he was recalling old memories about the beast, ones that I wasn't there to witness with him.
I didn't bother snapping him out of it; I already saw what I needed to make something so crazy it might just work. The only crazy part about it, was the fact that I'd have to make it in roughly under a minute.
45 feet...
I grabbed the emergency axe off the floor and started chopping off a curved part of the railing.
40 feet...
I dropped the axe and held the black metal railing in my hand. The curve wasn't as good as it could've been, but I wasn't about to dwell on that now.
35 feet and it roared triumphantly...
I pulled the loosed threads off Grover's shirt until I had enough string to make a sturdy line.
30 feet...
Grover helping me now, we tied each end of the string to each end of the curved piece of railing.
25 feet...
I started grabbing any straight and sharp objects I could find, and took a bunch of parts from the driver's controls, throwing them all out of the bus door.
20 feet...
We climbed out of the bus, Grover holding the axe in one hand as I held my makeshift bow.
15 feet...
We each took some of my makeshift arrows and started running into the barley field to the right of the bus, I kept glancing over my shoulder at the beast. We'd try and out run it - at least, that's what we told ourselves. There'd be no way to get away from it without fighting; there was no where to run to to hide.
And then, as the beast started descending in on us, I saw it. A farm to the left that might have better weapons (farming supplies) than whatever junk I was holding in my hands.
The only problem was that if we turned left, the Minotaur would catch us faster, since he was coming straight for the bus and we ran to our right. It was still our best shot.
"Grover!" I shouted to my nimble goat-legged friend who was running faster than me. He had always been faster than me. "Barn to the left!"
He had gotten my message because soon we were both turning to our lefts, less drastic as possible.
I knew what would happen next; Grover would get to the barn first, and I'd be not far behind, but the monster would be there the same time I was. I could lure it away from Grover long enough for him to grab whatever he could and come racing out with a supply of weapons we could then use to kill said monster.
As soon as Grover was 10 feet away from the barn, I dropped everything but the makeshift bow and the shift gear.
Loading it into the string was the hard part, the string was too firm and the shift gear didn't have anything to keep it on the string with. Reguardless, I fired at the now 3 feet away monster, hitting it directly in the bulls eye (< hah, get it?!), then I rolled away as it's hand collided with the ground I was standing on moments ago.
Lucky for me, the shift gear stuck in his eye. But it didn't seem to cause him pain, it only seemed to annoy him further.
He came lumbering for me again and I got a glimpse of the barn, Grover hadn't resurfaced yet. I rolled between his legs, thank the gods he had a thigh gap bigger than ones in magazines, I'm sure all the girls who really cared about that stuff would envy the Minotaur. You know, if he wasn't and hostile.
I ended up beside the pile, and I grabbed the sharpest thing I could find; a letter opener that had been sitting in a compartment on the bus. It was too small to load into my bow, but if I got close enough I could probably use it to stab with. I hoped I could get close to his face and stab him in the other eye.
When I turned back around the beast was already charging. I smiled to myself because it had its head lowered, ready to impale me with a horn and leaving his one good eye vulnerable.
I lunged onto its face, and it recoiled, almost throwing me off. I managed to stay on for a moment longer, jabbing the letter opened into its eye and falling to the ground.
This time it roared, and I thing it may have hurt.
Grover ran up beside me, handing me a pitchfork and another axe.
I nodded to him in thanks, even though he was a bit late. But I knew we couldn't beat this monster, we'd need something celestial bronze.
Regardless, Grover and I poked and jabbed at the monster, keeping it as far away from us as possible, all the while inching closer and closer to the direction Grover said Camp was in.
"We might be able to tire it out enough and then make a run for it!" Grover shouted to me.
Soon enough, the beast roared and slowed down significantly, panting like a, bull. That gave us the break we needed and we kept running over many fields.
By the time I saw the glow of the gate on top of Half-Blood Hill, my lungs were burning and my legs were moving on automatic; if I stopped, they'd spontaneously combust. I couldn't even feel them anymore; I wasn't even running, per se, more of a fast jog. Grover was wheezing beside me and actually going at the same pass as me instead of four metres ahead.
The Minotaur had gotten back up and speed-walked after us, howling and roaring but never getting close enough to actually harm us. He was no doubt long behind us, and he might actually come here. Thank the gods for the magical boarder around camp.
I should've stopped moving when I had the chance, because as soon as I passed Thalia's pine tree with the glowing fleece on it, my legs gave in and I started rolling down the hill until, after what felt like four minutes of harsh beating, I landed in a heap on the floor. My legs and arms were spread out so I made a star on the grass at the bottoms of the hill.
I could already feel the bruises forming on my back, my arms, and my legs. I was panting heavily and staring up at the dark night sky by the time Grover reached me, panting too but still able to stand.
I guessed it was way past curfew, because nobody came out to see what was going on. Still, I couldn't believe that it had taken so long to get here.
"Are you okay?" Grover took a seat beside me.
"Exhausted." I replied and continued gulping for air. Then I realized there was something else I needed to gulp down before I died of dehydration. "Water?" I pleaded.
Grover sat for a minute more until he regained his breath and stood again. I wish I could recover as quick as he could, but I passed it off as some satyr thing.
"Be right back." He nodded and started walking to get me the beverage. I didn't blame him for taking so long. I didn't even think I had the strength to move, let alone walk.
He was a good friend.
I wasn't near any cabins, far from it, actually. I was beside the volleyball courts, and I could see Grover disappear into the big house not too far away.
Yay, water and Chiron! No bed! Probably Mr. D, too! (Sarcasm intensifies)
It wasn't long before Chiron and Grover trotted over, Grover with nectar instead of water. I was glad Mr. D was sleeping, I could go without him calling me my not-real name.
Grover sat me up and I used my heavy arm to drink the nectar. It tasted different that it ever had before. It tasted of warmness, and of fresh-cooked pizza from my favourite pizzaria where I always got free pizza's (since it took about 58 minutes just to find where I 'lived'. It's all in the directions you give, my friend.)
"Otrera, was it?" Chiron asked, sounding tired.
I weakly nodded my head, I hadn't realized how drained I was until I felt the nectar slowly bringing my energy back.
"I believe it best to talk in the morning, and you look as though you've had a long day. We may be disturbing them, but the Hermes cabin is for those unclaimed. We will explain this all tomorrow, like I said, and then you can understand more that the gods are real."
I couldn't find it in me to explain to him I already knew. So I agreed that tomorrow would be a better time to talk.
However before I got up to get myself to the Hermes cabin, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
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