Your What?
Note the characters shown in this story are from the Shadowhunters tv show
Max Lightwood-Bane didn't mean to time travel in to the past. He and his cousin Jocelyn where just goofing off, (totally not drunk seeing as they where underage) with their portal abilities and then the next thing he knew he saw his Dads. Only they looked different.
Alec was very confused. He and Magnus just got back from a date, and it was now very late. They where busy doing something and then out of no where a blue horned warlock boy just appeared out of no where through a portal of some sort. He was currently on the couch passed out and snoring rather loudly. Alec turned to Magnus next to him.
"So any ideas on who he is or how he got here." he asked Magnus
"I think he may be from the future judging by the portal he came from." said Magnus. "As to who he is I haven't the slightest idea, he doesn't look like any warlock I know."
"Maybe should wake him up see who he is?" Alec suggested.
"That is an idea I would like to wait till morning to try." Magnus yawned.
"Come on let's go to bed it's getting late," he suggested, already heading to the bedroom with Alec not far behind.
Max awoke the next morning with a headache. He sat up and scanned his surroundings and was immediately confused by what he saw. Everything about this place somehow reminded him of his home, but at the same time it looked nothing like it. The walls and the layout as well as the furniture all looked very similar but it looked like someone took down everything that showed a his family lived here. After a while he saw a someone come in who confused him even more. The man was his Papa no questions asked and yet something about was off, he just couldn't tell what yet.
"So your finally awake." said his Papa as he sat down on the other couch.
"I'm Magnus Bane High Warlock of Brooklyn," he said holding out his hand. Only for Max to stare at him questionably.
" Is this a joke or something?" Max asked hesitantly.
"A question it would be a lot easier to answer that if I knew what part of this situation you think is a joke." Magnus remarked.
"The part where my Papa is acting like I'm some stranger instead of his son and the fact that all evidence of our family is nowhere to be seen. How about that part."
Magnus froze, he was not expecting that answer at all. He looked up at the stranger.
"Our what?" He asked.
"Our family remember, you, me, my brother, and Dad. Where a family you adopted Madzie when she was 7 and you adopted me when I was 8 months old and Rafael when he was 5 You and Alec have been married for years." He said "Dad, can you please tell Papa who I am, he seems to have forgotten everything."
Magnus turned around to see Alec standing not far behind him with the confused expression on his face.
"I'm sorry but I have no clue who you are either, you must have us confused with someone else." Alec said sitting down next to Magnus.
"Why don't you answer some questions. Like, what's today's date and time, what's your name, do you have a picture of your family or friends, and where do you live?" Alec asked calmly.
Max reached in to his pocket and grabbed what appeared to be his phone.
"The date is January 1, 2037, the time is 8:31 A.M. My name is Max Lightwood-Bane and I have photos of both my family and my friends on my phone."
He pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it until he found what he was looking for. Max then turned his phone over to Magnus and Alec and showed them the photo. It was Magnus and a slightly older Alec standing behind three kids all teenagers where in black. One of them was a dark girl with her hair pulled back in a bun and a turquoise scarf tied around her neck. Who he recognized as Madzie. The to her right was a Hispanic boy who had the biggest smile on his face, and then there was Max in between them making rabbit ears on their heads.
The next photo was a lot of people, two of which where redheads with brown eyes, three with black hair and blue eyes, two brown wolves and then Max, Madzie and Raphael all standing in front of the Institute.
Magnus and Alec sat there for what felt like eternity trying to process this. Something was adding up with this and then it hit them.
"You said your from 2037 but, the only way that's possible is if your from the future."said Magnus.
"Luckily this will be an easy fix since it's the new year and time is easier to travel through then it would be in July. All We have to do is create a portal while you think of a different place in your time period and extra lucky for us since it's noon we can create the portal or in this case wormhole and you'll be back in your time."
With that the father and son created a portal with the son stepping through it.
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