Chapter 17
This is to after Percy is healed except for a cast on his arm and a brace on his ribs that people can't see because of his shirt. Percy is going to school.
Percy's POV
Steve said that I have to start going to school if I want to grow up and be a smart person. Tomorrow will be my first day at school but the other kids had already started so I was coming late. I
I have always been small for my size but I hoped I didn't get picked on for it. I also have trouble reading because I have something called dyslexia, but I don't really know what it is. "Percy" Steve called. "We have to go now!" "Ok!" I shouted back as butterflies started swarming in my stomach.
When I got to school Steve dropped me off and said that he would pick me up later. I made my way inside and found the teacher. She looks nice so I went over to her and said that I was new. "Percy Jackson? Welcome to your new school. When we have sharing time you can tell everyone your name and anything you want to tell them about yourself. Ok?"
I nodded and asked where I should sit. "You can go over there and sit next to Annabeth." I looked to where she was pointing and saw a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. I walked up to her a but timid because even though she looked nice I didn't know if she was. "Hi. My name is Percy and the teacher said I could sit here so yeah...." I trailed off awkwardly. She smiled at me and said,"What are you waiting for, I've been waiting for someone to sit by me." I sat down but the teacher said it was sharing time. Annabeth and I stood up and I realized that she was a little bit taller then me.
I walked over there and sat down next to Annabeth. "Ok Percy, let's here a little about yourself." I didn't really want to say anything because I don't really like being the center of attention but I'll try anyways. "My name is Percy Jackson" when I said that everybody turned and looked at me. It made me really uncomfortable about this. "My favorite color is blue, and I'm five years old." "Ok thank you Percy." The teacher said kindly.
Time skip to recess
When I got out to recess I started to look for Annabeth. When I saw her, I saw the biggest boy in our class teasing her. I walked up to them and said, "Go away Matt. Teasing is bullying." Matt then turned on me and Annabeth ran off, probably to get a teacher. "Oh hey, shortie. Come to save your girlfriend." "She's not my girlfriend." I say while blushing. "Whatever" "you better go because a teacher will probably come and you'll get in trouble, Matt." "Yeah you're right, but after I do this." Then all I could see was his fist going back and then I connected with my eye. I fell on the ground as Matt ran off so he wouldn't get in trouble.
Annabeth and the teacher came over but I had my head down so they couldn't see my face. "Percy, what happened" I looked up while crying and they both gasped, probably because my I was starting to bruise already. "Who did this?" The teacher asked sternly. "It was Matt." Annabeth jumped in. "Ms. Honey. He was making fun of me, but then Percy came over and stopped him. "Ok, line up!" She yelled to everybody. Everyone came running to the door to run line up.
She brought me and Annabeth to the office while Ms. Honey went to grab an ice pack. "Thanks for helping me, Seaweed Brain." "No problem, Wise Girl, you're my best friend. I had to do something, I couldn't just let him be mean to you." "I forgot to ask you, how did you break your arm?" Annabeth asked with curiosity burning in her eyes. I looked down and said, "I would rather not talk about it." Thankfully she let it be and the teacher came back with an ice pack in her hands. "Thanks." I mumbled as she gave it to me.
"The school day has two hours left, so I want you two to come back in the classroom. We nodded and walked back to the classroom.
After school
I was a little bit worried to see Steve's reaction. My eye was black and I had taken the ice pack off a long time ago because it had gotten warm. I ran to Steve when he was at the entrance and gave him a giant hug. "Hey buddy, it's great to see you. How was your day? Did you make any friends? Did you... What happened to your eye?" He asked me sternly. "Can we talk about it later?" I asked him quietly. He nodded while showing obvious concern.
When we got in the car he stared at me. "Well, what happened." "I made a new friend, her name is Annabeth. She was getting picked on by this mean boy so I walked up to him and he punched me." "Are you ok, bud?" I nodded. "I'm fine, it just stings a little. Can Annabeth come over sometime? She told me that I was her best friend so I said it back. Steve chuckled. "Sure bud, I would love to meet her."
I finally finished this chapter!! Sorry for any grammar or typos.
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