???: I have already taken ten student magic and they wonder if the broken their wands, other students have said that they were just faking on being wizards and that there squibs. Now if only the dementors and that creature would bring me Perseus Jackson. (I REJOICE SPELL CHECK LET ME SPELL HIS NAME RIGHT!?!?!) I laughed inside when I saw my latest victim try to do a spell then nothing happening. The kid started crying which filled me with Glee.
Annbeth: "I predicted that." Percy said as I helped him from the grown were I had judo flipped him. "Seaweed brain!! Do you relized how much I freaked out?" I said to him a traitor tear slipping down my cheat, he whipped it away and said "Yes, just as much as I missed you execpt probuly more. Look, I have an owl that I named after your mo..... Mosaic of Athena and her owl Nuctua!" Percy said catching himself from the almost slip up. Hermoine looked suspicious but I could tell she shrugged it off. A black and gray owl flew to Percy's shoulder and rubbed up against his check and then flew to me and did the same. "So you were the one that helped Percy with his nightmares." I said to Nuctua the second petting her. "So Thease are your friends? How did they get here?" Harry asked then I noticed the shattered window and the glass bits on the floor. "What the bloody hell happened." Ron said causing me to cringe at the word hell. "Guys, we all need to go ASAP." Percy said quickly tensing. "Percy......" I said looking at him. He turned to me and mouthed Minitar attack. My eyes widened and I said "We need to go now!" Then we all sprinted out of the house and to the Argo 2 only to stop in my tracks because Piper was standing in the doorway her eyes frozen on one color, pink. "Piper?" Jason said as she turned back torwds the inside of the house and started walking back inside. Jason ran to her and we followed, Piper was now climbing the stairs not responding. Percy suddenly sniffed the air and said "That smell, it's familiar...." I took a sniff and smelled a smell but I couldn't quite lay my figure on it. We followed Piper upstairs not touching her but being on Gaurd on we're she was walking to. When she was half way up the stairs she turned to her right and placed her hand on the wall. A compartment opened up and inside was a bringing pink scarf and out came a whiff of speedy strong love magic. And I was overwhelmed with teh urge to kiss Percy and I saw everyone else was kissing there BOYFRIED or girlfriend and teh ones that didn't have one were kissing the walls. I kissed Percy, and words rang threw my head from the past "oh no! No love magic for you!"
Piper: I snapped out of it suddenly and I was looking at my mom's scarf. I saw everyone was kissing each other or the wall and Jason looked dazedly at me. I grabed the scarf and said "Stop kissing things or each other! Snap out of it!" Everyoen snapped out of it and shock genre head except for Percy and Jason who I'm guessing had been more resistant to it. Jason because well, he was dating me, Percy, well i don't know why he was more resistant. "Thats.... How did it get here!" Percy said staring at it. I looked at it and I said in my head "mom, here's your scarf, I have no idea how it got here and as reward for finding it please cover our demigod scents for a day." I felt teh scarf disappere from my hand and I felt our scents disappered. I opened my eyes to find Harry, Hermoine, and Ron were staring at me confused on were the scarf had gone. Hazel snapped her figured and the look Disaperd off there faces and Harry said "Well aren't we leaving?" Then we all left to go to the Argo 2, We had to bring Thease three to safety because there home was comprised and get Percy back to the Argo 2 were Rachel was waiting along with Grover.
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