Link injury
Three mouths later: frequent monster attacks happened but no students died so that was good. They hadn't figured out who stole some newer wizards magic but had narrowed it down to seven kids, five in the slitherin house and one in the raven claw and one in griffendoor. They had all gotten much better at magic and Rachel didn't sprout any profaceys which was good, they hoped. They hadn't made any promises so they wouldn't break them. Percy hadn't been able to go to the sea the entire time and he had finally begged Mc Gonnagle into letting them all go to the beach for a day.tehy went there all of them kept their wands near by just incase but Percy entered the water his skin imedetly got tanner his skin more vibrant, and his hair blacker aka he looked a lot heathy. Hermoine had figured everyone's parents out except for Percy's so when they saw this they relized who his dad was. "Your dad is Posidon!" Hermoine yelled in excitement that she had finally found out who it was, but Percy kept a straight face and said "No, I was blessed by him though." Hermoine looked down dejectedly and sad she had gotten it wrong and then Percy started laughing along with the rest. "I'm kidding! You figured it hour! Finely after almost four months!" Percy said between laughs. Tehy were having fun at the beach when suddenly Percy fell on his side yelling in pain. "Percy!" Annbeth said as they all rushed to him, blood was pooling down his side from a non existent cut and he was trying to to scream again. Piper placed a silancing spell around the area so mortals would freak out and Hazel made the mist seam like they were just all talking. They were trying to figure out what was going on when Percy shivered violently then was still, breathing soflty tears streaming down his face but fast asleep. The blood had disappeared and Annbeth gently shook him awake. He sat up saying quickly with wide eyes "Grover." Then Harry, Hermoine and Ron Aperated them back to the Argo two. When they got there they saw a large piece of snap wood was in Grovers side and the ex death eater was trying to defend him from a bunch of harpies as Festas was two busy betraying to keep the other death eaters away. Percy stumbled over to Grover, Annbeth by his side as they tried to stop the bleeding. The demigods quickly got rid of the Harry's and death eaters and thanked the ex death eater for trying to save Grover. They had finally stoped the bleeding from Grover and had bandaged him up but he was still unconscious and Percy still looked pale. "I'm going to take a nap!" He anonced before fainting, luckily Jason caught him. "That couldn't have been good for him, if Grover died then what happens to Percy?" Hermoine asked interested as usual. "He might die also." Annbeth replied then adding "Percy wount be better until Grover is so he should stay in bed and Hazel can make it seam like his has a cold that can't be cured until some sort of plant is ripe." Everyone nodded then the went back to thier tower.
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