Chapter three: Annabeth
Annabeth hated Mia so much.
And the fact that she called this girl her best friend?
It wasn't fair.
"Oh Come on!" Mia exclaimed. "You never stood a chance and you know that, so just like, stay away from him."
Annabeth grunted, "what? I'm not even allowed friends now?" She turned around storming off to her next class. Mia could fuck off for all she cared.
The rest of the day she sulked in the back of her classes, avoiding every single person she could. It wasn't that she was jealous that Mia had 'claimed' Percy, it was that she acted as if everything was hers and that everyone should bow down to her. Annabeth really didn't care much about the Percy situation to be honest. Just about how Mia was a bitch and she really couldn't do anything about it without being blackmailed or something even more petty.
After school that day Annabeth went to the school library like she did most days. It was fairly big and had a very cozy feel, with so many books that it kept her thoroughly satisfied. On this particular day she needed to do a little research for her history project, so after finding the right textbook she sat down, ready to spend the next few hours settled there.
Annabeth worked for what felt like around ten minutes but was probably at least forty. Time passed really quickly when she was doing something she loved.
From behind her she heard Mia's giggle, "Percy you're so funny!"
Oh lordy, Annabeth was not in the mood for this, and why was Mia with Percy anyways? Annabeth looked down at her homework checking to see if she got enough of her project done for the day so she could leave. Hearing Mia go on in her high pitched voice was not how she wanted to spend the next part of her day.
Annabeth started to pack up her books when she overheard more of their conversation coming from the other side of the bookshelf on her right.
"Soo I'm going to this party on the weekend and I was wondering if you wanna go? It's gonna be a lot of fun and there'll be a bunch of cool people. A nice chance for you to make more friends!" Why was Mia aLwAyS going to parties? Like did she really never get tired of it?
When Annabeth heard Percy answer, he sounded a little uncomfortable, "um I don't really go to parties and stuff, plus I'd rather just spend time with my mom."
Annabeth smiled to herself a little, she was glad that at least one boy went against what Mia was saying, usually they'd just go along with whatever she said which was highly annoying.
"Oh come on Percy, it'll be fun! And you and I can have a little alone time outside of school." Mia said, flirting shamelessly.
Annabeth picked up her bag and swung it over her shoulder, taking the history book she had borrowed and going to return it.
She rounded the corner of the bookshelf that Percy and Mia were standing by and came face to face with them. Annabeth didn't really care to be honest that they were there, she just wanted to return her book and leave.
Who cared if they saw her.
"Oh hey Annabeth!" Percy said, seeming slightly relieved to see her, "kinda sad we didn't have art together." He pouted a little, playfully.
Mia's face turned sour.
Annabeth smiled at him, slipping the book back into its place on the shelf,"I know it's kinda a bummer, but oh well, we have that class tomorrow too!"
He nodded, grinning,"yay'!"
Looking slightly cheezed off, Mia tried pulling Percy's attention to her, "so anyways, that party? You down??"
Annabeth tried not to laugh, he looked so uncomfortable.
"UhHhhh, I mean-, Annabeth are you going to be there?" He asked, looking at her with an expression that told her that he needed to be saved.
She shook her head,"I don't go to parties and stuff, you two have fun." She waved goodbye and started to walk away but before she could get far Mia pulled her back.
"She's just kidding Percy, of course she'll be there." She shot Annabeth a look, telling her to play along. Percy nodded,"well if she's going then I'll go, I guess." Welp. Annabeth couldn't exactly get out of this now, it would just make things more awkward than they already were.
"Great!" Mia exclaimed, letting go of Annabeth and talking Percy's arm, pulling him away.
"Bye Annabeth!" He said over his shoulder as he got dragged away, "see you tomorrow."
Annabeth could tell that he didn't want to go with Mia, but she really gave him no choice.
Sighing, Annabeth walked out of the library, annoyed that she hadn't gone against the fact that she was going to a party this weekend.
But the things she was willing to do for a cute boy and her pride was more than she wished she would.
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