After the incident with the group pf teenagers the other night going after Scott, Mitch decided to do some research on what happened at Westfield High and what Scott has to do with all of it.
He sits down at his laptop and looks up Westfield High and Scott's name.
After he finds an article and reads off what happened in the massacre and all the students that were killed were listed in the article with their pictures.
Mitch instantly recognizes the five teenagers that were after Scott on Halloween.
As he searches deeper more photos of the teenagers come up and Mitch becomes more and more confused as to how these people were there at the beach the other night if they're dead?
Finally, he comes to an article all about the shooter and discovers it was Scott that killed those kids back in 1994.
Mitch can't believe what he is reading and seeing and starts to freak out.
His boyfriend is not only a murderer but a ghost!
"Mom?" Mitch says running down the stairs shaking.
Then, as he walks closer to the kitchen, Mitch sees Connie's cigarette pack on the counter.
"She's not here." Connie says.
"Where is she? Did you hurt her?" Mitch asks.
Connie laughs.
"Of course no. She's probably at the grocery store, buying some frozen fare to reheat for your supper tonight." Connie explains.
Mitch just looks at her in silence still shaken by what he had just discovered and has so many questions for Connie.
Of course she could already sense that from the way Mitch was acting and decided to confront him.
"You found out about Scott, didn't you? I knew you would." Connie says.
"Get out of my house! This is not happening." Mitch says almost in tears.
"I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house...this house will make you a believer. You see, Mitch, we were living here when Scott lost his way. And I believe that the house drove him to it." Connie explains.
"What? No! That can't be real." Mitch says in disbelief.
"You're a smart boy! How can you be so arrogant to think that there's only one reality that you're able to see?" Connie asks angrily.
Mitch stands there as he doesn't know what to believe with tears falling down his face.
"There's someone I want you to meet."
Connie and Mitch walk through the backdoor to Connie's house to be met by a short brunette woman.
"Mitch Grassi, meet Kirstin Taylor Maldonado." Connie says walking to the cabinet for some glasses.
He just stands there looking at Kirstin as he is hesitant to say hi.
Kirstin gives Connie a look causing Connie to laugh.
"The child has no manners. Kirstin is a gifted medium. She can help." Connie explains.
"You're confused. Overwhelmed. Why wouldn't you be?" Kirstin asks.
"I never asked for any of this." Mitch says.
"None of us did. But nothing can be done once one's been chosen." Kirstin says.
She gestures Mitch to sit down in the kitchen chair next to her and relax for a moment.
Connie sets tea cups out for the three of them and begins pouring them all tea.
"Kirstin has been helping me for years. I first found her on Craigslist. I've been through all the phonies, but she is hundred percent authentic." Connie explains.
"I've just come from a meeting at Lifetime. They're interested in making a pilot with me." Kirstin says.
Mitch laughs. "A Craigslist psychic with a Hollywood agent. Who'd have thought?"
"A medium, dear. I can't read your future. That's a different gift." Kirstin spats.
Mitch sinks into his seat as he's embarrassed about Kirstin correcting him.
Connie then brings some tea over for Mitch to drink and relax him.
"Have some chamomile tea. It'll calm the nerves." She says.
"I'm in a dream." Mitch says.
"I used to be like you. Until I was twenty-five, when, out of the blue, my cleaning lady shows up as I'm brushing my teeth. Except she's got no toilet brush and rubber gloves. She's naked and bloody. Her husband murdered her with an ice pick." Kirstin explains.
"It's hard to keep good help." Connie says as she pours herself tea.
"Do you think I wanted a bloody Mexican ghost in my bathroom? All I wanted was to improve my tennis game and unseat Charlotte Whitney as president of my book club. But I was chosen. And when you're chosen, you either get with the program or you go crazy. Understanding the truth is your only choice." Kirstin explains further.
Mitch just looks at her with some many questions running through his head.
He's still in disbelief about everything and doesn't know how to react or cope with any of it.
"What's your version of the truth?" Mitch asks.
Kirstin leans over as Connie lights her cigarette for her leaving a long pause.
"There are some who have an understandably violent and vengeful reaction to being horribly murdered. They refuse to move on until they exact their pound of flesh. Then there are very few souls, like Scott, who don't even know they're dead, who walk among the living in child-like confusion." Kirstin says.
"That's why I wanted him to see your father. I was hoping your father might help him achieve some clarity about himself, that he could see the truth on his own." Connie says.
He just sits there and listens to Connie and Kirstin explain all these things to him.
Mitch is still stuck on the fact that Scott is dead and doesn't know it.
Kirstin holds Mitch's hand and looks him in the eyes.
"We must help him cross over, Mitch."
"This is bullshit. I was set up. My computer was...someone messed with my..."
"Who is Janet?" Kirstin asks grabbing his other hand.
Tears begin to fill his eyes when he hears his grandmother's name.
"Mitch, she wants to talk to you." Kirstin says.
Mitch then recalls the last day he seen his grandmother alive and what she told him.
"They don't understand you. Never will understand you. Does that mean anything to you? 'They don't understand you"?" Kirstin asks.
Mitch runs out of Connie's house crying his eyes out as he now knows everything that Kirstin and Connie has been saying to him are true.
Also, everything about Scott is true and he just can't take it.
Connie looks over at Kirstin and lights a cigarette.
"Can I trust him?" Connie asks.
"I'm not sure."
Nel is sitting in a chair in her bedroom with a very large baby bump rubbing it with lotion so she won't have stretch marks listening to classical music.
She rubs her stomach and peacefully listens to the music playing as she feels at peace with herself and everything at this moment.
Then, Nel feels claws scratching the inside of her stomach.
She looks down and sees the claws move around her stomach like the baby would.
As she screams, Nel wakes up from her dream in her bed with her small baby bump.
Nel sighs and sits up a little in bed and takes off her wedding ring and sets it down on her nightstand.
She then reaches for the alert button to call Todrick back to the house.
She gets dressed and walks downstairs to open the door as Todrick had arrived twenty minutes after she pushed the button.
"Okay, so I've checked the perimeter of the property, the upstairs, the basement. Everything's secure." Todrick says.
"I don't know. Maybe I'm just hearing things. I'm sorry I wasted your time." Nel says.
"Oh, no, it's not a waste of time. Not at all. That's what I'm here for. Even if it's only for your piece of mind." Todrick says.
"Well, thank you. My husband just moved out recently, so...He had an affair and...Don't know why I'm telling you this." Nel laughs nervously.
"Oh, no. That's okay. Yeah. Actually, we get sensitivity training. We deal with people's worst fears, real or imaginary." Todrick explains.
He walks closer to Nel as he talks.
"That makes sense."
"But, actually, with the, uh, infidelity? I have firsthand experience with that." Todrick says.
Nel nods her head and sighs.
"Not me. No. My wife."
"With another man?"
"It was a woman."
Nel gasps.
"Yeah, I know. Lot of guys would be into that, right? Me, not so much."
Just then, Mike walks through the front door and looks at the two standing in the middle of the living room.
"What happened now?" Mike asks.
"I thought I heard somebody." Nel says.
"Where? Outside or inside?"
Todrick starts to walk towards Mike so he can be close to the door to leave.
"I looked around, checked the alarm system. Everything seems to be working just fine." Todrick explains.
Mike just looks at Todrick and back at Nel.
"Well, thanks for filling in." Mike says.
As Todrick goes to leave, he turns back to Mike and tells him about Isabel.
"Oh, by the way, the woman that I took out of here? She never made it to the police station."
"What? I don't understand."
"She must have hopped out of my vehicle at a stop sign or something. Please, keep your alarm on even when you're home." Todrick says.
Mike stands there in shock knowing now that Isabel got away again somehow.
"Thank you." Nel says with a smile.
"All right." Todrick says before leaving out the front door.
Mike stands there speechless and walks away from Nel.
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