Kat Lin
I don't own any PJO or HOO characters, all rights to Uncle Rick. Also I'm making some of the OCs based off of some friends whom wanted to be included in this world of gods, goddesses, demigods, and mortals.
Kat's POV
Hi! I'm Kat Lin, and no I don't expect you to know me, no one really does. Except one person, Percy Jackson. He's my best friend, and only friend really. And I may or may not have a crush on him. Ok maybe a little, but it's not like he knows. That's what makes him perfect, how oblivious he is. Then his eyes...... don't get me started.
I'm a little odd looking, multi-colored eyes, black hair, intense freckles lining my cheeks and nose. The odd one out.
Anyways, little did I know my whole life would turn around. It all started awhile back.
There we were, sitting at our table when the oddest thing happened. A cheerleader turned into a monster outside the window. Then she turned back. Maybe I was just seeing things. Percy just sat there, fiddling with his pen. He's never used it before though. And yet he always had that pen on him. I wonder why?
Later that week, I swear I saw a huge man with one eye. He had a crooked grin, and yellow teeth. But then I noticed that there eye was in the center off his head. I ran all the way to my dorm and set up a doctors appointment. I'm going crazy.
But after I was declared fine, I went to talk to Percy. Surely, he could help. After explaining the man with one eye, the giant Chihuahua, three monster cheerleaders, and many more oddities, he simply nodded. He NODDED!!
"You think I'm crazy don't you?"
"No. I totally believe you! " then he said something about Irish messages? "Kat? Can I use you water bottle?"
" Ummm...... Sure? " That sounded a lot like a questioun. He took it and used the sprayer. Soon enough there was a rainbow in his dorm.
"Cool!" I said, but he's wasn't done. Next he said some pretty wacky lines. Some thing about a goddess, Iris and Annabeth. The rainbow fogged up and a girl was displayed. I gasped. Percy just laughed at me.
"Hey Annabeth!" He said. The girl turned around surprised.
"Oh! Hey Percy!" But then her face for stern as she scolded him. "I thought I told you not to Iris message me this early in the morning on the weekends unless a case of emergency!!"
Percy chuckled, " It it's. Kat here is one of us, or clear sighted. I didn't think this through. "
"What a Seaweed Brain......" She muttered, shaking her head. "Did you try celestrial bronze?'
"Can I see your arm please?" Percy grabbed my arm a revealed a dagger. Before I could react, he cut me slightly.
"What the?!?" I cried, as a little blood ran down my arm.
Percy and the girl shared a look. "Demigod!" The both said together.
"So, basically, I'm half Greek god? Awesome!" We were walking up this huge hill with a pine tree and a creepy statue. They didn't seem to realize we were ditching school until I remembered I would live here now. Percy and Annabeth had caught me up on reality and who I could be.
I was thought briefly by Percy how to sword fight and block, and then we were off. It was Athena, Hermes, Hades, and Poseidon, versus everyone else. Percy set my on "borderline patrol", which earned a smile from Annabeth.
As I took my position, I trembled. I stepped into the creek behind me, and fell in. Oops!? I suddenly thought this place was not so good anymore. Me, alone, in the woods with monsters, and swords, and.... I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize that that conch shell horn thing went off. Whoa... Wait up. How on Earth do I defend the boarder ALONE??
Later, this kid swung a sword in my direction. I managed to bring my own up, just milliseconds before I was sliced to ribbons. The kid continued to swing, with me blocking each hit, slower and slower. I was tiring quickly. Soon enough, I was backing up slowly,I was up to my ankles in water. Now, it was hard to move so I attacked with new strength to get out. I finally swung at the kid. The poor guy was confused, and lashed out wildly as I saw Percy run with the flag to our side. I somehow disarmed the guy, and cheered on Percy as he ran. Suddenly a white hot flare of pain wound its way up my leg, the pain slowly overtook my conciseness, and I blacked out.
Percy's POV
I turned just in time to see Kat collapse. "Kat?" I ran over to her, Handing off the flag as I went. I carried her over to the Apollo Cabin. I knocked. Austin opened the door and beckoned me in, asking what happened.
"I don't know. I turned around and saw her lying there." He rolled her over, revealing a deep gash in her left leg. I sucked in a breath at how deep it was.
Austin winced and called Will over. Will rounded on me. "Hey Percy? You can leave now....."
I jumped slightly, then nodded slowly. As I sulked away, I looked back at Kat. Get well, I thought.
Kat's POV
Eventually, I got better. Camp took my phone and replaced it with a 'monster proof' one, I learned of Percabeth, which killed me, and got claimed by Iris. That explains my rainbow order every color coded closet at home.
Now I'm 65, sharing my story with a couple of strange kids, whose last name are Jackson, and slightly resemble Percy and Annabeth.
Finally, one child spoke up. "My grandparent's names are Percy and Annabeth!"
I chuckled quietly to myself. "Well then, young miss. Could you do me a favor? The next time you see them, tell them Kat Lin says hello." I winked at her.
Hey my fellow blue cookies! Me and my friend decided that we haven't publish in a while, so we're here, not dead yet! Enjoy! -Zee♡ & S.N.S
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