Defeating Orion
Luke: I was down in the underworld pacing. I had just found out Orion was realy an evil super old primordial god that pretended to be a really good demigod. Teh only way to defeat him was to stab him stait in the stomach with Kronos (spell check hate me) sythe or my sword backbitter as it was made out of the same metel. Suddenly teh fates appeared infrount of me and Peryc was also standing their. "Percy?" I asked confused as he said "Luke?" Also confused. Then teh three fates said "Percy you will die, but you are not dead yet. Kronos wants to use you and Annabeth to become more powerful a Dan imortal but if your chose you can give your life energy to Luke. He is the only one who knows how to defeat the real enemy." Percy blinked a few times in surprise before hugging me and saying "I will accept, Luke. Go save the world. It's your second chance and I'm tired of doing all the profaceys. Remember your dad loves you. Anddd don't let Annabeth kill her self." Then suddly I was standing beside Annabth who was holding the dead body of Percy in shock a sword threw his middle. Ouch. Tears brimming at my eyes I walked over and shut his eyes. "Thanks Percy," I said a soft smile on my face. Then i turned to Orion who was now shacking in fear before teh gods as I walked up Back biter glowing I said "Ready to fade? Cause you already 'faded' once and your gonna do it for real this time. Orion." (in this book Orion was a primordial God who everyone thought he was a demigod who was just very strong and powerful who Apollo 'killed' and the only man Atremis ever loved but relay Artemis found out what he realy want as and asked Apollo to kill him hoping he would fade. Everyone thought he had faded but he relay hadn't and was now back for revenge and to rule to earth.) "How?" He asked stuttering and I said "Percy gave me his remaining life force as he was about to die. Now you'll die and I'll prove that I in teh past did somthing wrong and terrible but now I can start to make up for my mistake." I said then we started fight elaborately and I felt stronger as I fought him until I finally landed a blow on his arm. He screamed in pain as it started to take away his life and I stabbed again and again killing him, making him fade. "Mercy!" He screamed out but I looked at him with cold eyes "You killed two many people, you lied to many times. You killed my best friends boyfriend and you think I will let you have mercy just so you can come back a millennium later and try again? No. Your dead." I said then I stabbed him right in the heart backbitter glowing gold. His body disloved and I sat on the ground exhausted. I was then enveloped in a hug from my father who I gladly hugged back "I'm sorry." I whispered in his ear and he just begged me tighter. And I relized they were all in their pure godly forms how was I not dead? "How am I not dead?" I asked and then I relized that my sword ha dThe power of a primordial in it, ohhhhh makes sense. They all turned back to their normal forms and we rushed over to were Annabeth was sobbing beside Percy's body and Hazel and Frank were just staring in shock at the body. I knelt down beside Annabeth and Percys Body were she was crying and gave her a hug. She hugged me tightly sobbing all the while her heart was broken, her soul mate gone. Hogwarts was saved for the most part, a house (Raven claw) did fall literally, wand failed and so did sword (Backbiter is a sword and a stythe.) promises were broken and only a couple of Raven claw students survived. Then the three fates appeared and they were smiling. What. The. Heck.
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