Nel quickly runs into her own run and packs a bag of clothes for the night as she is taking Angelica's advice and leaving the house.
It's all making sense now.
Everything Nel and Mitch have been experiencing in the house is all due to the malevolent spirits there.
After packing her bag, she runs down the hall to Mitch's room and shakes him awake.
"Mitch. Mitch, wake up. We're leaving this house tonight."
Nel then quickly goes over to Mitch's dresser and packs him a bag.
Mitch sits up in his bed confused as to what is going on with his mother.
"We're going to Aunt Jo's." Nel says.
"We're not spending another night here. Now!"
Mitch and Nel both run out of the house and for the car to escape whatever is in the house that is messing with them.
As he is helping his mother pack up the car, Mitch sees Scott standing on the porch with tears in his eyes.
He looks at his mom, who is getting in the driver side of the car, and back at Scott and says he's sorry before he getting in the car on the passenger side next to his mother.
Scott slowly walks back into the house and bows his head.
"We don't have to be prisoners to this house anymore." Nel says.
Just then, a scary and familiar voice comes from the backseat.
"Excuse me, ma'am. I'm hurt-"
"Oh, my God!" Nel screams.
"...and needing some help."
Nel screams and quickly gets out of the car along with Mitch.
"I know you, bitches." The man says in the backseat.
Mitch and Nel run back towards the house and lock the doors behind them.
"Run, Mitch! Run!"
Isabel then comes out from around the pillar on the back porch with an evil smile as she watches them run back into the house in fear.
"I can't believe you were trying to take my son out of state! I won't let you do it, Nel! I will not allow you to separate Mitch from me, or those babies." Mike yells in a fit of rage.
Nel sighs and rubs her head.
"You're missing the point, Mike. The people who tried to murder your wife and son were here last night." Nel explains.
"The police say there was no evidence of anyone-"
"I know what the police said!" Nel yells cutting Mike off mid sentence.
"They don't even think they're in California. There was a report of a similar home invasion in Wisconsin."
Mike tries to reason with his wife, but she won't listen to him.
All Nel could do was keep yelling to get her point through Mike's thick skull.
"They were six inches from my face, Mike!" Nel screams.
"You never fully dealt with this. It makes sense that in times of stress you would feel this way, Nel."
"I swear to Christ. If you're about to diagnose me with post-traumatic shock syndrome, I am gonna bash your face in!"
Mike stands there in silence has he comes back at Nel with more things that he thinks made her crazy.
"Fine. Let's talk about the brain eating. Let's talk about the dangers of ingesting raw organs. Mad cow disease. Have you ever heard of that?" Mike asks.
"If you don't believe me, go talk to your son. Mitch was there too." Nel cries.
Scott lays shirtless night to Mitch in bed, trailing his figures up and down Mitch's small arm.
Mitch looks down at Scott in awe at how adorable he looks.
"Did it hurt? The first time usually does." Scott says looking up to Mitch.
Mitch slowly shakes his head making eye contact with Scott.
"No. It was intense." Mitch says.
"For me too."
He continues to look at Scott and just thinks about all the things he knows about him and how he can possibly be real.
None of it feels real to Mitch.
All he can feel is numb, yet so in love with Scott.
"You're really here, aren't you?"
"Of course. I'll always be here. If that's what you want."
"They'll always be here too, won't they? The...whatever. Others."
"They can't hurt us, Mitchie."
Mitch sighs.
"Those freaks who tried to kill me and my mom, they're dead, aren't they?" Mitch asks.
Scott just stares at Mitch not sure how to answer his question.
"We saw them outside last night. My mom's totally freaked out. She thinks they're back to finish what they started. I mean, she called the police, and my dad rushed over-"
Scott cuts Mitch off to calm him down.
"They're just trying to scare you. That's all they can do now." Scott says.
"I wish I could tell my mom that."
"You can't. You can't. You can't!"
"Mitch, if you tell anyone what we know, they'll say you're crazy. They'll want to lock you up! They'll try to take you away from me. We'd never see each other again." Scott says.
Just then, Mike breaks his conversation from Nel to call Mitch downstairs to talk.
"Mitch? Can you come downstairs?" Mike calls out.
"Coming." Mitch yells back.
He quickly gets dressed and gives Scott a kiss before leaving his bedroom and walking downstairs to the living room to meet with his parents.
Mike stands there with his arms crossed looking at his wife blankly as she continues to yell at him.
"You know what? You can't force us to stay in California! You can't. I'm getting out of this house! I'm booking us tickets to Florida." Nel says.
"I'll go to the courts if I have to. You're mentally unstable, Nel. You're seeing things." Mike says.
"I'm seeing things. You mean the way you were seeing your little 10-year-old mistress?" Nel says firing back at Mike.
Mike sighs and starts to pace back and forth in the living room.
"You're being stupid."
"The only stupid thing I did was not changing the alarm code after I kicked your ass out of here. Did you give it to her? Is that how she's been getting in here?" Nel asks.
"Nel, you're coming unhinged!"
"You never stopped seeing her! You went to Texas to see her, and one of your patients attacked us! Jesus, Mike!"
He stops pacing and faces his wife to see where she is going with her point.
"What the hell are you saying?"
"Did you plan this whole thing with your little whore? Did you plan to gaslight me?" Nel yells.
"Oh, my God."
Mike rubs his head and continues to let Nel talk.
"To get rid of me, so she could come in and take my place!?"
"This is crazy talk, Nel."
Nel walks away and picks up the black leather mask off the end table by the couch and shows it to Mike.
Mike eyes the mask in shock.
He threw the rubber suit out months ago.
How did it end up back in the house?
"What is this?" Nel asks.
"Where did you get that?" Mike asks.
"It was put somewhere so that I would see it. Did you tell her about our kinky night? Put it on for her?"
Nel throws down the mask on the coffee table and Mike picks it up to inspect it further.
"Put it on? I threw this out months ago."
Just then, Mitch walks into the room and looks at both of his parents standing there.
"What's going on?" He asks.
Nel looks to Mike and he continues to look down at the rubber mask in his hands still wondering how it got back in the house.
"Kissy boy, would you please just tell your dad about last night?" Nel asks of Mitch.
"Go on, Son. It's okay." Mike says.
Mitch looks at both of his parents and shrugs.
"I saw mom really upset." Mitch says.
Nel nods and presses him to say more of what happened to them last night.
"Just tell him what you saw. What you told the police." Nel says.
He goes silent for a minute and thinks about what him and Scott had just talked about upstairs.
He can't tell anyone what he knows or else he'll never be able to see Scott again.
"I told them what I thought you wanted me to tell them. I didn't see anything." Mitch says.
Mike nods his head and looks down at the ground.
Mitch looks to his mother as if he didn't know what she was talking about.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I don't know what you saw. You were so upset, so I was upset. I still am." Mitch says almost in tears.
He knows he shouldn't have lied like that, but he couldn't risk losing Scott forever.
Mike sighs and pats his son on the shoulder.
"Okay, son, you can go." Mike says.
Nel stares at Mitch as he walks out of the living room and then down at the floor.
Maybe she is going crazy, but she knows what she saw last night.
It all seemed so real to her.
Nothing is making sense to her at this point.
"I'm staying here tonight. Sleeping in my office." Mike says before walking away.
"I don't need your protection." Nel whispers to herself.
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