Murder House
Angelica is making up the master bed as she does so everyday for the residents of the house.
She hums the song 'Saints go Marching In' as she straightens out the sheets on the bed.
"Mmm. Don't stop." The husband of the Home says watching her make the bed.
She looks back and gives him a dirty look as she knows he's drunk.
"I'll be finished in here in just a second." Angelica says going back to making the bed.
"Why? It's a shame to waste such a beautiful bed." The man says.
He puts down his coat on the chair in the corner and finishes his drink and stumbles towards Angelica to force himself on her.
"Don't! No, no! Don't! No! Stop! Please, no! Stop it! You're drunk!" Angelica says trying to push the man off of her.
She walks away as she successfully pushes the man off of her.
"Please? I really need this job!" Angelica begs.
"You liked it the last time." The man says with a sick smile.
"That was a mistake! I was just lonely." Angelica says.
He just stands there and stares at her.
"You want a Camero? Huh? We got a new shipment in yesterday!"
"No, I..."
Angelica tries to walk out of the room, but the man grabs her and tackles her to the bed and forces himself on her again.
He holds her down so she can't run away again.
He shushes her screams and cries by putting a hand over his mouth.
Connie then enters the room, heels clicking on the floor as she holds a fully loaded gun in her hand.
She holds the gun up and shoots the mirror to get her husbands and Angelica's attention.
He quickly tries to pull his pants up and explain himself to Connie.
She says nothing and just shoots Angelica right in the eye as tears fill her eyes as she turns back towards her husband.
Angelica's lifeless body falls to the floor as Connie's husband starts to sober up and tries to plead with Connie.
"I've loved you since I was sixteen." Connie says fighting back tears.
Sweetheart, please...this didn't mean anything." He says.
"You've broken my heart for the last time!" Connie says before shooting her husband in the chest.
She then shoots him three more times to make sure he's dead.
She sighs and starts to breathe heavily as she just realized what she has just done.
Connie sits next to her husband and maids lifeless bodies and cries her eyes out.
"We were just getting it back, Mike! I wanted to trust you so badly." Nel says frustrated.
"I was trying to protect you!" Mike spats.
"OH, don't try to turn this into some kind of heroic act!" Nel yells.
Mike just shakes his head and tries not to look at Nel.
"You were scared shitless of what I might do if I found out about it!" Nel yells.
"How was I supposed to know he was gonna screw up our investment that badly!? He's always made us money before!" Mike yells back standing up to face his wife.
Nel starts to cry from all the stress that's going on surrounding this house and their lost investment in the house.
"Well, I'm pregnant, and I can not live in this house after what happened to us here! And now you're telling me, that we have no choice, that we're broke?" Nel says between tears.
Mike tries to calm her down as much as he can, but fails to do so.
"We're not broke. We have money. It's just tied up in this house. Once we sell it, we can take it out."
Nel wipes her face and spins back around to meet Mike's eyes.
"No...No! I can't wait that long! I mean...we have to rent a place!"
"Nel, what do you want me to do? I'm trying to rebuild my practice! We're already paying the minimum on our cards!"
She goes to sit down in the chair in the corner of the room away from Mike just listening to all he has to say about why they can't move out of this house yet.
Finally, Nel speaks up. "I'll get a job."
"To put more stress on yourself?" Mike asks.
Nel nods her head just looking at the floor, while Mike tries to reason with her.
Since Nel is pregnant, he doesn't want Nel to put too much stress on her after how her last pregnancy ended.
All of this stuff with the house and the break in is just too much for her right now.
"Fine! We'll get a studio apartment somewhere. We can...we can swing that at least. At least temporarily."
"A studio apartment? You think that's gonna take the pressure off?
"My office is here! People see me here! Patients see me here! and not that many, I might add!"
Mike sighs and takes a deep breath to calm himself down.
Between the break in and Nel feeling the way she does, he doesn't know what to do.
He kneels down in front of Nel to get at her eye level.
"Honey, you're having PTSD. This is a total normal response. We just need to find a therapist that our insurance will cover. Right away." Mike says taking Nel's hands into his.
Nel gets up and walks away.
She thinks Mike thinks she's losing her grip on everything and it's complete bullshit.
"Don't make me feel like I'm crazy..."
Mike sighs and looks away from Nel again.
"I have an appointment with the realtor tomorrow. I'm gonna talk to him about what kind of home improvements we can make. Hopefully nothing too expensive, maybe something with the backyard. Hopefully we can sell the place without taking too much of a loss." Nel explains to Mike.
"Sure. I'm sure we can." Mike says as he doesn't know what else to say about the matter at hand.
Nel nods and exchanges glances with Mike.
"Don't lie to again. If you lie to me again, we're through!"
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