Percy: I brought Nuctua my new owl pet into the room were I would be staying and sat down on my bed with Nuctua beside me. I was glad I had found an Owl, I knew for a fact none of the gods even knew were I was and had everyone looking for me but I couldn't contact them for somereason. Like a spell wasn't letting me, I guess. Nuctua played with my hair and I smiled, it would be fun to have an owl as a pet now that Athena was okay with me dating Annbeth. I knew as soon as I had seen Nuctua that Athean was searching for me as its eyes flashed gray for a second. Maybe she would tell Annbeth, I slowly drifted off to sleep and had a dream. It was a guy with long blond hair who was chanting a spell with a wand in his hand. Suddenly he turned into a little kid with brown hair, I didn't see his face. "Finally, They'll never know what hit them." He said in a childish voice. Then the dream switched to Tartaus, "Welcome back young Hero. Ready for more pain?" Tarturs said a black sword in his hand. I couldn't move or replie in my dream so I just kinda stood their and he walked up and started cutting me and tortueing me and all I could do was scream in pain. Dimly I heard voices in the back of my mind trying to wake me up but I knew it wouldn't work, only Annbeth could wake me up. Or somthing that reminded me of Annbeth. Suddenly somthing brushed up against my side, feathers, owl, Annbeth. I relaxed and the dream faded away and I woke up my hand stroking Nuctua. "Bloody hell! What was that Percy?" Ron's voice asked me and I flinched as I heard the word hell. "Pass me my shoe please, don't ask." I said knowing I needed to get my ambrosia. Harry wordlessly passed me my shoe and I opened the compartment and took out a small bit of ambrosia and took a bit. I put the rest away and shut the shoe again. Harry placed my shoe back under the bed were I had placed them and I said "Ron can you get me a glass of water?" My cuts started to close and the brusies faded away leaving only scars. "Percy, what was that and why were you screaming and getting random cuts on yourself? And how are those cuts healing" Hermoine asked "You know how I said my dreams come true?" I replied. They nodded and I continued "There was a guy in the past who tortured me, some time in my dreams I have dreams of the past and my realy body gets injured from that. About the healing thing and what that was its Clasifiyed. Like I'm sworn not to tell you unless it's dire circumstances." "So how did you wake up? We were trying to wake you up for five minutes and you wouldn't wake up." Harry asked. I looked down at Nuctua and replied "If it happens again just make sure to get Nuctua. She'll help, she reminds me of my girlfriend who also went threw the same thing. She's the only one who can get me out of it and apparently so can Nuctua." Nuctua rubbed up against me and I smiled. "So, your okay now? Cause I was sleeping...." Ron asked trailing off. I laughed as Hermoine wacked him up side the head, "Yes I'm fine! You guys can go back to bed now." I said I between laughs. They all filed out except for Harry who stayed behind a bit longer to say "Here's the water Ron got you." And he handed me a glass of water. I nodded my thanks and he left. After he left I drank the water refilling my energy and I looked at Nuctua "I hope Athena saw threw you so she can tell Annbeth that I'm still alive. Man she's going to kill me when I get back, disapring like that. I wonder why my Empty link won't work." I said and Nuctua just cuddled up against me closer, I smiled and fell back to sleep. Peaceful for the rest of the night.
Annbeth: I looked at the mirror to see Percy with cuts appearing on his body and him screaming. I hadn't figured out how to turn on the sound yet so I couldn't hear it but I knew he was having a dream about Tartaus. Suddenly the owl that I must have been seeing out of its eyes cuddled up to him and I found out how to turn in the sound. Percy stoped screaming and his hand stroked the owl that I was seeing out of its eyes and he woke up. I heard the conversation and found out the owl I was seeing out of name was Nuctua the second. Clever Percy, I thought as he explained his way out of telling them the truth and said that the Ambrosia was classified. Sadly Nuctua kept to Percy's side and didn't look at the other teenagers who were with him. "I hope Athena saw threw you so she can tell Annbeth that I'm still alive. Man she's going to kill me when I get back, disapring like that. I wonder why my Empty link won't work." Percy suddenly said looking at Nuctua. His empathy link won't work? I won't kill him just beat him up a little bit. Nuctua snuggled closer to him and he fell asleep soon after and I shut of the conection and the charm reaped on my necklace. "My mom gave me this charm so I can see out of the eyes of any owl that is near Percy. So that's pretty much it. Thanks mom!" I said explaining to Frank and Hazel what just happened.
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