Going to apologize in advance because I just keep writing until I didn't feel like writing anymore. So, this will be the only update today and back to two updates tomorrow. And for those of you who were asking when is Kevin going to be part of the story, well here you go! He's finally here! I also have parts available if anyone wants to be part of the story!
"I told the other officer everything. My wife and son were the ones those animals terrorized." Mike says.
He leads the officer to through the house and to the kitchen to pour him some coffee.
"Sorry that's robbery homicide. I'm missing persons. I'm here about Candice Lambert. She's a patient of yours." The officer explains.
The officer starts to flip through his pad of paper to take notes down of everything Mike has to say about the last time he saw he.
Mike is stunned to hear that Candice is missing.
He just saw her yesterday.
"Our first session was Tuesday." Mike says.
Then he starts to think about how she can possible be a missing persons case.
"I'm sorry, missing persons?" Mike asks.
"Her husband hasn't seen her. She didn't come home last night. He didn't seem too concerned." The officer explains.
Just then, Angelica walks into the kitchen to wash some dirty dishes.
She looks Mike up and down to make him feel uncomfortable.
"They're getting divorced." Mike says trying to ignore Angelica.
The officer tries to keep his eyes off of the young maid and simply just can't.
He gets back to his notes that he got from when he talked to her husband earlier that day.
"Her online calendar listed you as a 3 o'clock appointment. Did she show up?" He asks.
"Yes." Mike nods.
"Then you were the last one who saw her."
Mike starts to panic as he thinks somehow the cops are going to blame her disappearance on him since he was the last one who saw her.
"She also had a PowerPoint class down at the learning Annex, but she bailed on that."
Angelica tries to distract Mike from the officer as Mike looks back at her to see what she is doing behind him.
He then turns his attention back to the officer to explain what happened when he saw her yesterday.
"Well, I can't tell you what we talked about, but I can say it was nothing extreme." Mike says.
The officer chuckles at that. "Well, I'm not surprised. Just between you and I, everyone I talked to about that gal said she was the most boring person they'd ever met." He says.
Angelica then exits the kitchen to clean the rest of the house and the men go silent a she walks out of the room.
The officer turns around to check her out.
"How the hell do you get anything done with that thing around?"
The officer sighs. "Anyways, like I said, it's probably nothing, but if you hear anything, give me a call?"
"Sure. No problem."
Mike gives a weak smile.
"I'll show myself out. Hopefully run into your maid."
The officer gives a weird smirk and walks out of the kitchen.
Mike cringes and brushes it off for now.
Nel gets aboard the bus tour that her house is on to see all about the history of places around the house and her house as well.
The stop before her house, the tour guide Jonathan explains about a famous gay actor who got murdered in the alley way for being gay.
"Sal Mineo was thirty-seven years old when he died. A Golden Globe winner and two time Oscar nominee. His father was a coffin maker who never accepted that his son was gay. They sent away a petty criminal, African American, Lionel Raymond Williams, for the murder, calling it a robbery gone wrong. But you'll have a hard time finding anyone who believes that in this town. Most people believed he died of a hate crime." He explains of the murder.
Then comes Nel's house.
The Murder House.
"Our tour concludes with one of the most famous houses of horrors in the city of Angels, better known as the Murder House!" Jonathan says pointing everyone's attention to the house.
Nel looks at it unsure if she really wants to know the horrible history of her own house, but decides to listen anyways.
"Built in 1922 by Dr. Kevin Olusola, acclaimed surgeon to the stars, for his wife Stephanie, a prominent East Cost socialite. But when Olusola fell on hard times, he became addicted to drugs and developed a terrifying Frankenstein complex." He explains.
**flackback to 1922**
"Kevin?" Stephanie calls.
She walks all around the main floor looking for her husband and can't seem to find him, so she calls for him again.
Meanwhile, Kevin is in the basement look on his new 'project' as he called it.
He has jars of different animals parts trying to sow them onto a dead corpse of a pig.
"Damn it, Kevin! Are you down in that basement again?" Stephanie yells.
She walks down the basement stairs and calls his name again.
"I'm working!" He yells.
"Working? I wish. Come upstairs for dinner! You've made us wait five whole minutes!" Stephanie yells and walks back up the stairs to the dining room.
Kevin sighs and takes off his surgical glasses to look at the dead pig.
"You've ruined it!" He says and rips the bat wing off the pig.
He takes off his scrubs and gloves and walks upstairs in a suit and tie for dinner with his wife and they're child Tyler.
Tyler keeps banging his raddled against the table while this parents eat and it is driving Kevin insane.
Kevin looks up at his son and laughs at the outfit Stephanie put on him.
"What have you done to that baby? I can't even let if it's a girl or a boy." He laughs.
"You're a disgrace, Kevin." Stephanie says pouring herself another glass of wine.
"How you can call yourself a man is beyond me. You think I came all the way here from Philadelphia for this? This life? This house? " She goes on as she looks around the place like its a piece of trash.
She can't believe she even agreed to more here.
"I built you this house exactly the way you wanted it."
"And how many servants do we have? Two!?" She yells.
Kevin gets up to take the bottle of wine for himself to pour a drink and to also keep it away from his wife who appears to have had too much already.
"And I'm expected to do everything else!?"
Kevin takes the bottle of wine and sits back down.
"Good, Kevin. Drink your talent away! You're a waste. Even looking at you, I'm sick to my stomach."
He just ignores her and continues to pour himself his glass of wine.
"You'll see. They will write articles about me one day in the Boston Medical Journal." He says before taking a sip of his glass.
Stephanie just laughs and mocks him for thinking he's something when he's nothing.
He then throws his wine glass at the wall in anger and shatters it causing Stephanie to laugh even more at him and his foolery.
"Good, Kevin, break everything!" Stephanie yells.
Tyler then starts to cry due to his parents fighting in front of him.
Stephanie doesn't know how to handle the crying child, so she rings a little bell for the help to come in a take care of the baby so she doesn't lose her mind.
Kevin just looks at his wife in disgust because she has no skills to even take care of their own child.
"Daphne, when you hear the baby crying, come in straight away and take him upstairs!" Stephanie yells.
"Yes, Ma'am."
Daphne goes to pick up Tyler and bring him upstairs for bed.
Kevin sits back down not looking at Stephanie as he can't bare the sight of her at the moment.
"They came again today." Stephanie says breaking the silents in the room.
"The bill collectors." she says.
Kevin doesn't says anything and just keeps looking at his food not engaging with his wife.
"Kevin! Do you hear me!?"
"I'm not deaf! Wish that I were."
Stephanie sighs. "Now you listen to me. You're going to support this family one way or the other. I've arranged for a girl to come tomorrow morning with sixty dollars cash. She's in trouble." Stephanie explains.
Kevin looks up from his plate interested in what she has to say about the matter.
"She probably has friends. So you better not be blotto."
The next day
The doorbell rings as Stephanie goes to answer to reveal the girl she arranged to come to the house for Kevin to take care of.
"Dorthy Husdon?"
The girl smiles and nods.
Stephanie smiles wide and welcomes her into her home.
"Come in, lamb."
A small blonde girl about the age of eighteen walks through the front door and into the foyer.
"Right this way."
Stephanie walks her towards the bathroom to prep her for her 'operation'.
She ties the hospital gown tight around the back of the girls neck so it would fall down or expose anything.
She looks at her in the mirror as she's she has tears in her eyes as well does Stephanie.
"Such a pretty girl. But you can't become a legend of the silver screen with an obligation hanging on your skirt." Stephanie says.
The girl starts to sob uncontrollable into her hands as Stephanie preps her for surgery.
"Now don't worry. No one will ever know."
She nods and wipes the tears from her face as she looks back at the mirror at herself.
Stephanie pats her shoulders to calm her down. "But we do require a payment up front."
She quickly grabs the cash from her purse and hands it over before they do anything else.
Stephanie then drugs the girls water and hands it to her to drink to knock her out for the surgery.
"Drink this."
Stephanie walks out of the bathroom and calls down the basement steps to see if Kevin is ready for his patient.
"Kevin, are ready young Dorthy?" She asks.
"Yes, dear!" Kevin yells back.
Dorthy stumbles walking towards the basement stairs as Stephanie helps her walk.
She hands her off to Kevin and he helps her the rest of the way to the operating room.
"Hurry before it wears off." Stephanie warns.
**Present day**
"An estimated two dozen girls went under Dr.Olusola's knife, thanks to his wife, Stephanie. But the souls of the little ones must have weighed heavily upon them, as their reign of terror climaxed in a shocking finale in 1926." Jonathan says.
Nel feels something wet on her pants and looks down to see blood on the front of her pants and starts to panic.
She closes her legs and gets up quickly and exits the bus running toward her house.
"You can't go in there, Ma'am!" Jonathan yells.
"This is my house!" Nel yells back.
She rushes inside the house to find Mike so they can go to the hospital.
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