We're on your side
I am so incredibly, inexplicably sorry for all i have done - or not done in this case - for the past year.
Reyna's POV
Dinner was awkward to say the least. Everyone was chatting animatedly around us, except the Stolls. They were just... looking at us, still eating, one of them glaring, the other smirking mischievously.
I'm not sure which terrified me the most.
After a while, they started whispering to each other, every so often looking up at us, or down at everyone's food.
Connor's POV
My brother and I smirked at each other, before high-fiving each other under the table. We carried on eating for a few more minutes before subtly nodding at each other. Suddenly Travis pulled a small stick from his pocket and chucked it into the forest. One of the newbies – Reyna, I think – looked at us strangely before opening her mouth –
A loud noise, followed by a burst of colours came from in the trees. Reyna quickly turned away and followed he masses of campers, rushing towards the forest.
Travis and I looked at each other, smirking "Let's get to work." we said simultaneously.
We quickly ran around the tables stealing bits and pieces of food from everyone and piling it on to two plates, each.
"Do you think it will be enough?" Travis asked a few minutes later, looking at the multiple plates piled high with food.
"Dunno, knowing Perce, he could probably eat it all himself!"
"Let's go before everyone comes back and realises half their food is missing!"
Nico's POV
I looked Percy, who was sitting on his bed, dejected.
"I just wish, that everything would stop sometimes, "Percy looked up. "I wish that everything would leave me, and camp, to be happy for just one summer – that's all I ask."
"Sorry to disappoint cus, but you're a magnet to trouble." Thalia half-smiled. Suddenly, Travis and Conner burst through the fading door of cabin 3.
"WE BRING FOOD" They shouted in unison, holding the plates of food up high like in the lion king.
"It still creeps me out when they do that." I muttered to no one in particular.
"You know you love it" They spoke with their Cheshire cat smiles.
I rolled my eyes simultaneously grabbing a plate of food. Percy already had grabbed a plate and, of course, was stuffing his face with food. I grimaced and looked at everyone else who was staring at him in disgust.
Finally, Percy looked up, having realised that everyone was staring at him "Wah?" Some food fell out of his mouth.
Everyone quickly turned away.
"That's disgusting man." Conner gagged.
Sometime later, and we had all finished eating the delicious food.
"So, we have a plan." Travis smirked.
"Uh, oh, here we go again." Thalia rolled her eyes.
"We Stoll brothers have decided we don't like the newbies very much, so we have come with an incredible, ingenious, mind-blowing idea."
"What?" Percy exclaimed.
"I'm afraid –"Connor started.
"If we told you – "Travis continued.
"We'd have to kill you" And with that, the brothers vanished through the door.
"I swear...those two, can be so INFURIATING SOMETIME!!!!S" Thalia growled.
"Don't worry Thals, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough..." Percy smiled.
OMG in my absence we have reached 35k reads!!!! That is so incredible and i owe it all to you my stars.
FallenStars xxx
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