Nel comes back from the grocery store and starts to unpack everything to put them away.
She turns her back to the cabinets and starts taking everything out of the bag.
Nel hears the laughter of little child and when she turns around, all of the cabinets are wide open.
She then runs by the back door and sees Nicole pointing and laughing.
"What are you doing here!? Why did you do this?" Nel asks furious.
Nicole keeps laughing as Avi and Esther look out from behind Nel with blood stained clothes and cut throats.
"What are you doing in my house!?"
Nel then runs to the phone and calls Connie over to get Nicole.
Connie comes over immediately and sits at the counter across from Nel and lights up a smoke.
"Can I pet him?" Nicole asks Nel.
"Nicki, you can't just come into other people's houses when you want." Nel says.
"Can I smoke in here?" Connie asks.
"No!" Nel says.
Connie just continues to light her cigarette anyways.
"Nicole, answer me please." Nel says.
Nicole looks back at the dog and asks, "can I pet your dog?"
"No. Nicole, I want you to stay out of the house. I don't want you coming and opening things up and telling me I'm gonna die!" Nel says.
"She said that?" Mike asks.
Connie laughs and looks to Nel and Mike.
"She says that to everybody. Say you're sorry, Nicki."
Connie says.
"No! They did it!" Nicole says.
"Who is they?" Nel asks.
"The twins!" Nicole says.
Connie just pats Nicole on the arm and gives Mike and Nel a small smile.
Nel looks back confused as Mike looks at her concerned.
"Can I...pet your dog?"
"Nicole, look at me! I want you to stop coming in here without permission! Am I clear!?" Nel half yells hold Nicole's face.
"Am I clear?"
"Thank you."
Nel steps back and walks toward where Mike is standing.
Connie gives Nel a look as if she wanted to kill her for holding Nicole's face like she did.
Connie gets up and rubs Nicole's arm, "Time to go, Nicki."
They walks towards the door and Nel watches them start to leave.
Nicole goes over to pet the dog and the dog bites her.
"Are you okay?" Nel asks.
"She shouldn't have don't that." Nicole says looking at her hand.
Nicole walks out the back door before her mother does.
Connie stays a few seconds longer to give Nel a serious warning.
"Sorry about all this. You touch my kid one more god damn time and I'll break your arm!" Connie says before leaving the home.
Nel and Mike look at each other as they don't know what to do about somehow stopping Nicole from sneaking into their house.
"No! I have no evidence of any past violence!" Mike yells in the phone.
"No, I don't have his social! Listen, do not transfer me again! I am trying to report of patient of high school age that I believe could be dangerous!" Mike yells.
Mike holds the police department puts him on hold yet again as he is trying to report Scott as a danger to society.
"Unbelievable!" He yells.
He sets down his phone and starts to go through Scott's paper work that he has from their therapy sessions.
Just then, the young Angelica, that he sees, comes into his office space flirting with him.
He looks up at her for a moment and then back down at his paperwork.
"May I come in here and clean?" She asks.
"It's not a good time, Angelica." Mike says.
She sets down her bucket of cleaning supplies and takes the duster out.
"It's Thursday. I get off in twenty minutes. If I don't do it not it won't get done until Monday." She says.
Mike just looks at her and sighs and gets back to work.
She slowly walks back and forth dusting the book shelves looking back at Mike every so often and catches him looking at her a few times.
"Am I distracting you?"
Mike doesn't says anything and looks back down.
"Do you want to help me clean?" She says in a flirtatious way.
"Get out of here!" He spats trying to brush her off.
"What are you afraid of? Your wife's not home. She's probably out doing yoga." The young Angelica says.
Mike tries not to look up but looks up anyways.
"I won't tell."
Mike tries to look away again, but the young woman pulls his attention toward her.
"Please just go." Mike says as she leans towards him.
"Please go away!" Mike says.
Mitch then walks by the office and sees the older Angelica half way on top of Mike.
Mitch looks at them in shock as he can't believe what he is seeing.
Mike hears the floor creek as Mitch stops dead in his tracks.
"Oh shit!" Mike says pushing past the young Angelica.
He runs out of the office and yells upstairs for his son.
"Mitch! Mitch!" He yells, but Mitch doesn't answer.
Mike slams his hand against the wall in frustration.
The next day
Mitch gets into a fight with Austin and his friends at school.
Austin pushes him into a wall and tries to shove yet another cigarette butt down his throat.
Mitch kicks and screams as he tries doing so.
No one helps him. They all just watch and cheer Austin on as he continues to beat his ass.
"I'm not scared of you!" Mitch yells.
"Well you should be!" Austin yells back.
Austin tackles Mitch to the ground and tries pushing him in the face, but Mitch is moving too much for him to do so.
Mitch then takes the lit cigarette that fell out of Austin's hand and burns him with it.
Austin yells in pain as a teacher comes running over to him.
"He freakin' burned me!" He yells.
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