Almost a pancake
Nico: Rachel collapsed to the floor legit snoring. I picked her up and Carried her to the infirmary wondering about what she had said. I was glad Thalia was okay other wise I would have killed my self trying to shadow travle to her, I still couldn't do that a lot. I walked back outside and suddly Grover said "I can feel him!! Very faint but we're close!" Annbeth got super excited at that and started looking over the edge for apartment blocks were Percy apparently was. We were all on deck waiting in suspense for what was going to happen. Grovers face was brighting even more and he started to jump up and down. I could tell Annbeth was struggling to keep from screaming when suddenly the entire boat pitched to the side throwing Me, Annbeth and Hazel over the edge of the railing. Now, the thing is, Hazel and I being in the air in the first place was bad, falling through it was another. Storm clouds began to form and I knew it wasn't Zuses fault as he had programmed his domain to do that automatically so he probably didn't even know about this. Hazel was screaming and Annbeth was franticly looking around as we plummeted. Suddenly the air solidified under me along with Annbeth but Hazel was to far away for Jason to get her too. "Hazel!" I screamed terrified that she might die just like my other sister Bianca. Just as she w about to hit the ground a light streamed under her, a spell, that made her levitate like two inches from the ground. The Argo 2 had floated down so it was just twenty feet from the ground and Jason ap had set Annbeth and I on the ground. We ran over to Hazel who still had her eyes shut tight for the impact. We saw a brown haired girl and a red haired boy, the brown haired teenager female had her wand extended towrds Hazel and I assumed she had shot the spell. "Who are you guys and how is that ship floating?" The red haired guy asked sprinting over the Girl right on his tail. "I'm Annbeth, and Thease are my friends. Who are you may we ask?" Annbeth said taking charge as I touched Hazel's shoulder who opened her eyes in shock at being alive. "I'm not dead." Hazel stuttered as I helped her stand. "Nope, and I intend to keep you alive." I replied as she hugged me tightly. "I'm Hermoine Granger and this Is my boyfriend Ron Weasly." Hermoine replied shaking Annbeth's hand. That use were the names Rachel had told us!! I thought excitedly as Jason and the rest of the crew came off of the ship. "Do you know we're Percy Jackson is?, Annbeth got straight to the point, imedetly they became more defensive and Hermoine replied "Never heard of him," Annbeth looked like she wanted to murder this girl and Piper carefully hald her back. "Listen here Hermoine, you will tell us we're Percy Jackson is, you will bring us to him or you will die." I said steping forwards venom lacing my tone. "I don't know who your talking about." The girl said quickly, too quickly. "Tell us the truth." Piper said charm speak filling her voice. Hermoines eyes glassed over and she said "He is at Harry Potter house sleeping." Ron steped back from her and said "Bloodly Hell what was that?!?" Hermoine snapped out of it and said "What? Just happened." Frank replied "We can use magic with out a wand. Want to try us? Now just bring us to our flipping friend!" Hermoine and Ron shared a look "Your that Annbeth and her friends?" Ron said questioning. Annbeth sighed exasperated and said sarcastically "No I'm Annbeth the crazy person who just so happens to be asking for Percy. Yes I'm that Annbeth!!" Hermoine and Rons face paled and Hermoine said "please don't tell Percy that we tried to well...... Just come he has totally been missing you guys. You guys are all he talks about or new spells he's learning. I should have recognized you guys as soon as I saw you. Sorry for being so rude." Then she proceed to lead us to a apartment block.
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