~((hurricane/Percy's pov))~
The army stepped Into the throne room and I looked around, all the gods were there. Chaos cleared his throat but I spoke first "greetings, I am commander hurricane, leader of the choas army, it is my pleasure to be back on mount Olympus, in the presence of the gods" I said honestly. Choas and my teammates looked at me surprised, I usually wasn't that mature, Zeus nodded "so you have been here before?" He asked me.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I looked up and it was choas "what my commander means to say is that he is a Demigod, as is all of my recruits" choas explained. there was silence, finally Athena spoke up "then you is your godly parent?" She asked. I was about to speak when hero spoke first, "lady Athena, that would give away our identitys?",
Athena's face went red. "We'll could you at least lower you hoods?" Apollo said questionly, this time angel spoke "how is that any better?". Apollos shifted uncomfortably "I just thought mabye...", Apollo shook his head. "You thought what?"
Luke asked, artimis spoke up"a demigod went missing 10 years ago and We just thought..." All the gods hung there massive heads. All my army members looked at me and I looked up at the gods who once voted to kill me, even ares looked upset, I knew it had to say something..."ya? We knew him, perceus Jackson right, Met him on a quest. Nice fella, good fighter, we offered him a spot on the team but I refused, told me he rather go alone. But he's fine!" I lied, and all the gods looked at me hopful for more, I shook my head.
there was a long silence intill chaos cleared his throat, "we'll we better be going..." And with that, he hearded is out of the room.
We walked down a dark hallway, choas was silent, he is never silent "what was that about?" I asked flicking down my hood, he looked at me contently, I was like son to him, "percy, I'm sorry, I just felt that they were getting to close to your true identity..." He looked down his warm brown eyes looked at me sadly, I put my hand on his shoulder and we smiled at each other.
When reached the room we found ten white pegasi and....
Hai boss! Got any apples?
"Hey blackjack!" I handed him an apple and he gobbled it down. while he ate I hopped on him. I looked around at my team "TEAM CHAOS! FALL IN!!" I called and flicked up my hood as we stepped throught the portal.
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