Risen but not imortal yet.
Grover: after warning Percy I started to fight along with my death eater Buddie who I called appetizer for fun. "Appetizer! To you left" I called out and he laughed and shot a death eater to his left with a spell from his wand. All of the sudden after fifteen minutes of fighting I felt claws tear down my backside. I bleated in pain as I also felt Percy be stabbed even though he wasn't with me. The Harpy clawed threw my back as I tried to knock it off but then I felt myself changing, I srunk and changed into a Laurel sapling. No, I was dead, but I thought? But how can I still see what is happening but not move or do anything. At least I'm a laurel but does this happen to all stars when they die. Can tehy still see what's going on? I felt some one pull off one of my leaves and it hurt quite a bit like when you pull out a hair from your head. I hope Percy and the others will be okay, I thought as Appitizer kille dthe harpy that had killed me. This was going to be a long boring life as a tree, I hope Percy finds me and gives me to his mom to look after. She's good at taking care of them and she's very nice. Man Juniper is goinng to strangle my tree. A bit of sap rolled down my bark and I relized it was like a tear. Well I can't be crying out my life blood I said to myself and stoped 'crying'
Third person POV: Hogwarts was under attack much like when it was under attack teh year before but this time monsters were attacking and all of the children under the third year didn't have any magic to defend them selves with so many died or were injured. The fourth to sixth years were doing much better with the death eaters but were being killed by monsters because they had enough demigod blood in them (their magic aka Hestia.) that they could be killed by monsters. The ones under third year with no magic couldn't be killed by the monsters just by the death eaters. Once again the slitherin house went over to the evil side expect for the ones under the third year as they dident have any magic and were being ushered away by Princible Mc Gonagol. The seventh years were killing monsters and Death eaters left and right but an explosion made the Raven claw tower fall killing many monsters, death eaters and students two. In fact all of the death eaters went for teh Raven claw people frost so they couldn't make strategies to fight back. Kronos started to slowly regain a body as each Raven claw was killed. And when any other wizard was killed Voldamort started to regain a body as well. Harry , Ron and Hermoine were about to leave Annbeth, Hazel and Frank to get Percy to a place were they could try to heal him when Harry's Scar started hurting which could only mean one thing. Voldamort was Alive again, and stronger as more wizards died. Suddenly a area around Percy, Amnbeth, Hazel and Frank froze and the closer you got to them the slower time got. Kronos was alive now also fully formed but he wanted to kill Percy last along with Annbeth and he needed their blood to be spilt on a certain place for him to become imortal again, as right now he just had a body as strong as a demigods body. Voldamort needed to kill Harry and Ginny to get a imortal body as right now he had a mortal body and couldn't do much magic but he didn't need to as Malfoys father was protecting him. "He's alive." Harry stated while trying to fight off a mind attack from Voldamort.
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