Luke jumped into his bed the moment he entered his room in the Chaos Cabin, not bothering to remove his cloak. He pressed his face against the pillow and let out a groan of frustration.
This was the exact reason why he hated being in charge. He had to deal with all this--this bullschist.
Oh, how he dearly prayed to any and every divine being to give him a break!
He turned his body around so he would face the ceiling. He dragged his palm down his face. Eyebags were starting to form underneath his eyes and Castor even poked fun at him by saying that he was starting to get gray hair.
Luke twisted his head and checked on the time using the digital clock that sat on his bedside table.
12:45 am
Dear Chaos, everyday the War looms closer. There was no doubt about it.
Gaea and Kronos' forces were going to attack the Camp in about 5 days...if they were lucky.
Luke closed his eyes and sighed. He was too young to deal with this crap.
Percy probably was staying awake checking on everything.
Zoe brushed her dark hair out of her face. She was quite shaken because of Piper's revelation.
Piper saw Kronos.
Zoe closed her eyes and rested her head on top of her arms. She so badly wished she could just sleep and completely dodge the entire battle.
But she couldn't.
She was sort of bitter towards the gods because unlike their children, they didn't have to fight. It was unfair to her.
She decided that since the battle was looming closer every minute, she'd need every ounce of sleep she could get. It would do nobody good if she suddenly dropped asleep in battle...
She pitied Percy. He probably couldn't sleep...
Jason was sitting atop of the Zeus Cabin's roof. He placed his head between his knees. He didn't want to fight in any more wars. Miniscule fights he could deal with but full-blown battles? No thanks.
Even after everything he'd been through, Jason didn't want to fight.
He didn't want others to die. He hated death and because of wars...
People will die.
He frowned and closed his eyes.
It was going to be a big day tomorrow. Percy should better be prepared but knowing the son of Poseidon, he'd probably still be awake angsting about the world. (Not really but Jason liked to think of it that way)
Bianca softly hummed to herself as she dried her hair after her shower.
The fight was nearing and Bianca, being a daughter of Hades not to mention a Chaos Warriors, was surprisingly scared.
She didn't know how but there was this pit in her stomach whenever she looked in Percy's way. She didn't know why but she was dreading for the fight.
It seemed as if Percy might die in this battle...or he'd suffer so much due to him losing someone...
She also felt this way when her gaze was directed at Annabeth and...Luke.
Bianca didn't say anything though. She didn't want them to worry. But was she right in doing so? Hiding this fact from others?
She shifted her gaze to the window. She pushed away the curtains and stared at the starry sky.
She quietly wondered who else was looking at the night sky too.
Beckendorf was working overnight in his forge--he meant, his room--nah, it was a forge...HE looked down and focused on the embers surrounding him.
He willed them to dissipate. Unlike the other rooms, which were plain and only had a bed, dresser and bedside table, his room consisted of a small forge and a closet full of tools.
Not to mention his room was fireproof. (Thank Chaos!)
He slammed down his hammer onto the piece of metal and smiled. This was perfect. He couldn't wait to show this sword to everyone--
A cold sense of dread washed down his body.
The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap...
Beckendorf's smile fell. He recalled what Chaos told him: "History will repeat itself..."
Silena stood outside Beckendorf's room. She heard the abrupt stop of him hammering. He was finally finished with the sword.
She knocked on his door but he didn't answer.
She did it again. Still no answer.
Was there something wrong?
Then she had a trip down memory lane.
"Silena," Chaos spoke to her in his throne room. "The time will come when your powers are needed. You mustn't tell any of the Warriors about the sensitive information I am about to depart to you..."
Silena was jolted when the door opened revealing her boyfriend. He was obviously tired. "Silena, what are you--"
"Charlie, why don't you sleep with me for tonight? C'mon, you look really worn out and Chaos knows that your bed is practically one of your work tables." She smiled at him and led him to her room. Beckendorf didn't make even a sound of protest. He was that tired.
She made him lay down on the right side of her bed while she did the same on the left. She entwined their fingers and her eyes softened when she realized he was already asleep.
She bit her lip.
Just a few more days...
Castor sipped his grape juice. He was banned from wine...But that was a story for another time.
He was alone in his room.
He hesitantly took a box from his pocket. It was a box wrapped in blue velvet. It was slightly heavy but not too much. He's been keeping this for about two thousand Chaos years.
No matter what
The phrase was one he found strange. It was good but at the same time brought back...memories.
He closed the box in his fist.
"Here," Percy made his fist close around the plain blue box. "I need you to keep this for me. I-" The son of Poseidon hesitated. "-I don't know why I got that...I'm not even sure if it was right of me to do so...Just please keep it until I ask you to give it back. Even until now I can't stop thinking about her..."
Lee Fletcher hit a bull's eye. Nothing surprising.
Lee could feel the tension of the whole camp rolling off in waves. There was no more time for joking. Things were starting to boil down.
Lee clutched his bow. He was alone in the training room.
He was afraid. He could feel sweat accumulating along his forehead.
He coughed into his palm, the coughs racking his body. He looked down and grit his teeth when he saw red liquid pooling on his palm.
A sick son of Apollo. Well, would you look at that?
Nobody really noticed him and his sickness. After all, he was just canon fodder...
He never really was remembered much.
Michael Yew's eyes widened when he heard his half-brother cough.
It was a horrible noise. He was about to push the door if the training room open when he heard Lee mutter: "I could probably last just a few more days...That's good enough."
Just a few more days? What was he talking about?
He burst into the room, startling the other son of Apollo in the process.
He quickly ran his hand around the his brother's body using a technique that allowed him to assess someone's health.
His eyes were overcome with fear as his arms fell limp to his sides. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"
Percy, contrary to what most would believe, was actually sound asleep in his room.
Annabeth clutched within her palm a small piece of metal.
In her palm, she held the object that'll bring down Bryce.
Once and for all.
Guyz, I'm really happy to say that I finally have a definite ending!
Yes, you read it right. The last scene is already written out.
And one little detail you should know: The last POV will be in Annabeth's.
Tell me how you feel about that and I'll see other possibilities. But trust me, it'll be better this way.
Yes, I decided to add more schist to the story.
These Chaos Warriors are more than just fighters. They're human too and with them they shoulder other problems.
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