As long as we're together.
Annabeth: I sat their hugging Luke, my brain not even processing that he's hear just that Percy is dead. He stroke my hair softly like he did when I was younger like a little sister. Then I heard a flash and I go chef up and saw the three fates. That wasn't the strange or Creppy part. They were smiling, teh fates never smiled. Like ever. In history! "Pass us your sword Luke." They said and Luke wordlessly passed them the sword. Then it finally clicked. "Your alive! Your back." I said looking at Luke in disbelief. He smiled then hugged me and said "Good to be back little sis." And then the fates took Backbiter and took out Peryc sword riptide which made tears threatened to fall once more. Tehy placed teh two swords on Percy and looked at Luke as if asking permission for somthing. He quickly nodded and tehy started to chant as Luke picked me up and moved me away from Percys body. Teh two swords started to glow and suddenly a Laural sapling was in one of their hands. The sapling also began to glow along with the two swords. Suddenly a warm feeling spread threw out my body and I could feel Luke felt it also. I closed my eyes in the bliss of good memories of Percy, bad also but of that there were few. When I opened my eyes again is aw that I was glowing as well as Percy's body. Suddly a stream of Black light came from Backbiter, a stream of green and blue light from Riptide and a stream of gold light from the Laural into Percys body. Then a stream of Silver light came form my body and a red one from Luke. Tehy all entertained around Percy's body and I saw a tiny bit of somthing go from Luke sword into Percy's body along with the light then all the lights stoped and we all stood their in suspense when suddenly Hades gasped and a pure white somthing flashed next to Percy and went into his body. Then Percy breathed, and the wound disappeared in a flash and then Peryc was drooling in his sleep. "Percy!" I screamed and he sat up quickly reaching for his sword and then I ran to his side along with Luke and hugged him. "Oh." He said and I laughed crying and hiccuping at teh same time. He was Alive! Peryc was Alive! Then the Laural sapling right beside Peryc turned into Grover with a poof and his wounds were also gone. "It's terrible being a laurel." He stated hugging Percy along with Luke and I. "Grover, you have a soul now and you shall not turn into a plant when you die but go to the underworld. Percy, you are now imeortal along with Annabeth and Luke. Hazel your curse is gone and so is Franks. Piper and Jason are partially immortal until they die in battle like Artemis hunters. Harry, Heromine, Ron and Ginny are all given treathened wands that can't break and will always return to them like riptide. Calypso and Leo are soul mates and will both be Immortal. There will be no wars for five hundred years. Also don't thank us for Percy living again, thank Chaos as he wouldn't let Percy stay dead." Then they disappered. We all stood their silent for a minute before we all started laughing with Joy. It was over, it was finally over. ----that night---- Percy was walking me back to my cabin as we had been flashed back to camp half blood after agreeing no demigods should know that Luke was alive and immortal he stayed in Olympus until we would come there in a week were we would figure out what to do next. Hermeas was overjoyed at his son being alive again and immortal so he gave him a job just legit hanging around with his dad and helping him make decisions. Luke was very happy at this and accepted. I was walking in pure bliss beside my Immortal soul mates hen he said "Annabeth?" And I turned to look at him to see him not their. Then I looked down and he was kneeling on the ground. Why is he..... OH. "Annabteh will you Marry me?" He asked hesitately holding up a ring. "Yes!" I squealed and we kissed. Then I looked down at the ring. It was silver with embedded green, blue and gray stones. In graved in it was As long as we're together. I smiled at Peryc tears in my eyes and kissed him. The moon was full and I knew Artemis approved of it as I saw it was extra Beatiful tonight. I was happy to be immortal next to my soon to be Husben who ha deven gained the approve of a man hating goddess. (Also Hera and Athena btw,) and I would enjoy the next five hundred years of peace.
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