Small little battle with a anying Minitar
Percy: I was practicing spells with Harry having a mini duel when the back of my mind started buzzing so I lost concentration and Harry hit me with a spell that made me hit into the wall groaning. "You okay Percy? You just kinda zoned out, I thought you were taunting me." Harry asked as he helped me to my feet. "No, just a buzzing in my head. It's gone now," I lied, the buzzing was still there but when I tried to tune into it it was blocked which made me very annoyed. Nuctua flew to my shoulder and pecked at my head asking for food and Harry and I went to the kitchen. Suddenly I got a sudden sick to my stomach feeling like somthing was going wrong and then it stoped abruptly. The buzzing continued to grow stronger and I relized it was my empty link and the house was messing with it. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I spun around and dove into Harry knocking him to the ground as the window burst opened glass flying every were and the Minotaur charging in. "Again!" I said as I stood up and uncapped riptide not knowing if spells would even do anything to him. He just grunted angerly and charged. I sliced off his other horn and drove my sword into his belly without breaking a sweat making him disloved into yellow inky dust. "What the heck was that Percy?" Harry asked as I helped him to his feet as I stayed alert for more monsters. I knew they would eventually smell me and get threw the barrier, so I would have to try to again sneak out like I had tried a few nights before but had to come back as I relized I had forgotten my shoes then the chance had been gone. "Ummmm. I have no clue?" I said sheepishly seeing his disbelievingly face. Some reason the mist didn't work to well in this house eathier. "Percy....." Harry said raising an eye brow. "So seem monsters also want to kill me. Now I know I said I would stay for two weeks then you promised to take me back but I think it would be a better idea to go back now." I said rubbing the back of my neck wishing I didn't have to leave, I did hate being int the house all the time and not seeing Annbeth almost killed me until I got Nuctua but I was still pretty depressed about her not being with me and not knowing were I was. But I loved learning magic, it was fun and came naturally. "Percy, I can't just bring you home now! Your getting so much better at magic and who knows when the lord of the death eaters will try to come and Kidnape you as soon as they know we're you are." Harry said sadly. Then the hair on both of our necks prickled and we both spun around wand and in my case sword in hand. It was dementors, I had just learned how to defeat one yesterday but I got to say there a lot more creepy in person. Harry shot the spell that replied them and then flew away quickly and we started sweeping up the floor as we talked. "I think they already know were I am, and sad,y now they know we're you are also. We both have to leave as soon as Ron and Hermoine come back you have to take me back. I can't stand putting you guys in danger and my girlfriend is probably freaking out and so is my mom, I know you guys didn't tell her that you had taken me. I have disappeared before and my girlfriend was frantic, heck I even lost my memory last time pluse I don't think I could survive one more day without her." I said confessing how much I missed Annbeth. Suddenly a voice said from the frount door "Well then I guess you won't have to go another day with out her. In fact one more second." I spun around joy filling my heart and I'm sure it showed on my face and I saw Annbeth and the whole crew standing at the door Ron and Hermoine leading them in. I ran over to Annbeth and saw thoguh she tried to hide it, tears in her eyes. I kissed her and hugged her tightly then I took a step back and dutifully put out my hand knowing what she was going to do. And as I expected it, she judo flipped me knocking the breath out of me. "I predicted that." I wheezed as she pulled me to my feet gasping for air.
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