Why Didn't This Happen Sooner??!!!
Perry's P.O.V
I woke up to Sun in my eyes, thanks Apollo, I think sarcastically. I look over to Annabeth who hasn't gotten up yet. Can I just say she was beautiful, prettier than Aphrodite herself. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Just then Annabeth started stirring. "Morning beautiful," I say.
"Morning Percy," she replied with a yawn. Annabeth then got up and went to take a shower. I waited for her to finish then went to take a shower myself. (P.S. Leo came back with Calypso). Once I got out I tried myself and got dressed. I put on some jeans and a AC/DC t-shirt on. When I walked out into the kitchen u saw that Annabeth was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a Skillet t-shirt. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her wast. I kissed her neck and mumbled "do I smell pancakes?" .
"Yes Seaweed Brain, I'm making pancakes." I smiled at that and said a small thank you.
~~~~~I am the Line Break Bob....Tell the stars hello for me~~~~~~~~
After we had breakfast of Blue Pancakes we curled up in the couch and put Totoro on. Halfway through the movie we were teleported to Olympus. We quickly got up from the position we were in on the floor and looked around.
We saw that Nico, Will, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, and Reyna were all standing there just a confused as we were. After about a minute we noticed all of the Olympian gods were there plus Hades and Hestia. Zues thundered (Pun intended. Just from now on all pins are intended) "Demigods it has come to our attention that we have not awarded you for the past war, so we would like to give you this offer: you may get God shop and 2 wishes each."
"Why has this not happened sooner?" Asked Annabeth.
"We were busy with a couple of surprises, " replied Athena.
"What are the surprises?" Questioned Piper.
"You will see daughter," says Aphrodite.
"Anyway, Jason do you accept God hood?" Inquired Jupiter.
Jason looked over at Piper. They seemed to have had a mental conversation. Sparky then stepped forward and neled at his father's feet. "Dad, I do accept," Jason said
Jupiter then shot yellow light at Jason and all of the gods said "All hail Jason Grace the God of bricks (hehe) and minor storms." Jason got up and stepped back into the line we had made. He then said "My two wishes will be for a portal between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, and for every single god to have a temple in ether CHB or CJ."
"Your wishes are granted," replied Jupiter.
Aphrodite spoke next "Piper do you accept God hood?"
Yes I do mother, and my wishes will be that you leave my friends and I's love life's alone, and that you or my siblings will never put makeup on me again. "
Aphrodite shot a pink light at Piper and said "Your wishes have been granted."
The gods said "All hail Piper McLean goddess of natural beauty and independence."
Piper stepped back in line.
(I'm lazy so I'm going to somewhat skip everyone's but Percy and Annabeth.)
Next was Frank he accepted God hood and asked that his life not depend on a stick and that Percy's pillow pet be made again. He became the God of sticks and minor wars.
After Frank Hazel accepted God hood, She asked that her curse be removed and then asked if she could bring back her mother from the dead. Pluto said yes and the next moment Hazel's mother was standing there. He then shot a black light at her and she became the goddess of precious stones and revived loved ones.
Then it was Nico who asked that he didn't have to go on little quests for Hades any more and that he could also revive his mother. He also accepted God hood after having a little discussion with Will. Nico's mom then appeared and Hades shot a black light a Nico. He became the God of bravery and family.
Will then also accepted God hood and asked that he be able to fix any illness and to be able to make children out of nothing. Apollo said yes and hit Will with a golden light. He became the God of children and health.
Reyna asked that she have something like an empathy link with all of her friends and her sister, she also asked that her two dogs became real and were also immortal. She like all the others accepted God hood. Bellona then got Reyna with a purple light and Reyna became the goddess of peace and dogs.
Leo was next he asked for Calypso to be immune to fire and that his children were also. He then became the God of fire and dragons.
Calypso then asked that her grandfather Bob was freed from Tartarus and that Ogyiga was to be destroyed. She also became the goddess of crystals and loneliness.
Now it was Annabeths turn. She stepped forward and looked my way. Through my eyes i told her to accept the God hood. Athena then spoke "Annabeth I ask you, Will you accept God hood?"
"Yes, mother i do accept God hood and my wishes are for you to approve of Percy and for me to be able to breath underwater."
Athena then shot my wife with a grey light and said you wishes have been granted. "
The gods then said "All hail Annabeth Chase goddess of architecture and smart blondes."
Now my turn O step forward as Wise-Girl stepped back. "Percy do you accept God hood?" My father asked.
" Yes I do, and my wishes are that Hades and Heat is get thrones and for Sally and Paul Blofis become immortal. " My father then shot me with a sea green light. Then two thrones arose from the ground one was black and had skills and shadows around it, the other was surrounded with flames and had a homily feeling to it. My parents were also teleported up the the throne room looking very confused. The gods then said "All hail Percy Jackson God of loyalty and sass."
After that most of the gods left but Artemis, Aphrodite, Hades, Hestia, and Hera stay. Jack's mom runs and hugs her sobbing, Nico's mom just waits there with open arms as Nick runs to her. Artemis clears her throat and starts "Demigods sorry New gods we have some surprises that I think all of you will like. I will go first, I have decided to redirect Zoë Nightshade." Zoë then appeared in the room and looked over to Artemis and ran to hug her. Then Hestia spoke " I would like to give you all my blessing. You will all now be able to teleport from fire to fire and Simon home cooked meals where ever you are. " she then shot is with her orange beam of light. Zoë had stopped hugging Artemis and came over to give Annabeth and I hugs. Hades spoke next "I would also like to resurrect one person. I will resurrect Leo's mom." Leo's mom then appeared in the room and ran to Leo with open arms. Hades then commented "She is also immortal. " All I can say was that there was a lot of hugging and crying. Aphodite then gave us all the power to charm speak and have a good fashion sense. Hera then spoke up "I would like to apologise to Annabeth for kidnapping Percy and hope that you will forgive me. I would also like to bless you with healthy children and good marriage."
Annabeth then said "I forgive you Hera."
We then left the throne room and went back to our houses. Annabeth and I went to bed after finishing Totoro and watching The Last Unicorn, Finding Nemo, The Princess Bride, The Fault In Our Stars, and The Adventures Of Tin Tin.
A/N: So I have to say I might start writing shorter chapters or something. Hope you liked that chapter. You can comment on anything. You can comment mean of hurtful things. I must say that this is my first fan fiction and that I'm trash. Welp see you in the next chapter!!!
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