Kirishima POV
I grab the sticks Bakugo holds out to me. I start to play some runs, not too fast, but fast enough to seem experienced. At my old school, I played snare, but I had played tenors a few times.
Bakugo watches me play, a slightly impressed look on his face. I stop and smile shyly at him, handing him his sticks back. He makes a 'Tch' sound, and puts the sticks in his orange and black bag.
"I guess you're better than the other idiots," he mutters. He puts his bag on his back and shoves his hands in his pockets.
"Do you know how to March, shitty hair?" He spits.
"Yes, and we have very similar hair. And my name's Kirishima!!" I exclaim at the name. Though...I didn't really mind it.
Bakugo rolls his eyes. He flips through a folder, pulling out a few pieces of paper. He hands them to me.
"Here are your parts. Try not to lose it," Bakugo says. He tramps out of the drum closet. I look down at the part. How am I going to play this? I think. I gently put the music in my drawstring bag and walk to the band room.
A tall boy with equally as tall blonde hair sees me and runs over.
"Hi! You must be a rookie. I'm Mirio. I'm the drum major this year!" he smiles. I hold my hand out, and he shakes it enthusiastically.
"I'm Eijiro Kirishima! I'm in percussion," I say, putting my hands on my hips. For a second, Mirio's face goes dark. I ignore it, thinking it's just a trick of the light.
"I should notify Bakugo. He's your section leader, and will decide what you'll be on. Most likely bass, like rookies have always been," he tells me.
"Actually, I met him a few minutes ago. He put me on tenor 2."
A surprised look appears on his face.
"You must have impressed him. He's never put anyone besides him on tenors. Odd," he mutters.
After being told I can leave my stuff anywhere, I sit in a corner. There are still 20 minutes until practice starts, so I have some downtime. I decide to scroll through memes.
A few minutes later, I feel a poke. I look up to see three people: a girl with short, bright pink hair; a boy with yellow hair with a streak of black; and a boy with straight black hair that went past his ears.
"You're a rookie, huh? I'm Mina!" says the girl. The yellow-haired boy rolls his eyes and gives me an idiotic smile. "I'm Denki Kaminari," he tells me, doing a quick dance. The other boy puts a hand on Kaminari's shoulder, which calms him.
"I'm Sero," he adds to the conversation.
"Nice to me you all!" I grin.
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