The prophecy
~((Anna's POV))~
My dream started like this...
I was standing on a rock, covered in grass and flowers, it was only big enough to stand on. I was wearing a greek style dress with gold bracelets on my wrists and biceps, I wasn't wearing any shoes. my raven black hair was curled in ringlets and put up in a greek goddess hair style.
My rock was surrounded by a shallow lake. the water was crystal clear and I could see small pepples at the bottom.
I finally stepped in, the water refreshed me, it was luke warm and felt nice on my toes.
I stepped forward. I wanted to reach the other side so badly, but the shore always seemed the same distance.
I pulled up my dress, trying not to get it dirty, but I tripped, falling head fist in the water, when I emerged, the lake was different.
The sky was red, and the water, was thick and as black as oil. my dress was dirty and torn, I'm hair had come loose and was messed up. my once beutiful white dress was black and oil ran down my arms and legs.
Black flames, burned all around me. I screamed, falling in the water.
I sat back up. I few feet in front of me was a women.
She was wearing a dress of oil, it was shaped like a Greek goddes dress but at the end of the dress, it dripped black oil. her eyes were empty and her deathly pale skin was sunken. her black hair was so covered in oil that it looked like the oil itself.
Black tenticals came out of the oil and grabbed my arms and legs. they lifted me out of the water.
I struggled, thrashing around. I was terrified by the woman. I wanted to get away from her, I wanted to run, an flinched when a crisp voice exactly like the voice from the camp fire.
"Don't fear little demigod, I am Achlys, the goddess of the shadows, I only wish to speak to you"
I shook of my fear and spoke "didn't seem to keen on that at the camp-fire, did you, kept going on about us being thevies and burning my camp, if I had half a mind, why I'd-" I started.
"SILENCE GIRL!!! I should kill you, but I have decided to let you, live, maybe you could be of some use to me..."
I looked down and muttered "how very kind of you." she didn't notice.
"As I was saying little demigod, I need you to find my goblet of poison-"
"Goblet of poison, well that sounds pleasant..." I muttered.
"DONT INTERUPT ME GIRL!!! See what happens when I let you mortals live, this is the thanks I get!!"
"I'm sorry, please go on telling me about your goblet of poison.." I scoffed
"Well I need you to find it for me, it was stolen from me."
"By who then?" I asked sarcastically.
"I don't know"
"Well that's helpful" I muttered.
"You have till the end of next week!! Now, WAKE"
I shot up in bed, I was covered in a cold sweat, my hair was plastered to my face and neck.
I breathed heavily, whiping the sweat of my face. I swung my legs over the side of the bed.
I curled up, thinking about that horrible woman, in her oily dress, and her horrible voice.
I shuddered.
I got up and looked out the window. the sun was rising on the horizon.
I sighed. it was a horrible dream, and it had been so realistic.
I finally decided to take a walk on the beach.
I stepped out side of my cabin and closed the door, letting the fresh hair fill my lungs.
I walked down to the beach and sat down in the sand, my legs partially in the water.
I felt a lot better. the water helped a lot, it gave me extra strength.
Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name. I turned it was piper.
"Anna, Chiron wants you, its a meeting of the cabins. there going to talk about the camp-fire" the daughter of Aphrodite told me.
"Yeah, ok, I'm coming" I got up and fallowed piper too the big house were we found Chiron and the head of the cabins, plus percy and Luke.
"Now that everyone's here, lets talk about what happened last night." Chiron looked at hurricane.
But it was I who spoke first "I had a dream last night, a lady, or goddess told me she needed me to retrieve some goblet of poison-"
"Achlys, I should have known, if she needs our help, well let's just say it must be bad." Chiron shook his head.
"Exuse me but who in hades is Achlys?" It was Travis stoll who had spoken.
"My dear boy, Achlys is the goddess of darkness, she symbolizes everything wrong with the world. she is darkness itself. and her goblet of poison is her symbol of power, but she's not well known since the Greeks didn't nessasarly like her to much so there are no statue's of her, Chiron's eyes search around the table then finally landed on me.
"What else did she tell you? It is vital you tell us everything." So I told them everything, from beginning to end.
When I finished everyone looked disturbed, some people shuddered. Chiron just shook his head."It sounds like we need a quest, Anna, I think you should lead this quest, you are the one who spoke to the fire, the dream came to you, it's only fitting that you lead this quest"
I thought for a moment, "I'm going to need six people on this quest, three from the choas army, of course I will be one of the three from camp half-blood, I would like Annabeth and leo to be the other two. and hurricane can choose his members to go." I spoke looking at everyone's faces.
Annabeth nodded her head, leo gave me the thumbs up, and percy spoke.
"I shall go, along with Angel and my second in command, hero."
I nodded and Chiron spoke, "Now for the profecy-" suddenly Rachel dare, the oracle, fell in her seat, there were gasps as she sat up in her seat.
To the temple
Demigods shall go
To prevail or perish to a deadly foe
The child of Poseidon shall take there final breathe.
To retrieve what was stolen and face Black Death
There was a silence, everyone looked at me.
I felt sick, I exchanged glances with Luke and percy. Chiron cleared his throat.
"Anna, leo, Annabeth, hurricane, hero, you should go and get ready for your quest. and inform angel that she is to pack to" Chiron spoke in a hoarse voice, and I understood, I knew what he was thinking. he had already lost percy (sort of ) now he could loose me too.
I got up from my seat and turned too percy.
As we were walking the commander confided in me, "you know it might not be you" he told me.
"Don't say that, you have more people depending on you than you realize." I told him.
"Yeah well, we'll see"
I looked at him, "yeah"
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