Chapter 8: "A Half-Blood of the Eldest Gods..."
Percy POV:
I am so screwed.
A few weeks ago, I was just minding my own business, doing my godly duties and such, when Zeus suddenly decided to send me to Colorado to figure out what's going on with the Supernaturals. When I asked him why he just said that it was because I helped form the Alliance. I told him then that I'm not the guy for the job, but did he listen? No. And now, I'm running away from some vampires in the Colorado Mountains.
I looked behind me and saw a solid twenty vampires chasing after me, looking very pissed. What did I do exactly to piss them off so much? I might have switched out their human blood supply with animal blood.
To be honest, all it would have done is make them slightly less powerful. And I did it because the small town nearby had practically zero blood in their Blood bank.
I looked back again at the vampires and saw even more than before. I couldn't keep this up for much longer. And if I flashed away, it would make it much harder to regain their trust in Olympus.
Thankfully, I saw a small river coming up in about five hundred feet.
As I ran through it, I willed the river to rise and create a giant wall of water behind me. The wall should slow them down a little bit since they would have to find a way around it.
After a few seconds, I looked back and saw no one following me. "Yes," I said with a smile on my face. "It worked!"
Suddenly, a vampire came through the wall. The smile on my face faded, "Oh."
As more and more vampires came through the wall, the distance between myself and them grew shorter.
I was on the ground. I looked up to see the leader of these vampires, Issac Hall. He was a little bit shorter than me, standing at around 5'11, with a buzzed head, and a scar next to his right eye. He was fairly young looking, around 28 if you asked me.
I smiled at him, "Issac, what's up my guy? Look if this is about the blood thing, I'm sorry. Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement?"
Issac laughed, "Maybe we could have... but not anymore."
Issac's eyes turned a dark red, and dark veins appeared under them. He then opened his mouth, showing me his fangs.
He was gonna bite me.
As a god, nothing would happen, except that it would hurt, a lot.
Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and a voice yelled, "Stop!"
Issac's eyes turned back to normal as he turned around. It was probably a good thing that he didn't see the smirk on my face.
"Miss Mikaelson," he said as he bowed. The other vampires followed his lead.
"Mrs. Mikaelson," Hope corrected. "I'm married to that man whose face you were about to bite off."
Issac's face widened in shock. He quickly apologized, "We are very sorry, Mrs. Mikaelson. Please accept our apologies."
Hope nodded, "I will if you all leave me and my husband within the next ten seconds."
Within three, they were all gone. I smiled at Hope, "Thanks, babe."
Hope rolled her eyes, "What'd you do to piss them off?"
I shrugged, "I don't really know. They just got really angry when I switched out their supply of human blood with animal blood."
Hope shook her head disapprovingly. She extended out her hand, which I took, and she helped pull me to my feet.
I noticed that she kept glancing at the sky or the ground like something was on her mind. "What is it?" I asked.
The next words out of her mouth hit me like a hellhound. "Luke's at Camp," she said.
My eyes widened. It took me a few seconds to register what she was saying. Luke's at Camp? Why? How? How's he adjusting? When did he get there?
I voiced that last part and Hope replied, "About a week ago."
My son's been at Camp for the past week and I didn't even know. Sure, I was busy. It wasn't like I could've gone to visit him. But, still, I should've at least known.
I looked at Hope and said, "I'll be back."
As soon as I said that, I flashed to Camp Half-Blood, directly in front of my cabin.
I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I don't think I've ever felt this nervous. Not even during the wars that I fought. This was a whole new level.
I raised my fist to knock on the door and said to myself, "I hope he'll like me."
I knocked.
After a few seconds, I heard a voice say from behind the door, "I'm coming."
The door opened a few seconds later, revealing my thirteen-year-old son. He looked exactly like me, minus his eyes and hair. He had Hope's auburn hair and her pale blue eyes. But unlike her, he had some gold flakes in his eyes.
As he looked at me, he suddenly realized who I was and exclaimed, "Holy shit!"
I smiled, "Nice to see you too, Luke. Mind if I come in?"
It took him a second to register what I was saying, but he stepped to the side, allowing me to enter.
While he closed the door, I apologized, "Sorry I haven't come sooner."
Luke shook his head, "Don't worry about it. I get that you've been busy and all."
"So, how are you adjusting to Camp?" I asked.
Luke shrugged, "I don't really know. I guess as good as you'd expect. At first, I was skeptical, but the more and more I'm here, the more amazed I am with this world. It's almost ---"
"Unreal," I finished.
"Yeah, exactly." Luke continued, "I've always felt off at home, but I never really knew why. I chalked it up to my ADHD and dyslexia, yet when I got here, I feel like I now know why. It feels like I belong here."
I nodded, "That's what Camp is for. I felt the same way as you before I learned that I was a demigod. This place became my home, and I'll do anything for it. But you, you're sense of belonging won't just be here, but out in the Supernatural world as well."
"What do you mean?"
"You're the Quadbrid," I explained, "The only one of your kind. Just like I was born to have a place at this Camp, you will always find a place with the vampires, witches, and werewolves."
Luke nodded, "Yeah, I get what you mean."
"So," I asked, "How are your grandparents and Estelle?"
"They're good," Luke replied. "But I haven't talked to them since I got here. Speaking of, do you have a phone or something I could use to call them?"
I shook my head, "Sorry, but phones aren't allowed at Camp because they're like a flare to monsters. And even with the border, it's still not a good idea with the massive amount of demigods here."
Luke raised an eyebrow, "Don't the gods have a way around that? I mean, they are the gods."
I nodded, "Yeah, they're called Iris Messages. That's what you use gold drachmas for. But don't worry about it, I'll visit them and let them know everything's alright.
Luke nodded, accepting my answer. Then, he asked, "Why do you look so young? Aren't you supposed to be in your thirties?"
"Yep," I said, popping the 'p.' I explained, "Gods can change their form at will. Their height, hair color, eye color, etcetera. They can even change their appearance to be completely different from their regular one. However, the most often thing we change about ourselves is what age we choose to appear in. I mean, could you imagine how old Hades would look if we couldn't? I'm currently in my twenty-one-year-old form. I can make myself look older if you want."
Luke shook his head, "You don't have to. I was just curious."
Suddenly, the horn sounded, and campers started to run out of their cabins. Luke asked, "Where's everyone going?"
"I don't know."
I looked around the area for a camper that wasn't rushing to go somewhere and my eyes landed on a girl who was about fifteen years old. Using my blessing of Hermes, I sped over to her. "Where's everyone going," I asked.
"Oh my gods, Lord Jackson," she said as she saw me. "They're heading to the Amphitheater."
"Thank you," I said. "And it's Percy, by the way."
I sped back over to Luke and answered, "They're going to the Amphitheater. Let's go."
Luke POV:
When my dad and I got to the Amphitheater, we saw a large crowd of campers gathering around the stage.
"Holy shit, it's really them."
"Why would they be here?"
As we forced our way through the crowd, we heard people saying some weird things. Nevertheless, there was a vibe of confusion and excitement at the same time.
I wonder who everyone's talking about, I thought.
Then, as we got to the front of the crowd, I saw them: the Olympians. From Zeus to Dionysus, they were all here. I could feel the aura of power that was caused by their presence. It was kinda scary. I thought to myself, Who would ever try to piss them off?
I looked at my dad and asked, "Why are they here?"
"I don't know, Luke," He replied. "But I intend to."
I watched my dad go up to Zeus and start to talk with him. They talked for a little while before my dad got visibly frustrated.
Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Skylar standing right behind me. "What's happening?" She asked.
I shrugged, "I don't know, but my dad just went to find out."
"But it doesn't look like that's going well," I added.
"Yeah," Skylar said, agreeing with me.
We waited for a few minutes, like the rest of the camp, until Zeus ended his conversation with my dad. He then stepped forward and said, "Demigods of Camp Half-Blood, we Olympians have a very important announcement for you all."
He paused (maybe for a dramatic effect, idk), before saying, "The Supernaturals' relationship with us is failing. And as of the moment, it does not look like it will improve anytime soon."
A lot of campers started to mumble to their friends at the news. Zeus continued, "As a result of this, and no other options working," he glanced at my dad, "a quest must be called for. Luke Jackson, please come forward."
It seemed like the world stopped spinning. Zeus, King of Olympus, was calling me forward. Within a millisecond, I felt like a thousand pairs of eyes were on me, which in fact, they were.
I looked between my mom and my dad for some guidance. My mom nodded, basically telling me to listen to Zeus. My dad on the other hand was fuming. Deciding I didn't want to piss off the king of the gods, I listened to my mom. Slowly, I got up and made my way down to the stage.
"Kneel," Zeus commanded.
I did what he said and took a knee. Zeus announced, "Luke Jackson, you are tasked with traveling to the major hubs of Supernatural Activity around America. These are areas where large groups of Supernaturals are present. Your task is to travel to them and repair the Supernaturals' faith in Olympus."
"No!" A voice cut in.
I looked to see my dad walking up to Zeus. He shouted, "He just arrived at camp a few days ago. He's not going to be your puppet to clean up your messes, especially with the little experience he has right now."
The sound of a thunderclap suddenly filled my ears. The rest of the campers screamed a little in fear.
When I looked back at my dad and Zeus, they were standing about three feet apart, sizing each other up. At the same time, thunderclouds rapidly grew over us, turning the clear-blue sky a dark gray.
I was terrified.
Less than ten feet away from me, two of the most powerful gods were having a standoff. My dad's irises were glowing gold in anger. Zeus ordered, "Perseus! Stand DOWN!"
My dad shook his head, "No way. I'm not going to let you do this. If anyone is going to back down, it's you. I'm way stronger than you, and you know it."
"I'm the king of Olympus," Zeus fired back. "I defeated Kronos and freed all my siblings."
"And I faded him," my dad retorted.
Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck the ground a few feet away from Zeus. I jumped back in fear. I am so dead if this keeps up, I thought.
If it was possible, my dad's eyes glowed even brighter. He moved his arm quickly like he was going to throw a punch at Zeus when a hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder.
I looked to see my mom standing right behind my dad. Immediately, my dad's eyes returned to their normal sea-green. "Zeus isn't worth it," she said. "Sooner or later, Luke would have to go on a quest anyway."
My dad thought about it for a second before nodding. He then lowered his fist and said to Zeus, "I'll allow the quest, but that doesn't mean that I agree with it."
Zeus nodded. Just as quickly as it filled with clouds, the sky returned to its original clear-blue state. Zeus then turned to me, "Do you accept this quest, Luke Jackson?"
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