I think her name is anna rivers
~((percy/hurricane's POV))~
As we walked, Anna I think I heard Jon say her name was, swung her sword like a button. It was shaped like riptide only instead of being all celestial bronze, it's hilt was emperial gold and the blade was celestial bronze.
"We're did you get this?" I asked, Anna stopped swing her sword and smirked at me, her sea green eyes sparkling, "I made it" she started to swing her sword and and I got a good look at her.
She had raven black hair that was thick and windswept but also looked soft, even unbrushed it was pretty, Anna was pale with a spray of freckles across her small nose, she was quiet thin, she had long slender fingers were painted blue but the paint was peeling, and she had bright sea green eyes that sparkled like jewels; in other words, she was beautiful.
She wore a pure white t-shirt, and blue sweatpants.
She looked at me like she could tell what I was thinking "thanks, your not to bad yourself" she looked at me "watch this..." She said and she pulled a fancy pen cap out of the air and touched it to the cap to the tip of tsunami and it shrank into a fancy pure gold pen with a pearl on the tip of the cap. My eyes went wide "did you just?..." She looked smug "yup, it's an almost an exact replica of my half brothers, Percy, sword riptide" she clipped the pen onto her shirt.
We reached cabin 3 and stepped in and she set her pen on her bedside tabled. I hadn't been in this cabin for 10 years, there were three beds, mine on the end with the Minotaur horn and the sheild Tyson made me, the bed in the middle witch probably the bed Tyson slept on, and finally,
Anna's side of the room witch was decorated with posters of different heros, there was a stack of books in the corner with names like, handbook to greek monsters, guide to being a great hero, and story's of mythology. The walls were decorated in pictures of her and Leo, Annabeth, piper and Jason, Anna and Chiron, Anna and a girl with red hair and a boy with blonde hair, and me and Annabeth, looking happy.
"You can take of your hood percy, I know it's you" Anna laughed and I almost jumped out of my skin, "how?" I ask pulling down my hood. "Hey, Annabeth always told me all about you, plus I can speak horse and I heard you call him blackjack" I laughed, she was smart for sure.
I expected her to ask me how I ended up commander hurricane or if I was going to tell Annabeth but instead she hugged me then pulled away quickly.
Suddenly there was a nock on the door, "hello? Anna, are you there?" It was Leo, why was he here "Oh my gods! leo, just a second" she called back. I pulled my hood up as she opened the door were Leo stood. Anna pushed me out of the cabin and pulled in Leo, before I could ask what was going on she slammed the door behind me.
The fact hit me that my younger sister was hanging out ALONE with Leo Valdez in cabin 3 doing who knows what, and suddenly, I was very worried.
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