A visit (Gone wrong)
(Has a bad word)
Percy And Annabeth texts
P: Annabeth, Can we meet up tonight? I have a special date planned!
A: Sorry, I am still studying from the midterms
P: Okay, I miss u
A: I miss you too
P: Maybe next week?
A: Uh huh, maybe. I love you, and I am turning off my phone because you are disturbing me
P: Okay, Love you too.
~~~~~~~~Next week~~~~~~~~
P: Annabeth, I miss you
A: Ik
P: And?
A: Ugh, fine I miss you too
P: Can we go out tonight?
A: Sorry, I have homework again
P: You have whore?
P: Sry *More*?
A: U r so not sorry!
A: I am not cheating, But maybe you should put it in your idiot brain that someone actually cares about her grade!
P: I am an idiot
P: To think this would ever work
P: Bye Annabeth
P: Lol
P: I was joking
P: Now who is the idiot?
A: Not funny
A: Now leave me alone
Server: ~~~~~Wise owl has left the chat~~~~~
Percy sighed. It stung when his girlfriend had homework, and It felt like she didn't even want to spend time with him. He knew that she didn't need help with home work, she would be done by now.
"What is it Annabeth"? He asked painfully "Why do you hate me so much".
Then someone dropped to the ground next to him. "I don't seaweed brain, otherwise I wouldn't be here".
Percy spun around to see his wise girl smirking, her arms out and lips pursed as if waiting for a kiss.
Percy knew he should go over to her and make out with her. But he was angry. Mad that she had been putting him off for weeks. Mad that she had been ignoring him, lying to him. He crossed his arms and glared.
Annabeth's smile got a little smaller "I know you are taking in my beauty, and drooling while your at it, but I am getting bored, so kiss me".
Percy stayed put. "seaweed brain, are you okay"? Annabeth asked, her smile melting into concern. Percy glared at her harder
"You have been putting me off for weeks and-". Annabeth interrupted percy "Well, i was-". Percy interrupted Annabeth's interruption "And lying to me, making me mad, making me wonder if you still even love me, I am sick of it. And then after all of this, you just show up out if the blue, expecting a kiss? What makes you think that you are going to get one?
Annabeth sighed and looked down at her hands "I am sorry Percy, I did actually have a lot of homework, and I have a life too you know. You can't just expect me to drop everything to be with you, gods you are so annoying and stupid".
Percy stared at her in hurt, and Annabeth clamped her hands over her mouth. "Percy, I didn't mean it, I am so sorry"!
"No you're not". He spat, his voice dripping with venom. "As for me "pestering you and annoying you" I was going to propose, but I guess I don't need the ring, if that is what you really think of me".
Annabeth had tears pouring down her cheeks "Percy, I didn't mean it".
"Oh, I think you did". Percy practically snarled, making Annabeth sob harder "your nickname for me is seaweed brain after all, but I thought it was just a joke".
Annabeth was bawling her eyes out by now, as Percy stormed away "Perseus Jackson, You come back here"!
He turned "Why would you want me to come crawling back, aren't I too annoying"?
Annabeth, at a loss for words, watched as the love of her life walked away.
Two days later:
Annabeth burst into Percy's cabin "Percy, I just can't take it anymore, I want you. I need you, the nightmares are worse without you, and my worst nightmare has already come true, you leaving me, It is driving me crazy, I need you"!
Percy looked at her, his eyes red and his cheeks tearstained "I thought I was too annoying".
Annabeth shook her head fervently "no! I don't know what I was thinking saying that, I love you"!
Percy slowly turned around and stood up. "And"?
Annabeth sighed "and you are the most amazing boyfriend ever"!
"And"? Percy prompted.
"And-, hey you are laughing at me! You know I never ever apologized in my life before, stop making fun of me"!
Percy laughed as she pouted, looking unbelievably cute. He took her hand and pulled her close to his chest, and then cupped her face with his warm hands, kissing her tenderly.
Annabeth pulled his closer and deepened the kiss. Percy didn't mind, he DEFINITELY didn't mind.
All that mattered was that Annabeth was with him. When his wise girl was there, everything was alright.
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