Alex Hursh gets a letter
Alex sat down on the desk in his office and looked threw the pile of letters. It's still hard to believe that Alex still got fan mail even though Gravity Falls ended 6 years ago.He sat down and began looking the the letters particular one caught his eye, it was a soft shade of purple and it look similar to a wedding invitation. 'No that couldn't be' thought Alex, 'why would a fan send him an invitation to there wedding'. Still Alex was very curious so he picked opened the envelope and began to read it.
Dear Alex Hursh,
You are probably confused as to why you are getting this but yes this is a wedding invitation and yes we sent it on purpose. When you finish reading this It was 6 years ago when I decided to go to Santiago Comic Con while cosplaying as human Bill Cipher, I was walking around minding my own business when I spotted someone dresses as Dipper from the show and I got an idea that I would go over to and say hello since after all I was dressed as Bill and she was dressed as Dipper. So walked over to her, tapped on her shoulder and said
"Hi there Pine Tree, did you miss me admitte if you missed me"
She bursted our laughing. We started talking and decided to walk around Comic Con together. By the end of the night I had made an amazing friend and a new contact in my phone named Pine tree, to remember the moment we met. We stated talking and hanging out more and more and eventually that friendship turned it to something more. To this day we still call each other Pine tree and Bill. After 5 years of dating I decided to do something that would change are lives forever............. I proposed to her, at the same place we met. She said yes,thankfully ,and after much consideration we decided that the wedding would take place at the St. Luke Church in Santiago on the 13 of May at 2:30pm. We have a spot saved for you in the front row. We thought it would be a great idea since it was your show that brought us together. We hope to see you there
- With love the soon to be Grace-Stones
Alex started crying half way through and after reading the whole thing, he was practically sobbing. After a few minutes he calmed down. He grabbed a his stationary and wrote his response. 5 weeks later he was sitting down in the front row of the best wedding he had ever been to.
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