~((Annabeth's POV))~
As I slept, I had creepily life like dreams, but like creepier than normal. I saw a girl that was dressed like a goddess, I saw Anna, holding up the sky, I saw Leo and anna fighting, I saw Anna running across a battle field carrying a seirysly injured hurricane, I saw Anna on a buckskin colored Pegasus Anna had a determined look on her face, and she was muttering too her self, "come on, we're almost there..........just abit further."
I thought at first, that All of these things might happen but then I saw Percy and Luke. They were back to back , fighting a monster, together, what??? They fought off two gorgons. How was that possible, Luke was dead, and as far as I knew, Percy might be dead too.
One gorgon lashed out at Percy, straight at his chest, "NOOOO!!!" I tried to scream, but I couldn't move. The gorgon raked her claws on Percy's side and he crumpled, but not before cutting the gorgon in half.
Luke caught Percy in his arms and ran his sword into his gorgon, then I came in, like I was seeing myself, my eyes went wide, but not like, OMGLUKEANDPERCYWHATAREYOUDOINGHOWAREYOUALIVEANDWHYISPERCYHURT!!!!!! It was more like, What happened to Percy. Like I already knew Percy and Luke were alive.
Me and Luke carried Percy, who protested.
The scene changed and I saw percy again, he was running across the strawberry fields with me, Anna, Leo, Luke and...ZÖE!!! What in hades, what's with all the dead people? Anna hid among the strawberrys while percy ran towards her, being chased by me and Zöe.
I saw the plan amedetly. as percy ran by Anna, she pounced on him. but suddenly Luke and Leo jumped on me and Zöe. percy truggled under Anna, trying to throw her off him but Anna just sat there cracking up.
Percy turned towards me, I mean the real me, he looked right at me with a blank expretion, and opened is mouth, "Annabeth, Annabeth wake up, wake up" percy said, in a raspy voice that wasn't his, "come on Annabeth, it's morning, get up or I'm getting Chiron"
Then, I woke up with a start.
Standing over me was my brother Malcome. "ok, I'm up" I told him as I sat up in bed. I stepped out of bed and got ready. I wore a blue t-shirt, loose, baggy jeans, and black sneakers. I also combed out my hair quickly and put it in a ponytail.
after I was done getting ready, I left and headed out to the mess hall, even though it wasn't breakfast, it had become kind of a rutean since percy left, I didn't blame him, I desevered everything that happened. only I should have left, not percy. anna never knew her brother, mrs. Jackson, posidon, and pual lost there son, the whole camp had to suffer becuase of my mistake. and I don't even know why did it, all I remember is that I woke up one morning and suddenly I remembered these horrible memories f kissing Jon, AMC percy leaving, and when I went into percy's cabin for comfort, he was gone.
I hugged my shoulders as I walked, trying not to cry. I didn't even see hurricane ride up on his black Pegasus, wich I couldn't help wondering about. hurricane hopped of of the Pegasus and stood in front of me while his horse walked behind me.
Hurricane smirked at me"Hey wise girl" I looked at him, eyes wide and his smirk faded, "oh, I um, I heard Anna call you that...I'm sorry, I really am" he stuttered and my suprise turned to anger and I grabbed the Collar of his cape and punched up.
The commander crumpled, rubbing his face "yeah, I probably deserved that" he said in a very matter'o factly way. I helped him up.
"Sorry, it just that...it just that" I tried to say that it's what percy used to call me, but I couldn't say his name with bursting out into tears. hurricane looked at me with a look I couldn't read, like he was trying to decide if I was worth his time but finally he asked "that's what percy used to call you isn't it?", And I almost choked on my own suprise.
"What?" I asked him, looking at him with my best, tell-me-everything look. suddenly, the commander looked uncomfortable, "I knew him, percy, I met him on a mission, he, ummm, told me about you" hurricane explained as he rubbed his neak.
"What, you met him? What did he say about me? Is he ok? We're is he?" I probably would've drown the poor guy with questions but the commander put his hand over my mouth and smiled at me. "he's fine, and I don't know were he is, I offered him a spot in my army, but he refused and gave me his Pegasus, Blackjack" hurricane said and I wipped around to face the Pegasus.
"BLACKJACK!!!" I yelled and rapped my arms around the poor Pegasus's neck. blackjack shifted on his hooves awkwardly like, um glad to see you too, um, but I burried my face in the horses neck and cried.
I didn't even know why I was getting so emotional about the Pegasus I guess it's just that, I kind of missed him.
I finally pulled away, whiping the tears from my eyes. "you ok" said hurricane, making me jump. I had forgotten he was there.
"Ya, I'm ok, I just miss percy" I croaked, "I just need to see Chiron, I need to tell him about my dream".
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