Blue pancakes
Percy: I had accidentally revealed that my dreams usually come true and so to try to change the subject I asked for blue food. Hermoine had gone down stairs to see if they had any while Harry and Ron sat down in chairs by the bed I was in. "Blue food?" Ron asked and I replied "Inside joke. My mom married a jerk at first after my dad was lost at sea and he told her food couldn't be blue so she made every food that night blue. You'd be suprized on how much better it tastes blue." Both of them laughed at this and soon they were telling me about Diogon ally were we would go tomorrow to get my wand. Hermoine, Ron and Harry would be teaching me how to use magic to defend myself from the 'Death eaters' as they called them and I thought that was funny but I made sure to keep my laughter inside about that. I had desided that I would stay with them first off because if I was here and the death eaters were realy after me then if I was with my friends they could get hurt. Second off because I was curious about this whole magic thing and wanted to learn how to use it to defend myself and that fixing spell would come in handy if I broke somthing. I knew Annbeth would be freaking out do I was also trying to find out a way to contact her, or Grover then Grover could tell them but this house was demigod magic proof. "Here, Mrs. Weasley made some blue pancakes for you." Hermoine said walking back into the room a plate of blue pancakes in her hands. My mouth watered, I was starving. "Thank you." I said then started eating while Harry explained to Hermoine about the blue food. She nodded and asked me "So what do you like to do in summers?" "I go to a summer camp with my girl friend and sown of my best friends. That's were I learned to use the sword you saw me with Harry." I explained knowing he was about to ask about it. "But we're did it go? It disappered." Harry said confused. I smiled and desided I would show them, I took my pen out of my pocket and Ron looked confused "Why do you have a pen?" I smiled some more and uncapped it wondering what they would see. They all jumped back in surprise, So I guess wizards can see threw the mist. "How? I thought you said you didn't know magic existed?" Hermoine asked still staring at the sword. I recapped it and said "I found this and almost killed myself with it. It's enchanted I guess and always returns to my pocket given time. I learned to use a sword at camp as one of the activities and when I found this sword it became mine." I answered. Harry looked very interested and I said "Please don't tell anyone about it. Even though it can't be taken away from me as far as I can tell it wouldn't be good for everyone to know I had a wepon when they don't even trust me yet." They all nodded I'm glad they understood. "We're you speaking in another Language earlier?" Hermoine asked. How wa si going to cover this? "At camp we learned a few Greek words for fun. My girl friend and I tell each other things so other people can't understand." They all nodded but I could tell Hermoine was still skeptical "It didn't sound like Greek more like.. Like Latin." Shoot. Wait why had I spoken Latin? I guess being in a Roman camp for so long rubbed off on me, but I'd didn't learn much Latin I hadent even relized I had spoken it. "One of my best friends and his girl friend communicate in Latin guess I said somthing the said." I shrugged hoping she wouldn't see how confused I was. "Ron! Harry! Hermoine Let the boy sleep!" Mrs. Wesley called up the stairs. They waved goodbye and left, I hope I can contact Annbeth in my dream.
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