Chapter Nine
It was close to ten when the bedroom phone began to ring.
"Hey Marko! Can you get that?" Fay yelled out from the upstairs bathroom as she quickly wrapped a towel around her head, twisting it into a makeshift turban. Figaro was perched calmly on the toilet seat lid content to lick the dampness off of his delicate paws while Fay bustle about in the small space.
A sea of hair care products and mounds of make up covered every available inch of surface space on the bathroom counter. There was enough Aqua Net and eyeshadow in that one bathroom to kit out a Twisted Sister dressing room while concealer, brushes, and other tools of the beauty trade spilled out of overflowing baskets and cabinets mounted on the pale pink and white tiled walls.
The phone in Fay's bedroom went quiet only to come back to life a minute later. This time the deep warbling ring sounded annoyed and was accompanied by the kitchen phone that decided to chime in on the second round strangely enough.
"Marko? Phone?"
Fay could not just drop everything to dash across the hallway until the leave-in conditioning had set. She seriously needed to upgrade to a cordless phone.
What good was having a couch-surfing half-vampire roommate if he was too afraid to answer the phone?
It had been four days since a posse of Fay's felines had tracked Marko down to an abandoned hardware store not too far from where the dance studio Fay worked at was located. Fay had been in rough shape herself when she hauled her bones into her little Ford Fiesta but that was nothing compared to the utter wreck that Marko had become. Strung-out, starving and terrified of his own shadow it had taken Fay hours to coax him from his hiding spot and prove over and over that she was not afraid, a threat, or in any danger from him.
Yes, she knew what happened to him. No, she was not surprised that he was a vampire. No, she did not think he was losing his mind. Was she in league with David? No. Why wasn't she afraid? The game of twenty questions never seemed to end. By the end it all boiled down to two things. He was not a vampire but a half-vampire, hence the shakes and aches, and she was in fact a witch. Hence all the cats.
The battalion of ever vigilant tabbies that had shown up in her backyard once she had him squared away in her guest bedroom was proof of that. With daily reassurances that she was not the average girl-next-door she had finally managed to get it into his head that her house was in fact the safest place in Santa Carla for someone in Marko's predicament to lie low in. Yet that did nothing to ease the constant fear that David was probably out searching the streets for him.
They both knew that it was only a matter of time before David came knocking on Fay's door and there was not much either of them could do to stop it. However if David believed that he was just going to waltz into her house and pull rank he was in for one very unpleasant reality check.
"Uh, Fay? It's for you." Marko said softly as he suddenly materialized outside of the bathroom doorway, looking uncomfortable as he kept his eyes on the floor.
"Did you ask who it is? Here, hold these."
Fay hurried out of the bathroom and shoved a bunch of toiletries into Marko's arms before she hurried into her bedroom. Marko glanced down at the stuff and quickly looked for a place to put it. There were just some things that a guy didn't need to know about the person who was keeping him from falling off the pulse wagon by means of smoothies made from pigs blood.
Marko tiptoed into Fay's room, deposited her stuff onto her bed, and quickly exited. He paused on the other side of the closed door and listened in for a moment. It was difficult not to eaves drop when his hearing had become sharp enough to pick up on what was being said on late night television in the house across the street.
"Wha-, Nunze?"
"Nunze, too loud! God, I can't even hear myself think."
"WHO NEEDS TO...fine. Who needs to think when you're busy getting some? Oh Girl, oh, you had better tell me everything! Every. Little. Detail. I need to imagine this. Ohhh.....wait! Was that the tall dark smokin' piece of mystery meat that I've been seeing in your future? Oh please tell me it was. Please please please please! Those abs! That smoulder! How dangerously delicious!"
"Ugh stop!"
"Ohhh tish. Don't got getting all squeamish on me now honey. It's not like this is your first time on the carousel. We both know what to do when the dark horse comes around."
"Nunzia. Put Theo on the phone. I know she's there with you."
"You always want to talk to her. I am the one with The Gift sweetheart. Why won't you talk to me? I can be totally serious when I have to. Only not now because you have a baby Adonis all to yourself, in your bedroom, you sex kitten you. Rrrrawr! Oh! And don't worry. It's not necrophilia if you bone a deadite. They may not have a pulse but since they are technically "undead" it's all legal in the state of California. Fun!"
"Nunzia your hair's looking a little flat from behind, might want to go fix that. No, you're going to need a bigger you won't miss anything...I promise...Hey Fay."
Marko arched an eyebrow when a third voice filled the room. This voice was gruff and no-nonsense, a woman with an edge and a growl. Polar opposite to the over exaggerated campy squeal that set his teeth on edge. Fay was on the phone but it sounded like there were two other women standing right there in her bedroom.
"Hey Theo. Thanks for calling me back."
"No problem."
"What did Big Anthony say? What did he find out?"
"He said you were asking to get yourself killed is what he said Fay. What do you think you're getting at? A vampire in your house?"
"Theo he's not a vampire, not yet."
"Excuse me, "half-vampire" then. He is destined for the grave no matter what you say."
"Thanks for that Theo. Gotta love your faith in me."
"Oh Fay come off it. It's not you I'm worried about. You have time bomb waiting to go off and you're acting like it's no big deal!'
"It isn't Theo. Not yet. I still have time."
"Oh yeah? It's been four days girl. I'm surprised your stray has made it this long."
"He's hanging on. Thanks for that smoothie recipe by the way. It works."
"Yeah but it's not going to solve anything. Not permanently. That stuff is designed for wolves Fay, not bloodsuckers. Cujo is going to start wanting something more and when you can't give it to him he'll turn on you."
"Well then I'm going to have to make sure I can end this before we get to that point. Which brings me to Anthony. What did he say?"
"I can't believe I'm going along with this. I swear if this gets back to the Aunts that we've been helping you we are all going to be in a shitload of trouble. But whatever. Anth says you were right about that Hail Mary play. Word from the Underground is that if the lead vampire, the head honcho, is taken out before your boy makes a kill he'll go back to being human again. Only thing is the top dog is usually very hard to dust. This David guy you mentioned, he doesn't sound like a clown. He's smart. He'll expect something."
"For all he knows I've bailed and left town now the there's three of them on the prowl."
"And when he finds out you haven't?"
"I got that covered."
There was a lull in the conversation before the unknown speaker, Theo, spoke up again.
"Jesus Fay, you sure about this? This could cause some major blowback on you."
"I have to Theo."
"No, hell no, you do not. You don't owe that kid anything. You know the rules!"
"Theo he asked for my help. What am I supposed to do? Throw him out and let David turn him? He's a friend, a mostly human friend, and that makes me responsible."
"Okay, he's human. For now. What happens when he's not?"
"It's not going come to that."
"Oh yeah? Famous last words. And if it does?"
"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. If I come to it."
"Girl you are going to have to burn it down and scatter the ashes to the winds. You know that, right?"
"Yes Theo, I am fully aware of what happens. Thanks."
"Hey, I'm just being the realist here. Nunzia wants to come down and help but you know her. She'll only make matters worse. Heart is in the right place with that woman but the brain, not so much."
"I appreciate it but you guys have done enough. If things go south I don't want this to come back to bite any of you in the ass."
"Don't worry about us. We have our alibis set. We'll keep covering for you with the Family but you gotta end this now Fay. I'm not kidding around. This stops. It has to."
"I know Theo. And it will. I just need the chance and a clear shot."
"I hope you get it because the clock is running down. And make sure you never set foot out of your place without you know what."
"I don't and I won't. Listen Theo, I gotta go. Tell Anthony I said thanks and let Nunzia know that I'll call her tomorrow. With the details. All of them. Not that there are any."
"Make something up. You know she envies you. An entire house to yourself and no family around. Must be nice."
"It's peachy all right. I'll talk to you later."
"Alright Fay. Don't hesitate. If it doesn't work out get out of there and come straight up to San Fran as fast as you can. I'll have Anthony and the boys meet you half-way."
"Thanks Theo. I appreciate it."
"No problem. Go teach that son of a bitch a lesson."
"Will do. Bye Theo."
"Ciao babe. Don't die."
The click of the receiver was the signal. Marko headed for the guest bedroom that Fay had given him to stay in. The curtains were raised and the window was opened. During the day everything remained shut and darkened but at night Fay kept them open. She told him that if he did not want to step out of the house that was his choice, but there was no way that she was going to keep the windows shut if there was a decent breeze outside.
Marko sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Things were starting to slip and even though Fay had done a thorough job explaining everything there was to know about vampires and stuff, he could not bring himself to face her.
"Hey, you ok?" Fay stuck her head into the room.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied, giving her a forced smile that she did not buy for a second. With a roll of her eyes she walked into the room, robed and towelled, before she sat down on the bed beside him completely unafraid.
"No you're not. We both know it. So spill. What's up?" She said as she pulled a brush out of a huge pocket and placed it on her lap. She kept one ear cocked while she unwound the towel turban and started to brush out her permed curls, which was easier said than done.
"It's getting harder now. I...I don't know what it is. Every night I feel drawn to something, something out there, but I don't want to know what it is. I just have to find it but I'm afraid of what it is. And then...there's the other thing."
He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, eyes downcast like they usually were of late. Fay pursed her lips as she continued to work out a tangle. There was no denying it. Marko was a half-vampire and it was really starting to show. She had caught him attempting to take a bite out of one of her cats the day before but it did him more harm then good. Her feline fur babies could take care of themselves from all predators, including vampires.
"It just gets harder every day. I don't know how long I can fight this..." He trailed off, his tongue failing him. Fay put the brush down with a sigh.
"I know. Oh I know."
She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and cradled his head against her chest. It was the only comfort that she could give him. It was not enough. Not by half. But at least it was something.
"It's David." She said softly as she tucked a curl hair behind his ear. "That thing that you are feeling drawn to is David. He's trying to coax you out...bait you into revealing yourself."
Her eyes strayed to the open window and out into the night. They were out there, somewhere, searching. David would not stop until he found what he was looking for. Now with Paul under his influence he would be even harder to deal with. She hoped that she had at least one more night to get everything ready.
"What's that?" Marko suddenly stiffened and pulled away.
"What's what?" Fay asked. She did not hear anything out of the ordinary.
"They're coming."
Vampire hearing was exceptionally acute.
Well so much for that.
"Well then, looks like I am going to have to change." Fay was all business as she rose to her feet. With a flick of her wrist the bedroom window slammed shut and locked itself as the curtains flew over it.
"I want you to stay here. No matter what you hear, or what you see, you stay put. Understand?"
Marko tried to follow her but Fay stopped him.
"Stay. Put. I mean it."
Fay froze him with a look that brooked no argument before the door slammed shut and locked itself just like the window had.
Marko cursed as the distinct growl of motorcycles tainted the balmy atmosphere of the suburban neighbourhood. He went to the window and carefully peeked through the curtains to see David, Dwayne, and Paul pull up in front of the house.
"Oh Paul."
Marko pulled back when David looked up and looked right at him. A knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth.
While Marko was squared away in her makeshift sanctuary, Fay was on the warpath. The air was electric with anxious anticipation as she marched into her bedroom and came out a moment later stuffing something narrow up the sleeve of her pink bathrobe. Screw changing. There was no time. With Figaro hot on her heels Fay stormed straight to the front door and threw it open just as David reached for the doorknob. With a wordless feline snarl Fay lashed out at David. She nailed a blow to his face before he even saw her coming.
"BASTARDO!" She shrieked as she threw out her hand. She did not touch him as he was flung eight feet from the porch by an invisible force. He hit the ground and rolled back onto his feet as the front door slammed shut behind Fay.
"What the hell!" He growled as he took his hand away from his face. The leather glove he wore was covered in blood. Fay had not bitch-slapped him upside the head. She had clawed him, clawed him hard enough to leave those tell-tale bleeding furrows across his face. Only these ones ran deep enough to expose bone.
"Either of you move and I swear I will launch you into outer orbit."
Fay hissed viciously as she raised her hand toward Dwayne and Paul before they could intercede. The two exchanged a look, not knowing whether they should risk it or not. David motioned for them to back down as he stepped forward to face the furious Fay.
"Why all the fuss Fay?" David asked as he ignored the token of her affection on his face. He stared her down but neither the vampire nor the witch budged an inch.
"Why the fuss? Why you sneering low-life son-of-a-man whore! I THINK YOU KNOW WHY ALL THE FUSS GODDAMIT!" She belted as she marched down those porch steps like category five hurricane ready to unleash Armageddon. She stopped about a foot away from David to look straight at him as they stood toe-to-toe. The calm before the fury.
"Why don't you speak a little louder Fay? The neighbours are enjoying this."
David hissed between his teeth. His face was a pale mask of neutral calm, his composure never wavered.
"Maybe I will speak a little louder so that the entire world can know just how much of a dick you are David!" She shot right back. Her hand twitched as she fought the urge to deliver a backhand that would have made his head spin.
"Hey Fay it's ok girl. Just calm down for a minute." Paul spoke up in a misguided attempt to ease the mounting tension only to have his efforts blow up in his face.
"Be quiet Paul! No it is not ok and no I will not calm down." Fay snarled at him, one finger pointed in his direction.
"Honestly Fay enough of the dramatics. I would have thought that a witch would have a more self-control. This is getting embarrassing." David said in order to draw her attention back to him.
Fay's eyes flashed a brilliant shade of utter loathing.
"Don't you talk to me about self-control. Is there even a demon under that pasty white shell of yours or is this the only facial expression you can manage?" Fay growled. She lowered her voice before she woke any of the neighbours.
A witch having it out with a gang of vampires in the middle of the American dream was not something she wanted advertised.
"Was that an insult because it was a little weak."
"Bite me, as if you could. What do you want."
She bit back what she really wanted to say at that moment. David had a way of getting under her skin but in order to win this round having a full-on spas attack in the middle of the street was not the best tactic to employ.
Fay had to fight fire with a flamethrower.
"You know what I want Fay. I've come to claim what's mine."
David eyes strayed up to the second floor window.
"No, I won't allow it. You can't have him."
Fay simply and utterly refused, right then and there, no questions ask. It was out of the question.
"You know the rules Fay. You cannot interfere. This doesn't concern you." David stated, knowing full well that what he said was the truth.
A witch could not interfere with a vampire when it came to siring fledglings. It was a rule that irked Fay to no end but she was ready for him.
"Actually it does. As long as he seeks sanctuary under my protection and in my house you can't do a damn thing about it. But I guess you already knew that. And that's why you brought your little posse with you. What? Were you going to have Dwayne and Paul fight me while you dragged that boy out of the house? Not bloody likely."
She crossed her arms over her chest with purpose as she put her foot down. She may have accidentally invited every vampire in the California state to come barging into her house but that did not mean she was helpless. She has her own special way with dealing with unwanted guests.
While Fay and David verbally sparred Dwayne nudged Paul and motioned at the porch with a slight nod of his head. There were cats everywhere. Along the railing, on the steps, across the entire porch. They had appeared without warning and watched the vampires with those dangerous search light eyes. As if they knew what they were up to. There would be no sneaking around the back for those two.
Time to go to Plan B.
"He's a half-vampire Fay. What are you going to do with him? There's no turning him back unless you kill me and that is not likely to happen any time soon. What were you planning to do with him? Hmm? Wait until he loses it completely and attacks you so you'll be forced to kill him? The whole Mother Teresa act is touching Fay, but it has to stop."
"You think that I haven't thought about that? Like you said, the only way to turn him back is to kill you. What makes you think I won't?"
Fay brought down her raging eruption to a dangerous simmer just below the surface of her self-control. She stared at David without breaking eye contact and mirrored his cocky smile. Her teeth were just as sharp as his. A cloud of uncertainty dulled those devilish blue eyes. In that moment he realized the honest truth.
Fay was not bluffing.
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