"Isabel is in the house?" Nel yells running down the stairs.
"Where?" Mike asks.
"I didn't see her, but I know she's here!" Nel says in a panic.
"Where is she?! I'll look around. I can talk to her." Mike says trying to calm Nel down.
"Don't you talk to her! I want to call the police and have her arrested and thrown in jail." Nel says.
"You're overreacting."
"I am not overreacting!"
"Isabel is just a confused little girl! She's not going to hurt you, Nel."
"Stop protecting her!"
"I'm not protecting her! I'm protecting you!" Mike yells.
He sighs. "You seriously want ten cop cars out in front of the Murder House on Halloween night!? You think that's gonna help us sell this place? Just wait here. Isabel!" Mike says before walking around the house to find Isabel.
Nel just stands there replaying everything that just happened in her head and going through all of her emotions.
Mike walks into the kitchen still yelling for Isabel with no success of finding her.
He takes a knife from the wooden block on the counter and walks into the basement with it.
He walks down the steps slowly as the stairs creek with every step he takes.
"Isabel? You down here?" He says as he walks towards the windowless room in the basement.
Mike turns around and walks towards the other room in the basement which used to be Doctor Olusola's lab back in the day.
As he sees nothing, he walks out and towards another room is with the basement door that leads outside to the backyard.
As Mike enters the room, he sees her standing in the corner looking at him with a creepy grin on her face.
"I love it when you say my name." Isabel says.
Mike sighs.
"Say it again." Isabel says.
Mike shakes his head at her. "Isabel, you have to leave."
"Such a mean thing to do. Close the door in my face? How could you do that to the mother of your child, Mike?" Isabel says with a sad look in her eyes, but that look quickly changes to a nasty one.
"Come on. You remember, don't you?" Isabel says seductively.
"Isabel, I know what this is. You can't extort me, you and that psychopath." Mike says sternly.
"Kiss me. I miss your mouth." Isabel says.
Isabel tries to bring Mike's face closer to her's, but he quickly pulls away from her grip.
She begins to sob and grab her stomach in pain.
She throws blood up into her hand and shows it to Mike.
"I'm rotting from the inside out. What's happening to me? Oh, right. A gazebo, Mike? Not even a decent headstone!? A gazebo!? You thought I was gone, so you just thought you could throw me away like I didn't matter!? Like I never even existed!? Is that what you think of women, Mike!? That they're just some disposable nothings that you can sit on top of as you casually drink iced tea!?" Isabel yells.
Mike dazes in and out and finally gains control of himself.
"Stop screwing with me!" Mike yells.
Isabel just laughs at him.
"What is this!? What do you want!?" Mike yells.
"I want your wife to know the truth about you."
"Get off me."
Isabel laughs in his face again as Mike pushes her off of him.
"You're sick, Isabel. You need help. Professional help." Mike says pointing the sharp knife in her face.
"A therapist, Mike? Is that what I need?" Isabel laughs.
Just then, Rick comes in and hits Mike over the head with a shovel.
Isabel looks at Rick in shock.
"I really owe you an apology. Here goes. I'm so sorry about what I did to you. It was nothing personal." Rick explains.
"I'll deal with you later. Right now I need to take care of Nel." Isabel says walking past Rick.
"Oh, please. Let me help. I haven't used this in ages." Rick says as he pulls out a lighter from his pocket.
Nel hears a loud noise coming from outside and decides to see what's going on.
As she looks out the window, she sees Shawn smashing all the pumpkins and Halloween decorations on the front lawn.
"What are you doing!?" Nel yells at Shawn.
"I'm redecorating." Shawn says out of breath.
Nel just looks at him confused as to why he's back at the house after Mike kicked him out earlier.
"I'm sorry, Nel. I really am. But you ruined my Halloween, and now you have to pay." Shawn as picking up a pumpkin and smashing it on the ground.
"Stop it!" Nel yells.
"All I wanted was one night with my guy, some Halloween fun, some crafting, in a house that I love and have bled for, and you ruined it, and he left. And now he's out at the bars. He's probably on his fourth unprotected blow job!" Shawn says still smashing pumpkins.
"You are a psychopath! I am calling my security company." Nel threatens.
Shawn pants as he turns back around to look at Nel.
"You don't get it, do you? No one can protect you now." Shawn says going after Nel.
Nel quickly runs inside and slams the door in his face as he screams at her.
"Get out of my house! Get out of my house!" Shawn yells repeatedly.
Nel yells through the house for Mike as Shawn is still outside throwing everything around the front lawn screaming at the door.
Meanwhile while all the chaos is going on downstairs on the main floor, Isabel enjoys a bath in Mike and Nel's shared bathroom.
She smiles widely as she hears Nel coming closer to the bathroom.
The door handle begins to jiggle as Nel tries to get into the bathroom still coming out for Mike.
Nel hears sniffling coming from the bathroom and she knew it was Isabel.
She quickly runs to her nightstand and grabs the security button so the police will come.
Nel walks down the hallway as the dog contiues to bark at the bathroom door in the hallway.
"What is it, Hallie? What is it, Baby? What is it, sweet girl?"
Nel then sees smoke coming out from the room the dog was barking at and decides to check it out.
She places her hand on the door to feel for heat and then opens up the door to find one of her hand towels was on fire.
After putting out the small fire, Nel contiues her journey through the house looking for Mike and Isabel.
Then she goes back to her's and Mike's shared bathroom to find his phone on the floor ringing away.
"Isabel, where are you?" Nel asks picking up the phone.
"I wanted to apologize." Isabel says.
"Oh, you wanted to apologize? Really?"
"I just thought it would bee a shame to let all those lovely bubbles go to waste. I'm sure your maid can deal with the ring." Isabel says.
Nel faces drops as she walks over to the tub knowing that Isabel has been in it.
"Where are you?" Nel asks again.
Come over here, girl." Isabel says.
"I would be happy to. Just tell me where you are."
"I wasn't talking to you. I love what you've done with this kitchen."
Nel then drops the phone on the ground and runs as fast as she can to the kitchen.
On the way down she picks up one of Mike's golf clubs and walks in the kitchen with it.
She looks around and doesn't see Isabel, but find that the dogs food bowl in knocked over with the dog not in sight.
Nel then hears the microwave going and her heart just drops as she begins to cry.
Mitch closes and locks his bedroom door and turns towards Scott.
"Are you seriously going to act like nothing happened at the beach?" Mitch asks.
Scott just stands there and shrugs his shoulders.
"They totally knew you, Scott."
"But I don't know them."
"Then why do they hate you?"
"Th-They're just high school assholes. I mean, the world's full of 'em. It's popular kids who get off on being mean and cruel. I...I thought you understood that." Scott says.
"Scott, I can tell you're totally freaked out, b-"
Mitch was cut off by the dogs barking fiercely outside at something.
Scott and Mitch both look out the window to see those kids walking down the street towards the house.
"It's them! They followed us here? This is bullshit." Mitch says grabbing a pair of sharp scissors off of his desk.
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