Double dates mean double trouble for the lightwoods
A/N does anybody know what Charlie and Izzy's ship name is because even though they are cannon I can't find their ship name anywhere. Also this video has nothing to do with the story at all I just love it. Also Freeform has canceled Shadowhunters and due to Netflix no longer sponsoring them and the fandom is going to get it renewed for season four. Help going on instagram and/or Twitter and spreading the #saveshadowhunters.
Prompt: The lightwood siblings decide to go on a double date only for it to be a bit awkward for everyone. POV 3rd.
"Hurry up," Alex said looking into the bathroom, "We have to meet Izzy and her new boyfriend in 10 minutes and we need to be on time,"
"Oh relax Alexander, I'm almost done." Magnus replied from the bathroom. "I'm just adding a few finishing touches to my make up,"
"You do know that you don't need that to look beautiful right?" Alec asked, " You look amazing without it."
"While I appreciate the compliment, I wear makeup partially because I enjoy putting it on, by hand mind you, and it makes me look even better than I already do."
Magnus walked out of bathroom his makeup, now finished, went lovely with his maroon coat and pants.
"Now see that didn't take to long, only 45 minutes and we still have time to spare." He said giving Alec a peck on the lips.
"Now, how much does he know, about the Shadow World?" Asked Magnus
Alec groaned and replied, "He thinks we're jewelers."
Magnus chuckled at this, "Oh, is big brave Shadowhunter upset about what his sister choose for a cover story."
Alex rolled his eyes, a slight blush spreading on his check, "Lets just go before we're late."
With a quick motion of his hand, Magnus conjured up a portal for them to get to the Hunters Moon.
Th portal was a few minutes away from the Hunters Moon so they ended up getting there just in time. They walked to the Hunter Moon and saw that Isabell and. Charlie we're right outside waiting for them.
"There you guys are," said Isabell, "And right on time I see."
"Magnus this is Charlie, Charlie Magnus" Isabell said introducing the two.
With Magnus and Charlie exchanging a hand shake the two couples went into the Hunters Moon and sat down at a booth in the back. While they waited to order Charlie tried to make some small talk.
"So,"he began," Izzy tells me that you two have been dating for a while, how did you meet?"
Alec didn't know how to reply to this since Charlie didn't know about the Shadowworld so the truth wouldn't exactly work. Lucky for Alec however his boyfriend was quick and answered for both of them with ease.
"Well I actually own a club called the Pandemonium and Alec and his friends came by one night and eventually ran into me. I'm a friend of Clary, one of Alec's friends, mom and so Clary knew me and started talking to me. As we were talking this guy came out of nowhere and tried to attack me but Alec stepped in and took care of him before he got the chance to do much as lay a finger on me. So, as a way of saying thank you I offered to take him and his friends back to my place for drinks and they said yes. After that the rest is history."
Magnus and Alex were looking at each other fondly only for there gaze to be broken by the waitress awing.
"Oh, sorry,"said the waitresses," I couldn't help it your story was so cute. Anyway what will you all be having."
The group quickly ordered with Charlie getting a coke, Izzy getting iced tea, Alec getting water, and Magnus getting a Margarita. With that the waitress left, leaving the group in a comfortable silence.
"What is it that you do for a living Charlie?" Inquired Alec.
Izzy shot Alec a look that said please don't interrogate him before Charlie replied with, " I'm a doctor."
Alec gave Charlie a look that was slightly impressed that made Charlie feel like he may survive this. He was oh so very wrong because Alec decided that because he was Izzy's big brother he had the right to interrogate him.
"So how lo g have you been a doctor, how old are you, and how did you meet my sister?" Alec asked sitting up straight, starring Charlie down.
"Well I'm 24, just stared working at the hospital a few years ago and I met Izzy the day she came to the Hospital to," Charle paused and then asked, "Hwy why were you at the Hospital that day, I'm assuming it wasn't just to beat up a vending machine."
Before anyone could stop him Alec replied with, "That's classified."
Before Charlie could ask more about that Alec was miraculously saved by the waitress who had their drinks and took their orders Magnus took a big swing of his Margarita and then quickly changed the topic.
"So, do you have any siblings or are you an only child."
"I actually have 4 younger sisters, two of them are still in highschool, ones in middle school, and then ones in kinder-garden."
"Maybe you'd like to come by and meet them sometime along with my mom and dad?" Charlie asked Isabell.
Izzy nearly chocked on her drink upon hearing Charlie ask that.
"You want me to meet your parents?" Isabell asked shocked.
"Don't you think that's a bit fast, I mean we've only know each other for a month."
"Well yeah but, I feel a real connection to you and my family's herd a lot about you and they really want to meet you." Charlie replied.
They continued on back and forth for a while and Magnus and Ace began feeling a bit awkward at the table and so did Charlie and Isabell when they finished talking. The table sat in an awkward silence with not even Magnus knowing how to fix this. Everyone just turned to their food after that and started eating quietly listening to everyone else talk around them.
Eventually they finished their meal and then decided to part ways with, and from much argument from Charlie wanting to pay it himself, Izzy paying the bill.
After that the two couples parted ways with Charlie and Izzy catching a cab and Magnus and Alec walking home.
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