Percy has a higher tollerance to knockout drugs
Harry: Mc Gonagol and I managed to get him in a taxi and drive out of New York. I was still suprized he had managed to move after a stunning spell, his sword has disappeared and he was still out cold as Mc Gonagol had drugged him. I did feel bad for taking him and not even telling his mom about it, not like she would even find out. I Resonded with myself, she didn't even know we're he had been. We had convinced her to leave with her Husben Paul who wasn't Percy's dad just a step dad. I had checked Percy's arms for the death eater mark but there was only a mark which looked to be burned in his skin, it said SPOR on it and had one black line and a trident on it. Strange, but cool in a strange way. He had just as black of hair as mine and In the brief moment I had seen his eyes were sea green. You could tell he was strong and radiated an aura of power. He had scars running up and down his arms and he groaned in his sleep. "He's waking up!" I said surprised. Mc Gonnagal turned around as the taxi stoped and cast a spell on him making him be silent again. We got out of the car and brought Percy along with us to the side of the road were Ron's dad was waiting for us. He raised an eyebrow at the knocked out Percy but didn't say anything. Mc Gonagol grabbed his wrist and then we all grabed the port key and we telaported to Ron's house. I couldn't wait to see Ginny! "Harry, please bring Percy to the guest room." Mc Gonagol said and I internally groaned, I used a spell to float him up and brought him to the guest room. I layed him down on the bed and predicted he would wake up withen two hours.
Nico: When Annabeth and Grover called an emergency meeting for the seven and me I quickly got up and went to the big hose. When I got in Piper was half asleep and had a hair brush in her hand like she was Contomplateing between brushing her hair or her teeth, Jason was wide awake and was sitting by Pipers side. Hazel and a Frank were wide awake, Frank had just come over from new Rome where he spent quite a bit of his time as he was now praetor. Leo and Calypso were sitting down together just as I walked in. Chrion was watching everyone with interest. Grover was eating a napkin and Annabeth was pacing nervously when she saw I had arrived she called the meeting to order. "What about Percy?" Leo asked. Annabeth clenched her jaw and she said "That's what this is about." The room froze. We had all thought Percy had just been late like usual. We all sat in silence for a few minutes until Piper broke the silence now wide awake. "What happened." Annabeth ran her hand threw her hair and said "I was sleeping when I heard a knock on my cabin door. I thought it was Percy but it turned out to be Blackjack. I followed blackjack and found Grover upside down a tree muttering. Grover had heard Percy say somthing threw their Empaty link but didn't hear him properly then when he tryed to ask what's up he didn't respond leading Grover to want to go check on him as he was probuly doing it in his sleep. I helped Griver down and we went to Percy's cabin Blackjack all the while following us." Annabeth bit her lip. "Percy wast there. Blackjack seamed to want us to follow us so we got on and he led us to Percy's mom's house where she was packing with Paul to come here. Because a guy and a lady who are apparently a wizard and a witch told Sally her real father was an evil wizard who wants to make her come to the evil side. They had told her to move because her evil father probably already knew where she lived so she was heading strait over to camp half blood to tell Percy because they were also looking for him. Grover and I went outside after telling Sally that Percy wasn't at camp. Last night Percy told me about a strange dream he had with a lady with a witches hat and a guy talking about Sally her evil father and that Sally was a squid. I still don't know what that means so don't ask. We think Percy went to go check on his mom when he might have gotten kidnaped. Also when we went outside we found this." She pointed to Grover who brought out a stick. Chrion gasped softly when he saw it and he said "She wasn't joking." We all turned to him and just kinda started at him until Annabeth said "Explain." Chrion replied "Hectate told me some years ago that many centuries ago she had blessed mortals with magic. They were called wizards for the males and witches for the females. She even showed me a wand of theirs to prove her point, she wanted me to send over some demigods to watch a powerful wizard but I declined saying that we needed every demigod. She told me that some of the demigods in this camp were wizards or witchs but she had held off their letter to a school of magic that was for Wizards and witches to learn about their power to cast spells." He explained and Annabeth asked "How do you know if you are one?" Chrion called Hazel over and placed the wand in her hand "Wave it." He said and she waved it. All the windows in the big house shattered and she dropped it freaked out. "It did that when I picked it up back at Percy's mom house." Annabeth said amazed.
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