Chapter 46: The final fight
Percy PoV
"Ageuh areug..."
Erebus was lying at my feet, moaning.
I step back, and his face is surrounded by darkness.
When the darkness dissipates, his face has returned to normal. But he still seems to be in pain. He gets up anyway, and faces me, brandishing his weapons.
He spits at my feet.
"Who are you really? No demigod is that powerful!"
I stare him straight in the eyes.
My eyes burn with such rage and hatred that I can feel his fear with a simple glance.
"Demigod? That term doesn't apply to me. You have crossed the line. I am no longer a demigod, let alone a human. I am now only rage and anger."
I move towards him, and he moves back at the same time.
I smile smugly.
"Why are you backing away? Are you naturally fearful?"
He frowns but does not retort.
"Where is your expression of superiority? Would a primordial be frightened at the sight of a simple demigod?"
He points his dagger at me.
"What I have in front of me has nothing human about it. You are only a monster."
With a quick movement, I slam him against a grave, my sword on his throat.
"Maybe I am. You called this monster. You made a huge mistake, and now you'll have to face the consequences."
He turns into a shadow but does not appear behind me.
I sigh.
"Do you really think you can escape me?"
I crouch down and place my hand on the ground, at the shadow of one of the graves.
"I will hunt you down..."
I make a loud hissing sound, and I hear a "woof" sound. Then I feel myself being sucked into the shadow.
I close my eyes, letting it happen. When all movement stops, I open my eyes.
"One more step and he dies."
Erebus held Ron with one hand, and with his other hand he held a blade to Ron's throat.
"Drop your weapon, Perseus Jackson. Or he dies."
I look around. I am at the entrance of the labyrinth, the crowd is still. But they are not motionless because of a spell. It is fear. They are all petrified.
I turn my head. Albus walks toward me, without a glance toward the primordial.
But something is wrong. When he raises his wand, it's not pointed at Erebus. It's at me.
Erebus bursts out laughing.
"Well, it looks like we're in for a show. Let the battle begin!"
Dumbledore raises his wand sharply, and I narrowly dodge a spell.
I turn my sword into a wand.
The Headmaster continues to shower me with spells, each one more powerful than the last. I deflect them as best I can, but they go in all directions, narrowly missing several times to enter the crowd. I have to stop this before someone gets hurt.
"Sorry Albus."
I raise my wand in an attempt to counterattack this time.
A duel between our two spells begins, with neither of us gaining the advantage. I am afraid to kill him if I release too much power.
"This is unfortunate !"
I turn my head to the left just in time to see a giant fist coming at me.
"Erebus, this is not a game! It's two against one here!"
The primordial looks at me nastily.
"There are no rules in a fight to the death. Come on Dumby, give it all you got!"
Dumbledore casts a spell and I don't have time to dodge, being on the ground. I find myself suspended several feet above the ground, upside down, and Erebus cracks his knuckles.
"It's my turn to have fun."
And he starts using me as a punching bag. Dumbledore's spell prevents me from falling or moving away. And Erebus hits me relentlessly, just having to hold out his fist.
With each blow, I hear the crowd hiccup.
Erebus was laughing like crazy.
"So Perseus Jackson! You are unable to protect your Annabeth? You let her die, and for you !She died so that you could live!"
With each blow, I have more and more difficulty to contain myself. The pain is nothing compared to the rage that boils inside me.
His fist is directed towards me once more. But, breaking the director's spell, I reach out and stop his blow.
He looks at me, surprised.
"It seems to me that I have already warned you."
I clench my fist a little harder.
Erebus lets out a grunt of pain.
I let myself fall to the ground, still without letting go of him.
"It seems to me that I have already told you that you are not allowed to talk about her."
I squeeze a little more, and I feel his bones crack under the pressure I exert.
"I seem to have told you that it makes me angry. And trust me, you don't want to see me angry."
I close my fist, crushing his.
He falls to his knees, but immediately gets up.
"Alone you can do nothing against me, demigod!"
"He is not alone."
I turn my head and see Grover trotting along, a tin can between his lips. He almost stumbles but gets up. Unheroic.
"Grover doesn't stay there. Yes, I am alone."
He looks at me with annoyance.
"No. I'm with you."
And he turns to face the primordial, bringing his panpipes to his mouth.
"Sorry in advance, Grov'."
I place a finger on the back of his neck and press a little. He falls asleep immediately.
Erebus smiles.
"Do you want to fight two of us? The most powerful wizard and me, the most important one primordial, at the same time?"
"No. Only you are left."
I see him looking to the side. Albus is sitting in a chair, looking lost.
"Erebus. This time it's the end."
He smiles.
"Oh, you think so?"
He raises his arms, making black flames appear in the hollows of his palms, which he projects towards me, in a continuous stream.
But I move forward. I feel the flames lick my skin, the heat is painful. But I hold on.
He moves back a few more steps.
"You really do go back a lot."
"What... How can you don't burn?!"
I raise my arms, and the flames disappear, replaced by a swirl of water.
"The flames you sent me are far too weak compared to the flames that animate my anger."
"More beautiful words. But I will kill you!"he shouts.
Dumbledore stands up and holds his wand out to me again, and Erebus is about to attack me at the same time.
And the fight begins again. I conjure a water sword in one hand and with the other I use my wand to counter Albus' curses.
Erebus tries to hit me, but I manage to parry them, dodging and attacking the director's attacks at the same time.
I have to stop it. I'm not going to last at this rate. He's going to get me.
I drop my arms and close my eyes.
A dagger from the primordial pierces my shoulder.
A spell from the director hits me, binding me with a rope from his wand.
But I hold on.
I grab Ereb's arm with one hand, and the rope with the other.
Using all the strength I have left, I propel the director into the crowd, where I know he will be caught, and he drops his wand as he falls.
I then grab the primordial with both hands.
"Hey, joker. You know why you still haven't killed me?"
He tries to get free but I don't let go.
"If you haven't killed me, it's because you can't afford it. But I can."
I turn on myself, making him go over my shoulder, and he falls violently, sinking head first into the ground.
I raise my hand, and a ball forms.
"By the power vested in me... by the almighty power of Chaos..."
The ball grows as I speak.
"By the will to end it all..."
"Percy stop! It's not just the primordial you'll kill. All those around too!"
I don't stop, as if in a trance.
"By the desire to avenge the lost..."
Erebus puts out his head and looks at me.
He spits out a lump of earth, and I see his eyes filled with terror.
"Percy, stop!"
I feel a hand grab my wrist, but with a brutal gesture I push the person away, who falls to the ground. Not the person. The people.
Harry, Ron and Hermione look at me, terrified.
I lower my arm, and the black ball disappears.
I take a few steps back, disgusted with myself.
Was I really doing this? At the risk of killing everyone present?
I look towards Erebus. He doesn't dare to breathe, let alone speak.
"Get out of here, and don't let me see you again. They won't always be there to stop me in time."
He gets up hurriedly, bows and goes into the darkness.
I look toward the trio.
"Sorry... I'm sorry..."
Now that my lucidity returns, the pain is more violent than ever, and I fall to the ground, exhausted, and in pain.
"Someone hurry! He has a dagger through his shoulder!" Shouts Harry.
My vision blurs and I close my eyes.
Yep, once again I pass out.
🔱 🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱
Hi demigod!
Chapter a little longer than usual!
So there you have it, the final battle is over!
I hope you enjoyed it!
We are inexorably approaching the end of this fiction, I'm counting on maybe two more chapters...
Thanks to all those who are present and who read, thanks to those who comment, and to those who support the project!
See you soon for the next part,
Until then,
Stay cool demigod 😁🔱
Word count:
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