Percy's POV:
I burst the doors of Apollo's palace on Olympus open with one hand and led Hope in with the other. Hope's water broke a few minutes ago and her contractions were getting pretty painful for her.
Apollo rushed to his entryway to see what was going on. As soon as he saw Hope, he said, "Give her to me. I'll take her to my delivery room."
Apollo took Hope's hand and put an arm around her, telling her that she'll be fine. I started to follow them, but Apollo turned around and put a hand up. He said, "Wait here. I'll send someone to come get you once she's prepped for childbirth."
I wanted to go with them, but I trusted Apollo. I reluctantly nodded and watched as Hope was taken further into Apollo's palace.
I started to pace around for a few minutes, anxiously waiting to be let into the delivery room. I tried to sit down in a chair, but I couldn't. My emotions were all over the place. Part of me was super excited. Another just wanted to be with Hope since she was in a lot of pain.
Suddenly, a few bright flashes of light brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the Seven, Nico, my dad, Hestia, Artemis, Hades, Hermes, Zeus, and Hera.
I asked, "How'd you know that Hope's going into labor?"
My dad replied, "Apollo told us while he was prepping Hope for childbirth."
I nodded. Then, I asked, "Is my mom coming?"
Hazel nodded, "Yeah. Piper went to get her and Paul. And Jason went to go get the Mikaelsons."
"Thank you," I said.
At that moment, Apollo came back out. He said, "Percy, you can come now. Hera, could you come too. You are the goddess of Childbirth."
Hera nodded, "It's the least I can do for Percy. I never quite made it up to him for wiping his memory."
Apollo led us to the back of his palace, where he had a mini-hospital. We went into a room, and inside was Hope, along with some of Apollo's assistants. Hope was on a typical hospital bed. She was still groaning in pain.
One of Apollo's assistants then said, "Her contractions are getting a lot closer together."
Hope groaned out, "The's...coming."
She spoke in between heavy pants.
I made my way over to Hope and took her hand. I comforted, "It'll be okay, Hope. Just think, in a few minutes, we'll be parents."
Hope nodded weakly. Apollo said, "Alright, Hope, I'm gonna need you to push, okay?"
Hope nodded.
As she started to push, Hope squeezed my hand as hard as she could. If I was a mortal, she would have probably broken my hand.
After a few seconds, Apollo said, "You're doing great, Hope. I can see the head."
Hope's hand relaxed before quickly squeezing my hand and giving another push.
She pushed for the next minute or so when Apollo said, "Alright, Hope, you're just about done. Just give me one more push."
Hope groaned, "Awww!"
Suddenly, she stopped and gasped for breath as the sound of crying filled the room. I got a glance at the baby--- my baby, while Apollo took it to the back of the room before quickly cleaning it and wrapping it in a towel. I looked at Hope and asked, "How do you feel?"
Hope said, "Like hell. But it was worth it."
Apollo turned back to us and announced, "It's a boy!"
Hope and I smiled. "It's a boy," I muttered.
Apollo handed Hope the baby and then said to one of his assistants, "You can let everyone in now."
In a matter of seconds, everyone was inside. I looked at my son and saw his eyes looking at Hope and me. As soon as he was in her hands, he had stopped crying.
He looked like me, but with Hope's pale blue eyes and her auburn hair. He also had some gold flakes in his eyes as well.
Happiness and love filled my heart when I looked at my son. But so did sadness. Sadness for the fact that neither Hope nor I could raise him.
Seeing my smile fade a little, my mom rubbed her hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, honey. If he's anything like you, he'll be just fine."
I nodded. A smirk started to appear on my face as I thought about what this little guy would put her through. If he's anything like me, my mom will have some interesting baby stories.
"Well," Hope's Uncle Kol said. "I'm getting impatient. Are you gonna name the bloody thing or not?"
Hope and I chuckled a little. Hope nodded, "Yeah."
I looked at Hope and gave her a nod. We had already picked a name out if it was a boy.
Hope started to cradle our baby, while I gave him my index finger, which he happily grabbed. Hope looked into his eyes, smiling, "Welcome to the world, Luke Jackson."
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