Uncle Leo
2 months later...
Annabeth's P.O.V.
It was early in the morning when I woke up. I rushed into the bathroom and started emptying my stomach, Percy came in and held back my hair. After that we went back to bed. When I woke up again I noticed it was later than I had ever woken up before, it was 11:00. I panicked because I had work today but I then remembered that it was saturday and I didn't have work. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I got there and was greeted by the smell of pancakes. "Morning, Wise-Girl"
"Morning Percy!" I walked over to the table and sat down. Percy came over, put a plate of blue pancakes in front of me and kissed my head. WE ate breakfast and decided what to do today. "What about a movie day?" asked Percy.
"Sure! I get to pick the movies though!"
We sat down in our grey and sea-green love seat. I picked you the remote and put on The Titanic. Near the end of the movie Percy said "awww they're so cute" a little while later he gasped "oh no!" He quickly got out a dramacha and muttered something. Poseidon then appeared in the Iris Message " Daaaaaaadddddd!!!!!! " he shouted in anger.
Poseidon then looked at the screen of our T.V. and gulped. "I was having a bad day...."
" They were in love dad! " I then swooped through the I.M and unpaused the movie. That day we watched The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay Parts 1&2, The Imitation Game, and Meet The Robinsons. It was a great day. When we got into bed I couldn't sleep. Then Percy out of the blue said "Do fish feel wet all the time?"
"Sorry, Sorry"
One minute later~~~
"Oh my gods, so they?" I asked.
"I know, right!"
We got up and searched it up on google. It said: "of course it feels wet. Don't you feel dry now or wet when you swim in the pool? The little feller isn't going to feel dry in water is he now.
Now i answer your question with a question. Did you actually think about this question before loading it up air did you just think it would be cool to ask such a ridiculous question -
Fish are like people, all you have to do to understand is, live a day in their scales, take a swim around the glass circle bowl. Don't you think the castle at the bottom would get boring after a while. I mean you only discover the hiding spots once. and the fake grass... totally lame. reminds me the fake grass in sushi. and that sometimes has fish. which actually hurts my feelings to see a fellow fish being eaten. Would you like it if i ate your human companions? Well actually i might just ask the sharks at the beach to teach you a little lesson. So next time your taking a romantic beach stroll watch your ankles, because you never know whats lurking in the shallow waters.... speaking of water and as a fish i would muchly appreciate it you changed the water in my tank a little more often. Dont think that adding snails in there they wil the do the job. Not only are they incredibly slow, but their chat is generally boring and reptitive. All they seem to care about is their stupid houses on their back... fear of being crushed.. wonder what that phobia is called.
Anyways, took a little tangent there but back on topic now.
YES. "
~~~The next day~~~~
I woke up at the same time this morning and emptied my stomach in the toilet. That happened for the next week before I figured it out. I had a theory, so I drove to the drug store and bought three pregnancy testers. When I got home Percy had left for work. I sometimes worked from home and today was one of the days I did. I walked into the bathroom and peed on the three sticks. I put them face down on the floor and waited till I heard three beeps. I flipped over the first one, positive. Then the second, positive. Then the third, again positive. I jumped up and started screaming "I' M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!" I then stoped jumping and screaming when I realized I had to tell Percy. I after that made a plan on how I was going to tell him tonight. I then quickly ran into my office in the house and worked for most of the day. During the day I also went out shopping again. I got a little blue gift bag and a blue baby onesie that said 'Ah good sir I do believe I have shat in my pantaloons'. I also put the pregnancy tests in the bag.
Percy got home and started cooking dinner. He made my favorite thing for dinner, grilled cheese, don't judge. After dinner I got up and got the bag. I handed it to Percy, he looked confused then started panicking because he thought he forgot something. "Percy, you didn't forget anything just look in the bag."
Percy looked in the bag and pulled out the onsie, he read it and started laughing. He then pulled out the first test. His eyes went wide and looked at me. I saw tears in his eyes. He pulled out the other two, looked at them, and jumped up running to hug me. That night we sat on the couch and discussed baby names, the gender, and how we were going to tell everyone.
We had gotten all of the seven plus Nico, Will, Reyna, Clarisse, Calypso, and Chris into the living room. They were siting on our court talking about recent events. Percy and I walked to the front of the room. I cleared my throat, they instantly quieted. "Annabeth and I have an announcement-" started Percy
"I'm pregnant!" I said. They all just stained in shock. We got nervous under their stairs. But then Piper got up and ran to hug me. "Ohmygodsohmygodsohmygods!!!!! There will be a little Percabeth baby running around campppp!!!!!!" She exclaimed.
Leo then spoke up "I get to be a uncle?" We all laughed at that and said yes. The rest of the day we just hung out telling stories, discussing the baby, etc.. Tomorrow we tell the gods and our family's.
A/N Hey guys!! Their having a baby!!!! Hehe I have a surprise for the baby(S). 😋 Anyway just so you know I use some other people's ideas sometimes. I also want to say that Annabeth hasn't talked to her dad sense the first war was over and that was just a I.M, she never told him about Percy. That's all I have to say!!! Byeeeee
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