Sorry this is kinda short guys and for my lack of updating like I promised this months :( I'm gonna keep writing tonight and keep posting just so you guys don't feel like I forgot about you
Nel is in the bathroom washing her face and getting ready for bed alone, like she has been since she kicked Mike out of the house.
She looks at herself in the mirror thinking about all that has happened the past few days in the house.
Is she going crazy?
Is she just stressed from trying to sell the house and move out?
Pregnancy Hormones?
She just doesn't understand why she is feeling this way anymore.
"You're just tired." Nel says as she stares at herself in the mirror.
She then hears a noise coming from the hallway outside of the bathroom pulling her away from her thoughts.
Nel sets down her face towel and slowly opens up the door and peaks out into the long, dark hallway to see what could be making that strange noise.
"Mitch?" She calls out.
She then hears a door towards the end of the hallway creak open and starts to walk towards it to investigate.
As she turns the corner towards the attic, a red ball comes rolling down the hallway stopping at her feet.
Nel looks down at it and slowly back up with a look of terror on her face.
After getting no response, Nel turns on all the lights to expose who is ever making the creaking noises and rolled her a ball.
No one stands before her as the hallway is empty.
Nel leans down to pick up the ball as the lights start to flicker.
All the lights then blow out all at the same time causing Nel to scream at the top of her lungs in fear.
Isabel stands behind her and laughs at how scared Nel is.
She then knocks one of the vases off of the shelf behind Nel scaring her even more.
Isabel keeps laughing as Nel becomes more terrified of the house and whatever is playing games with her.
Nel quickly grabs the first thing she sees and uses it as a weapon just in case something might try to attack her.
"Who did that?" Nel says heavily breathing.
The strange noise continues into her bedroom, so Nel decides to follow it.
As she enters the room, the large lamp in the far corner of the room falls to the ground and breaks into pieces.
Nel screams again in hopes Mitch will come see what's wrong or what's going on.
A bookcase that stands on the wall facing the bathroom connected to Nel's room then comes gliding towards her and traps her in the bathroom with no way out.
She backs up towards the only window in the bathroom and finds something strange sitting on the edge of the sink.
The rubber mask from that creepy rubber suit that was found in the attic months earlier.
Scott picks his rubber mask back up and puts it on and exits the bathroom.
He then scares Shawn and throws him across the dining room leaving him in a daze.
Quickly, Scott grabs Shawn by the back of his head and dunks his head under water in the bucket for apple bobbing and hold him there until Shawn neck breaks from the struggle of trying to escape.
Just as Shawn's lifeless body falls to the ground, Alex walks in with apples wearing a cowboy costume for the Halloween party later.
Alex looks up and sees Scott standing over Shawn's lifeless body and charges after him.
"What the hell did you do!?" Alex yells.
Before Alex could lay a figure on him, Scott grabs him by his shoulders and slides him across the dining room table.
As he tries to crawl away from Scott and grab the knife at the end of the table, Scott knocks it out of his hand and throws him against the wall breaking all the picture there with Alex's head.
Finally after a long battle, Alex drops to his knees and Scott drags him to the dining room table and repeatedly bashes Alex's head into it until he thinks he's had enough.
Alex is then thrown to the floor as Scott stands over him with a fireplace poker.
He's repeatedly beat with it until he dies from the bleeding coming from his head.
Scott throws Alex down the basement stairs and watches as his lifeless body tumbles down each step.
Once he finally gets to the bottom, Stephanie kneels next to him and brushes back his hair from out of his face.
"He's dead. This is wrong. It's all wrong." Stephanie says to herself.
Just then, Scott comes walking down the basement stairs unzipping his mask.
"Who are you? What did you do to my house? My belongings?" Stephanie asks.
"I know you've suffered a long time. I'm here to help you." Scott says.
"I need my baby. Where's my baby?"
"They were fighting and decided not to make one. Maybe now a new family will move in and they can give you what you want."
Stephanie smiles and nods her head.
"A baby. I just want my baby."
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