Rachel's power
Rachel: suddenly I was jerked into a vision of some sort, There was Kronos, some other guy and Keili. "He'saaa already sssstarted hisssss plan. Sssssoon when Percy Jackson issssss dead we will kill him and take the power. Foolissssh Mortal Wizard, ssssso sassy to manipulate!!" Keili said. I suddenly relized what was happening, as the Oracle, I was now starting to see visions as well or hear things that I wouldn't normally be able to hear. "Oh be quiet! all we need to find is one of the seven, Nico, Caylpso, or Thalia a female preferably so we can gain the power. Gaga will stay killed for millena but now we know Demigod blood is powerful. Now send out the next search team for them, no monsters have seen them in weeks. Even they spy hast seen them or knows we're they are as things at there camp are being hush hush. Right now we're in the process of trying to capture Thalia." Kronos said tossing a sword between his hand, hmmm looks like his syith wasn't brought with him. Suddenly I was pulled back into reality by Annbeth shaking me. "Rachel!!" Annbeth wa saying and I shock my head to clear it and I replied "yes?" Annbeth stoped shacking me and said "your eyes were white, did you hear the gods again?" I shock my head no and replied "It was a vison of the bad guys, it's Kronos but not with a mortal or demigod body he doesn't have a body yet he's just kinda there in mist, and Keili well she's reformed. And some other Titan or Giant that I couldn't make out. There looking for you guys, Nico, Calypso and apparently there in the process of capturing Thalia." Annbeth paled and she yelled for a Dramca. "They don't work her rembere?" Piper said reminding her. Suddenly a voice came at the back of my head, 'you can contact the gods directly, tell lady Aritmis about the attack.' "Lady Aritmis! Thalia is in the process of being kidnaped! Please go stop this from happening." I said directing it to her. "What the? Oracle? Rachel? Is that you? Good job you've figured out how to do this only two other Oracels were ever able to do this. I will go check on her, I will tell you what happens." She replied in my head. I noticed everyone was staring at me intently and I relized my eyes must have no been glowing "Aritmis is checking on her." I said nonchalantly. "Did. You just. Speak. To her?" Hazle asked amazed and I nodded my head yes. I told them in more detail my vison and what Aritmis had said then about ten minutes later she said in my head "I got there just in time, she is injured and unconscious but will survive thanks to my brother. I'm assuming you had your first vision? " "yes, and keep an eye on her, let's just say Kronos and Keili and some other giant or Tinatin dude want her or one of the seven females or Calypso and Percy so Kronos can get a body. I will tell you more later but I suggest you tell Zeus." I replied. "Will do, and I will tell Apollo to come teach you more about your abilitys later. Were is Percy by the way?" She asked and I mentally gulped, "he may have been kidnaped by Wizards and is now in Scotland and we're trying to find him before they do. Bye!!!!!!" I replied then shut the connection off. "Thalia is fine, unconscious and beat up but she'll be fine according to Apollo. Also Appently I will now have random visions and hear the gods at random times because of being the Oracle. And I can speak directly to the gods if I concentrate now I need a nap." I said before trying to stand and then falling to the floor totally asleep.
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