Chapter 19
Sorry I haven't been updating very much but I haven't really had that many ideas. Hope you enjoy the new chapter!
Percy is 14 years old!
Third person
Steve just watched as Percy got on the bus for another day of school. Steve didn't know why Percy always kept begging him not to go. A lot of kids don't like school but Percy seems to despise it. Steve is a little bit afraid that there might be some bullying along with falling behind. He just wishes that Percy would tell him, and Steve helps him with his schoolwork but Percy doesn't seem to understand any of it. Percy is still the smallest kid in his grade, and Steve can tell it really bothers him. He is scrawny and short, even though he eats regularly when Steve is around.
Today while Percy was gone Steve decided that he was going to get a lot of things done. He realized that he hasn't been to the gym to beat up punching bags for a while, so that was his first stop. While he was punching a bunch of visions entered his head making him always punch harder than the time before. Some of the visions were of when he was back and time but most of them were with Percy. He remembered one time when Percy was seven he lost his first tooth.
Percy came down to the kitchen in his favorite shark pajamas to eat breakfast. Steve noticed that Percy seemed a little bit excited, and when he asked why.
"Dad, my toof is loose." His speech was a little bit messed up with his loose tooth and also the fact that he was still young and his mouth was still developing.
"Let me see." Steve replied. Percy opened his math and showed the barely wiggly tooth but Percy was still ecstatic. For Percy's sake Steve sounded really up beat. "Wow kiddo! That's awesome!" Percy smiled looking proud of himself when tony walked in.
"I heard something about a tooth being loose, so open up let's see it!"
"Tony, if I open my mouf you here to pwomise you won't pull it out!"
"Fine, I promise." Tony said a little bit to quickly.
"Pink swear." Percy pressed holding out his smallest finger. Tony locked his finger with Percy's and Percy opened his mouth.
"Oh yeah, I see it." Tony then proceeded to pull Percy into a very loose headlock and rubbed the top of his head. While Percy opened his mouth to protest, tony gripped his tooth and pulled it straight out. Percy was shocked into silence until he realized that it was bleeding and that that really hurt.
"Tony how could you do this to me?" Percy asked outraged. "You pinky pwomised me, and you can't break a pinky pwomise. I get to cut off your pinky now." Percy stated triumphantly already forgetting about his bleeding tooth.
"Noooooo!" Tony cried in fake anguish. He dropped to his knees. "Please let me keep my pinky, I need it!" Percy looked like he was thinking and then made up his mind.
"Fine, but just this once. If you break another one, I will cut it off for sure." Percy then smiled at Steve, who was quiet throughout the whole idea, and Steve saw the gap that Percy had right in the front row.
Flashback done
When Steve got out of the memory, he noticed that it was three and Percy would be home very soon. Steve got home right as the bus was leaving, and he went inside. He went into the kitchen to see Percy grabbing an apple quickly with his head facing towards the floor.
"Hey Percy, how was school today?" Steve asked, trying to make Percy look up.
"Fine." Percy mumbled still not looking up. He attempted to leave but Steve gently grabbed his arm and Percy finally looked up out of surprise. When Steve saw his black eye and busted lip, his mind went back to the time in kindergarten when that kid punched Percy.
"Percy, what happened." Steve said sternly.
"Dad, I'm fine. Those stupid kids were making fun of Annabeth for being to smart and being a teachers pet, when I walked over there. I stood up for her and they punched me a couple times, but that's all." Percy said. Steve than noticed that Percy was moving really sluggishly and squinting his eyes as if the light hurt him.
"Percy, I know that's not all they did now tell me the truth."
"Fine, they kicked me in the ribs, and my head hit the side of the building, that's it, I promise."
"Let me see your ribs." When Percy lifted up the side of hi shirt Steve we not expecting a big patch of black and purple bruises. "Why wouldn't you tell me, Percy, that they were bullying you. I could have stopped it, you're only fourteen years old, you don't have to go through all of this alone. Percy suddenly lunged at Steve and started crying on his shoulder.
"They bully me every day, dad but I'm to weak to fight them, and I didn't want to tell you, because then you and everyone els would think I'm weak, and I hate it dad. I hate feeling weak." Percy sobbed. Steve hated hearing him like this, so broken and sad.
"Percy, look at me." When Percy looked up his sea green eyes were wet and there tears running down his cheeks. Steve wiped his tears away, but more just kept coming. "Percy you're not weak. You are the strongest person that I have ever met. How can you even think you're weak? You went through so much when you were little and you never tried to put anyone in your place. You did put everyone before yourself. If that's not strength I don't know what is." Steve told him.
Percy put his head back on his shoulder and kept crying. That was the first time in a long time that Percy cried himself to sleep.
This chapter was a little...a lot more deep. Sorry. Hehe
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