Do Pointy Forks Float Around Often?
Percie POV
"Hey, we asked Chira if we could take over the orientation and she said sure. She doesn't know we haven't been released from the infirmary though." Red said. Lucy nodded.
"I'm gonna go find Andrew then."
"You go have fun with your boyfriend." Blondie commented.
"He's not my boyfriend!" Lucy stomped off.
"Hey Percie. We haven't officially introduced ourselves, have we?" Red asked, leaning on Blondie's shoulder and grinning.
"Uhh, no."
"I'm Gabriel Michaels. Son of Momus. Minor Greek goddess of writers and other stuff." Blondie says.
"I'm Mikkel Walsh, only known demigod of one of the Muses. My father is Euterpe, Muse of Music. I can sing better than all of the Apollo cabin." Red smirks.
"Tell Willma that." Gabriel says.
"I have, actually."
"What about Alee and Michelle?"
"Sassy boy."
"Is that all you can say?"
"Uh, guys?" I interrupted. "Can we get on with the tour or whatever?"
"Oh, yeah." Re-er, Mikkel led the way.
"Ready for Capture the Flag?" Gabriel asked. I shrugged.
"We play a little different from regular games. It's a way to get our violent energy out." Mikkel explains.
"Mik! Don't tell her that, you'll scare her off."
"So sorry, 'Briel." He smirked. Gabriel punched him in the stomach. "Ow!"
"You know how I feel about that name."
"Would you prefer CarrotTop?"
"I'm going to kill you." Gabriel said seriously, his hand inching towards his spear, which was strapped to his back.
"Take your best shot." Mikkel continued to smirk.
"I hate you."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
"You love me."
"Yes, you do."
"I really, REALLY hate you." Gabriel crossed his arms. Mikkel pouted, his eyes big and sad.
"Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"That." Gabriel pointed at Mikkel's face. A hand rested on my shoulder and gently pulled me away. I turned to find Lucy smiling at me.
"Let's leave the lovebirds to their little spat." She led me towards the pavilion, where a lot of demigods were gathering.
"Since you haven't been claimed, you're with me. We've made an alliance with the Athena cabin."
I smiled. "Is Andrew your boyfriend?"
Lucy made a spluttering noise. "Andy?! No. Absolutely not." She was blushing slightly. I smiled innocently.
"You're a little sh-" Connie and Trava sprinted over and slapped their hands over her mouth. Lucy grabbed their wrists and shoved them away. "-aren't you?" She finished.
"Lucy! You ready?" Andrew jogged over, holding a helmet with a blue plume on it under his arm.
"Yeah, just dealing with some little sh-" a look from Andrew cut him off.
"I may be younger than you, Lucille, but I will not tolerate that language when you are on my team."
"Sir, yes sir." Lucy sarcastically saluted the younger demigod.
"Hi, Percie right? Well I'm putting you by the stream. I'll show you once Chira tells us we can go in." Right as she said it, Chira blew a small shell/horn thing.
Lucy whooped and raced into the woods, many people with blue plumed helmets following her.
"C'mon!" Andrew ran into the woods as well, motioning for me to come.
Andy couldn't have picked a more boring spot for me. I slowly paced by the stream, it's gurgling calming me slightly.
"There you are, you punk." A familiar voice growled.
"Hi C-Clarence." I stuttered. He stood there in a red plume, 3 goons behind him.
"Prissy. Ready to die?" Clarence growled.
Shaking, I did what I thought would help. I stepped into the stream.
Ideas flooded into my brain. "Come at me, brah." Clarence snarled at my challenge and lunged forward.
In seconds he was disarmed and on the ground, clutching his shoulder, which I had somehow dislocated. The fight was a blur, I honestly didn't remember much of it.
"Percie!" Someone shouted as I stepped out of the stream. Something growled and suddenly I was tackled by a creature with sharp claws.
I screamed in pain.
"Get off him!" Lucy's voice roared. I was aware of a blur of swords and teeth as she tackled the thing off of me.
Andrew's face swam in front of my vision. "Percie, I'm going to pick you up, okay?"
"W-Water..." I croaked. Andrew made a confused face, but carefully scooped some water onto my back. I could feel the cuts start to heal. Andrew gasped and moved me fully into the creek as fast as possible.
The cool water flowed over my back and around my sides. My vision cleared and the pain of the claws disappeared. I looked up to see Lucy slam her sword into a huge black dog-like thing. Demigods were gathered around us, staring at me.
"What's everyone looking at?" I asked.
"Percie, look up." I did.
"Is that normal?" A sea green trident hung above my head.
"Pointy forks usually float around?"
"No. All hail Percie Jackson, daughter of Posieda." Chira called.
[A/N a wild chapter appears! Enjoy this craziness. And LOOK AT THE INSANITY OF MY BROTHER'S CONCENTRATION IN THE PICTURE.]
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